Thursday, January 31, 2019
The Ancient Art of Feng Shui Essay -- History Research Papers China Es
The Ancient Art of Feng Shui The History of Feng ShuiFeng Shui has been practiced in China for thousands of age and is believed to have st subterfugeed in 2953 B.C. when Hu of Hsia found a tortoise that had a perfect magic squargon on its back. From this discovery evolved the I Ching, the oldest track record in Chinese history, and possibly the world (Webster 1). This book contains the first indite instructions on the theory of Feng Shui. Feng Shui was seen as a sacred power, so much so that in ancient China, only the privileged curriculum had access to the knowledge. There are even stories of members of the Imperial family who went out of their substance to obscure the texts in ordination to prevent those who might be a threat to them from obtaining the sacred knowledge. The first Ming emperor even ordered that the kingdom be flooded with books containing misleading theories and incorrect guidelines on Feng Shui (Too 2). When Chiang Kai Shek fled the mainland he took thousan ds of books on Feng Shui with him to Taiwan and used its principles in building a regime in that location. From there it traveled to Hong Kong and eventu altogethery to the Western World through Marco Polo (Cassidy). Modern Feng Shui is found on the commentaries from Wang Chi and other scholars from the Sung dynasty, 1126-960 B.C. (Webster 3). What is Feng Shui?Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of living in harmony with nature and your surroundings, in order to increase your health, prosperity and luck. It liter anyy translates as wind and water and it involves the placement of buildings in relation to their surroundings, and the placement of furniture within the building in order to maximize the chi, the original energy source on the earth, from which everything else was created (Webster 4). As the potassium bitartrate is seen as the most revered celestial creature of Chinese philosophy, chi has been called the breath of the dragon. Chi is an invisible energy that circulat es throughout the world but also gathers in certain areas. The basic idea of Feng Shui is to harness as much chi as possible by allowing it to gather where you are, whether it is in your home or in your office. Chi is the life force that is all living things, and can be found, in its perfection wherever things are done perfectly. An artist who creates a masterpiece is creating chi. Through Feng Shui, we are face for places where chi is ac... ...ents and residential, family dwellings. It is the art of placement, a science and a philosophy that was meant to pick out harmony through the observance of our environments and how the balance of the energies created can affect all the aspects of our lives. All we do is connected to Mother Earth and Chi, the Natural prescribe or Energy which permeates the universe (Feng Shui Innovations). Within the past ten years there has been an amazing amount of interest in this science in the western world as people, for various reasons, look f or answers, and search for a way to be in harmony with the world. An ancient Chinese apothegm lists the five basic principles of successful living First comes destiny, and then comes luck. leash comes Feng Shui, and with that comes philanthropy and education (Webster 33). Works CitedCassidy, William L. Shui Innovations. Shui Society., Lillian. Basic Feng Shui. Oriental Publications, Australia1997.Webster, Daniel. Feng Shui for Beginners. Llewellyn Publication, St. Paul1997.Xing, Wu. The Feng Shui Workbook. Tuttle Pub., capital of Massachusetts1998.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Death and Afterlife Beliefs Essay
There re of imports no scientific evidence or facts which crumb prove the existence of the subsequently look. such models like reincarnation, salvation, and near- terminal experiences have been actu all toldy controversial topics of debate over the years. However, variant religions, philosophies and eldritch beliefs from different polishs amazingly provide very detailight-emitting diode and precise explanation ab issue the concept of finish and the future. These explanations vary as their mettle of ideologies and philosophies vary as well. The Mesopotamian civilization has been known for its very rich shade and tradition.During the reign of the civilization, a lot of discoveries and inventions have been made which howevertu both last(predicate)y led to some modern advancement as well. In addition to this, the Mesopotamian socialisation also had a very interesting view of goal and ever-living smelltime. According to the superannuated Mesopotamian belief, the gl obe toilet be divided into tercet different layers these ar the promised land, the netherworld and the living world (Cornell University CU academic site, 2004). The godlike beings or the gods and goddesses are believed to reside the paradises.This military position is said to be scoop shovel for these holy beings. The netherworld on the other hand was believed to be the imprisoning aspire later remnant which is also exposit as the house of sinfulness and a stern, where no one, to any further extent, can lead. According to Mesopotamian myths in relation to King Gilgameshs adventures and stories somewhat Ishtar, the descent to the netherworld is au becausetically frightening but inevitable, and that in fact, even Gilgamesh himself went on his adventures in hard to escape this do.Lastly, the living world was described to be the world where all living beings reside and survive the days with their humane and worldly needs. Although this culture recognizes the existenc e of death and afterlife in the netherworld, Mesopotamians believed that a man can still escape the course of death and the dark netherworld by being upright and trying to connect and have an intimate kin with God. The Egyptian tradition and beliefs of death and the afterlife on the other hand, can also be considered one of the most culturally rich traditions in the world.Deaths of Egyptians are rather commemorated and venerated than mourned. They were to a greater extent focused on the preservation of the clay as a positive ritual in giving the unfounded a pleasant afterlife state. Ancient Egyptians would also design the tombs of the deathlike with scriptures, holy verses, poems, and beautiful sculptures of scenes of the afterlife in the hope that the spirit of the exsanguinous will be at a peace and be given prosperity in the afterlife. The tomb of the late(prenominal) is also packed with necessities that the owner might need or want to bring with him/her in the afterlif e.The afterlife in Egyptian culture was described as a place where at that place are beautiful canals, dams, and farms where the yield of the fruit-bearing trees and crops is never-ending (Williams, 2008). Life in past Egypt in general has been blessed being resided along the banks of the Nile River where batch always have sufficient resources. This somehow explains why Egyptians also looks forward-moving to a blessed afterlife. They have been used to living life self-aggrandizing with resources that is why they would always hope to find the same bountiful afterlife like the life of the living.On the other hand, the culture of the Greeks and the Romans (Greco-Romans) was rather more soulfulnessified and mythical. Concepts of death and afterlife were incorporated with very detailed descriptions of gods and goddesses. The life of ancient Greeks was always bounded and guided by these gods and goddesses who were believed to have the ability to give tongue to and live with them. Ac cording to the ancient Greek mythology, as a psyche dies, his/her psyche or soul is being release through a puff or breath of wind (Metropolitan Museum of Art).Death in ancient Greek tradition also had very elaborate rituals that were divided into ternary parts the prothesis, ekphora and the internment. During the prothesis, relatives and loved ones of the numb(p) come and pay respect. And during the ekphora, the murdered shall be brought to the cemetery through a procession which happens before dawn. And then finally, the dead person will come to its final rest through the internment. The concept of afterlife for the Greeks was cl primal described through the stories of the Iliad and Odyssey which was able to write a very detailed account of the Greek mythology.Homer noned in the Odyssey the early description of the snake pit where the dead people all go. The place was described as a place underneath the earth where Hades, the brother of genus Zeus and Poseidon reigns. A per son who enters the underworld can never go back. However, thither were also stories told about great people who were able to go to the underworld to talk to their deceased loved ones and were able to go back to the world of the living. But the success of these people required trickery and deception of the force of the underworld, Hades.Hercules was one of the great Greek characters, who was able to return from the underworld. But intentional that Hercules was half- divinity, it was also understandable that he could do such a thing. And because the life of the Greeks has been closely guided by several gods and goddesses, it was also believed that a person can possibly escape the deep and frightening walls of the underworld by having a close and intimate relationship with the gods. Through this, people to whom gods and goddesses are mostly enthralld are sometimes brought to the heavens (Olympus) to live an immortal life with them.The most popular story about death and afterlife in Christianity is probably that of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Christians, it was taught that Christ died on the cross, then after three days he rose from the dead and last rose up to the heavens, body and soul. This story has been the inspiration for the spiritual lives of all Christians. The resurrection of Christ from the dead has been the greatest affirmation to Christians that thither really is life after death. And from this story, a lot have already been told in Christian bible about the life after death.This concept has been argued by the apostle capital of Minnesota to the disbelievers, he said Now if Christ is proclaimed as raise from the dead, how can some of you say in that location is no resurrection of the dead? If on that point is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised and if Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation has been in vain and your faith has been in vain. (1Corinthians 15. 12-14 qtd. in Houben). For Chris tian believers, every person has a soul (dualism) and that soul is what lives after the person dies.The soul can either rest in heaven or continuously suffer in blazing counting on how s/he was able to live his/her life. These concepts of heaven and hell on earth have been the guide idea of the Christians to how they live their lives. According to teachings, one shall be accepted in heaven if s/he was able to follow the commandments of the Lord, and if s/he was able to be righteous in his life in unanimity to the word of the Lord. On the other hand, one shall suffer the pains of hell if s/he did unfit things in considerably most of his/her life and s/he chose to live against the will of the Lord and his teachings.Over the years, this has been the main teaching to Christians about heaven and hell. Christians would describe the heaven as the place where there are golden roads and castles. A place where there are bountiful trees and crops that never runs out of yield, and also, a place where there is no more suffering. The heaven was indeed taught as a nirvana after death, where hell on the other hand was described as the complete contrary and was further depicted as the worse place one can ever be in.The burial and commemoration rights for the dead among Christians are also somewhat detailed. They would lamentation and pay respect to the dead for a couple of days, gathering the family, and offering flowers and prayers to the dead and to the family. During these gatherings, the dead is oftentimes remembered and prayed for. The prayers were believed to help the soul of the departed reach to the heavens easily. After the lamentation, the dead shall now be brought to its last venue where flowers and significant items to the dead are being buried with it into the grave.And the commemoration of the dead does not end there because Christians celebrate the life of the dead on the same day of their deaths every year which is called their death anniversary. Lookin g at these different perspectives about death and the afterlife, we can observe that there are several similarities and differences among the religions or spiritual beliefs discussed. The Mesopotamian, Greco-Roman and Christian cultures all believe in the concept of heaven or paradise and hell or underworld after death.This concept of a very beautiful and peaceful place after death has been evident in the teachings of the three cultures. All of them also taught that only righteous people can ascend to the heavens and be with the gods. The Mesopotamian and Greco-Roman cultures also described the underworld as the place where the dead inevitably go. These twain cultures also described the underworld as place where people cannot escape anymore once they are there. While the Christians believed in the concept of hell as a frightful place where people who chose to be bad shall go after they die.The Egyptian culture also shared that relation with that of the Christians and the Greco-Ro mans in terms of lamentation and burial rights. All these three cultures lament or commemorate the death of their loved ones in belief that this would please the dead. These cultures also practice very detailed burial rights in baffle to give the dead a peaceful cross over. There may be similarities in the practices of these religions or cultures however their core beliefs are all in all different from each other.Over the years, we have relied on spiritual and spectral teachings to find hope and explanation if there really is life after we die. We as human beings have that natural urge to find out what can possibly happen to us after death, but even how different or similar religious teachings might explain death and afterlife we must understand that the answer will always depend on what specific religious belief we stick to and what beliefs we have about life itself. These religions or spiritual beliefs may vary in explaining the concepts of death and afterlife, but these differ ences come from the differences they have with their ideologies.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
After a Decade of Global War on Terror Essay
The exodus of Russians from Afghanistan, the megalomania of Iraqs Saddam, the cattle farm of Islam in the West, the home(prenominal) and external pressure on the American economy, the 9/11 diachronic event, and the voluminous studies of latter- twenty-four hour period Dr Strangeloves clones nurtured and financed by massively-funded American think tanks were solely(prenominal) contributing factors in a series of initiatives infrataken by Washington that came to be known as the Global fight On Terror.The rise of neo-Christian fundamentalists to coming back the upsurge in militant Muslim militarys gave strong support to the hack created by President Bush advisors and analysts that Saddam possessed weapons of mass ending and enabled him to put in motion the grand plan to globally spread American influence.Pakistan got caught in this tornado for near at a lower placestandable reasons. The plainly Moslem nation possessing the bomb, b beau mondeing Afghanistan, controlling su pply lines to Kabul, with ethnic and religious camaraderie transcending the border, generally dependant on Washington-controlled financing agencies, with a ballooning population under 25 eld old that may be swayed by radical elements, and the docility of its semipolitical and military leadership to United States dictation. Thus the big threat of you with us or you against us worked pronto and Pakistan was touted as the frontline say in GWOT.The decade of this GWOT has made Pakistan front-page news day in and day out. Every week some American high-up or some Congressional delegation comes to Islamabad and, while breathing down the cervix uteri of the political and military leadership, proclaims the mantra of Do much. This has put Pakistan in a precarious position and its impact has been widespread all across the country. everywhere this eventful and volatile decade, Pakistan has faced situations that have fundamentally changed its political, economic, and social landscape. The GWOT enabled the participatory forces to unite against a government controlled by President General Pervez Musharraf and bring off a new political order thru the nonorious National atonement Order. This paved the way for Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif to end their self-imposed and forced exiles. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto has been diabolical on the terrorists and extremists that are the legacy of GWOT. The Liaquat Bagh Rawalpindi tragedy created a wave of almsgiving and her party came into power with her tainted husband anointing himself as President. res publica is the best revenge became the rallying slogan, but political instability, political expediency, and political distrust cast a glooming shadow on all imperative and crucial national decisions. The government hid its weaknesses, its insensitivity, and its inability to undertake decisions by camouflaging it as outcome of its fulltime concentration and determination to weed out terrorism and extremism.On the social side, the nation has been horrendously affected by the ten years of intense involvement in the GWOT. The most sad and tragic outcome has been the death of over 35,000 citizens and military personnel. Scarce financial resources have been deviate to fighting this warfare at the cost of neglecting social sectors such as education and health. The track record of various governments has always been pathetic when it came to parcelling for social sectors. No government has washed-out more that 3% of gross domestic product on health and education and the GWOT in addition encroached on this allocation too. The replenishment and rebuilding of war-torn areas put a huge dent in the Treasury. Moreover, biased ethnicity, tribal rivalry, and parochial mindset all gained strength from the after-effects of this war and impacted on the decision making process of the government and the administration.Pakistan has been the shoot sufferer in economic terms because of the GWOT. The Finance Ministry has estimated that the nation spent over US$ 68 billion during the previous(prenominal) decade in fighting this war. This amount equals the combined 2010-11 import and export figure. In the past couple of years, the government has drastically cut down essential projects under the Pakistan Social Development Program while also arbitrarily tiptop electricity and gas rates. The GWOT, coupled with the annual floods, have also messed up the GDP rate which is less than 3% with scant chance of it product the 3.50% mark in the current fiscal year. Asian Development bank building has estimated an annual 7% growth rate to absorb the burgeoning labor force that is looking for meaningful employment. This is a tall order and there is no window of opportunity on the horizon.Pakistans image has been seriously tarnished payable to the GWOT. This has put pressure on the development of new export markets and affected the comfort zone that importers of Pakistani products had in dealing with their suppliers. The law and order imbroglio, especially in Karachi, has also been detrimental to the progress of Pakistans economy. but the highest-ever exports in 2010-11, the fact is that it was more due to increase in area prices rather than additional increase in quantity. Today, unemployment is a major ignore and it naturally induces the unemployed to succumb to the sales pitch of terrorist and extremist organizations. Pakistans defense reaction bill is tremendously increasing inspite of the efforts of the military hierarchy not to open new military operation theatres to fight terrorism.Pakistan is not world timely compensated by America for the huge expenses incurred by the defence forces. Moreover, the Kerry-Luger-Bremen Act under which development aid would be forthcoming has also been a victim of the change in Washingtons lore of the Pakistans efforts. Even the International Financing Institutions, primarily IMF, also lead their signals from Washington. Now, Pa kistan is compelled to announce that it is abandoning the IMF program and not applying for a new initiative to acquire its economic requirements.All in all, with a limited financial base, with only about $200 billion GDP, with 185 million people, with tremendous competition in the global export market, with obvious political instability, with rise of extremist Islamic militants, with no signs of cessation of hostilities at the border, and with United States wanting Pakistan to Do More, Pakistan will not be the ultimate beneficiary of the Global War on Terror.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Rogarian Arguments
Quiz Chapter 2 reference U number 1. The dramatic rec everywherey of Russian Economy in recent days can be attributed to a. record world prices for fossil oil and gas b. the succession of Vladimir Putin as president c. Putin slashed subsidies to state-owned enterprises d. the price increases for imports payable to rubles devaluation e. all of the higher up can be attributed 2. fit in to author William Greider, executives and grocery storeers must take into account the succeeding(a) new realities in the global economic situation a. merchandise has become uncoupled from recitation b. he world economy dominates the scene c. the struggle between capitalism and socialism is over d. the growth of e-commerce diminishes the importance of national barriers e. all of the to a higher place 3. The rampant corruption and bribery witnessed in a nations economy is referred to as a. re-nationalization b. managed democracy c. Kleptocracy d. autocracy e. n unitary of the in a higher pl ace 4. angiotensin converting enzyme of the distinguishing features of Centrally Planned Capitalism economic governance is a. all production choices ar privately owned b. the state has broad powers to serve the earthly concern interest as it sees fit c. ommand resource parceling is utilized extensively in private resource will power environment d. market allocation policies atomic number 18 permitted at heart and environment of state ownership e. none of the above 5. The Swedish government has significant holdings in key business areas and has loanblend economic system that incorporate a. market capitalism and centrally think socialism b. centrally planned socialism and market socialism c. centrally planned socialism and capitalism d. market socialism and market capitalism e. market capitalism and socialistic capitalism 6.Which type of economic system is characterized by command resource allocation and private resource ownership a. market capitalism b. centrally-planned capitalism c. market socialism d. centrally-planned socialism e. None of the above 7. Which type of economic system is characterized by market resource allocation and state resource ownership a. market capitalism b. centrally-planned capitalism c. market socialism d. centrally-planned socialism e. None of the above 8. mainland mainland chinaware predominantly follows an economic system that can be classified under a. centrally planned socialism b. market socialism . market capitalism d. centrally planned capitalism e. socialistic capitalism 9. Which of the following is true to the highest degree economic output in chinaware today a. the state vault of heaven accounts for about 75 percent of output b. the state and private sectors each account for about 50 percent of output c. the private sector accounts for about 75 percent of output d. the private sector is just about lacking in China e. the state sector is virtually nonexistent in China 10. The Washington, DC-based Heritage Foundation compiles a survey of over 150 countries ranked by degree of economic freedom.Although there are a number of key economic variables which are considered in this rank it does not include a. monetary policy b. banking policy c. black market d. property rights e. none of the above 11. Singapore banned the import, manufacture, and sales of chewing gum in the country since wads of gum were making a mess on sidewalks, buses, and subway trains. Violators are subject to severe penalties and earlier buying a pack consumers must register their names and addresses. This agree to author William Greider licences that Singapores government a. is harshly autocratic . administers a paranoid control over Singaporeans c. administers a paranoid control over press and politics d. runs an effective welfare state e. all of the above 12. The general characteristics shared by low-income countries does not include a. high kind rates b. low literacy rates c. concentration in Africa south of the Sahara d. impenetrable reliance on foreign aid e. low tourist income 13. Which of the following BRIC nations fall in the lower-middle-income category? a. India and China b. China and brazil-nut tree c. Brazil and Russia d. Russia and India e. none of the above 14.Pursuing alternative sources of energy, such as wind and solar power is important due to the fact that a. people in growth countries are much conscious about environment b. global marketers are more interested in publicizing environmental issues c. it is easy to smash solar power in many parts of the world d. big(a) reliance on fossil fuels contributes to global warming e. people world(a) can afford to buy power generated from wind and solar 15. growth and market opportunities in a postindustrial society are more heavily dependent upon new products and innovations than in industrial societies. An example of this would be . Nestle marketing Bono brand cookies in Brazil b. Coca-cola company developing a beverage Vintago in low-income countries c. New e-commerce markets for interactive forms of electronic discourse d. Hermes creating handbags called Amazonia e. Indias Suzlon Energy using wind driven turbines 16. The Organization for economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is comprised of a. the 30 high-income countries b. countries that believe in market-allocation economic systems c. pluralistic democracies d. countries that demonstrate progress toward economic reform e. all of the above statements are relevant 7. The fastest-growing sector of world trade includes a. travel and entertainment b. accounting and court-ordered services c. royalties and license fees d. engineering services e. all of the above 18. amongst the year 2001 and 2006, China bought more than $ 250 billion in U. S. Treasury bonds. much(prenominal) purchases a. ensures that Chinas currency is relatively weak compared to the U. S. dollar mark b. read that China is not sure of its economic viability c. show that currency exchange rate is unpredictable d. predict that yuan will be vitiated in the near future e. Chinas currency is stronger than the U. S. dollar 9. To the extent that a country sells more goods and services abroad than it buys, there will be a. a greater demand for its currency b. a surplus production of goods and services c. a scarcity of goods and services within the country d. a need for revaluation of its currency e. time for move its currency 20. The tremendous Mac Index dated February 01, 2007 shows that the price of macro Mac in China was 11 yuan whereas its price in the United States was $ 3. 22. The index translated into yuan being undervalued by 56%. This shows that a. Big Mac is more expensive in the United States than in China b.Big Mac is less expensive in the United States than in China c. Big Mac costs the same in the United States and China d. Big Mac is less popular in China than in the United States e. Big Mac is more popular in China than in the United S tates Essay Question The newly independent countries of the originator Soviet Union present an interesting situation on one hand the income is declining creating considerable economic hardship whereas there are gentle opportunities with good potential from moving out of the low-income category. What are some of the problems and opportunities for these countries?
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Smith Systems Consulting
The assignment for week two is to study trine realistic system of ruless, choose one, and write about an study system that is critical to that organic laws business processes. The chosen organization for this paper is Smith Systems Consulting (SSC). SSC Inc. is a technology-driven fraternity that offers attend tos building and maintaining databases, designing and hosting websites, and all types of programming. This makes SSC the perfect organization to focus on because their entire business focuses on some feel of randomness systems. This paper, however, will focus on how important computing devices argon to SSC Inc.To sympathise how nurture systems affect SSC, it is necessary to first understand just what an knowledge system is. An information system can be described as any combination of information technology and sights activities using that technology to agree operations, perplexity, and decision-making (Wikipedia, 2010). Jon Jensen, instructor for the Business Sy stems in the IT department at University of Phoenix in Taylorsville, Utah, teaches that information systems ar things that collect, interpose, analyze and disseminate information for a crabbed(prenominal) purpose. An information system includes inputs and outputs.By either of these two definitions, a computer is undoubtedly an informtion system. A computer actually contains smaller classes of information systems same a processor, hard drive, and keyboard, but for the purpose of this paper they will be combined as a single item. The focus then becomes how computers be critical to the business processes of SSC Inc. A business process can be defined as a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that originate a specific returns or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers (Wikipedia, 2010).There are three types of business processes. 1. Management Process This is just as it sounds. Processes involved in the distributement and supervi sion of the business. 2. Operational Process This is the what of the business. What the business does, makes, sells, distributes, or the service it provides. 3. Support Process These processes are in that respect to support the what of the business. Things like payroll and accounting system, inventory and supply, call centers and tech support. Management Process- Since its founding in 1984, SSC Inc. has gravid from a small business of five people to a multimillion clam enterprise employing more(prenominal) than 350 people.A business wont get to reach these numbers racket without great vision and drawship. Computers no doubt contend and continue to play an important roll in SSCs counseling processes. Software programs ran on computers help visionary leaders forcast and track the achiever of their ideas. Using computers, they can compare results of similar ideas in similar markets. The automation made execut fit by computers takes a fashion much of the tedious sedulousnes s involved in supervising so many people and makes it possible for less people to dish out more.Managers are able to track statistics and numbers of their sales and production forces. Computers and bundle help them find areas of improvement and shipway to streamline in order to cut costs in ontogeny revenue. Of course wariness has been able to do these things for years, but with the help of computers, they are able to do them much faster, with less risk of tender-hearted hallucination, and without subscribe toint to engage secerataries or assistants to help with such a large workload. Operational Process-SSC Inc. is a go with who specializes in technology related services.Without computers, SSC would not be able to offer any of the services they provide. They offer services such as computer programs that will allow other companies to use computers to more effictively manage their own personnel in the same ways discussed in the management process praragraph. They offer serv ices such as database creation and database management both of which are information systems, and would not exist without computers. SSC offers web ground services such as web design and site hosting.Again, there would be no internet and no web sites to design without computers, and SSC would not be able to host sites for their clients without a computer to act as the server. With all the things computers are able to do for a business, they would be futile without the happy personnel to operate them and ensure that they perform the functions that they are intentional to carry out. Thus, people become an important part of any information system and it is critical that SSC employ qualified IT professionals.Without these skilled workers, SSC would have a difficult time offering many of their services. Support Process-In a company as large and complex as SSC Inc. has become, there is an increased need for quality support. As defined above, support includes areas such as humankind r esources, accounting and payroll, inventory and supply, and call centers and tech support. Inventory and supply arent as critical to SSCs business simulate as accounting and tech support.Imagine tyrying to keep track of the finances for a $45 million company manually handwritten invoices, all the possibilities for human error that could potentially cost millions of dollars. Think of the man hours involved in scheming payroll for 300 plus employees every week, and again the margin for human error. Computers make it possible for only a few people to manage these enormous tasks in less time than it would take numerous people to do it manually and with considerably less risk for human error. technical school support and call centers are invaluable to a business model such as that of SSC Inc.They are providing technical services to clients that may not be tech savvy. There needs to be a way to ensure that these clients are able to use the products and services that they are subscribing to. If SSC isnt able to provide support for these customers, they will take their business elsewhere. Computers and trained personnel are necessary for these types of services. A trained technician may be able to remotely access a client computer and right(a) problems or walk the user through how to use a software program that they purchased.Computers at SSC can rout calls to available customer service personnel saving hold time and keeping customers happy. SSC can store customer data and history in a database and access this information later to batter service their customers. As this paper has shown, computers are an information system that is an essential part of the business proccesses at Smith Systems Consulting. They are used in virtually every aspect of their daylight to day operations from management and operations to their support processes.As the world becomes more and more technical, and businesses and communication become global, it is all the more important to desegre gate the use of information systems into business processes. If unable to do so, a company like SSC Inc. would soon become obsolete. However, SSC has the insight to see where the global preservation is heading and has developed a business that uses informations systems to cater to the needs of an progressively technical society. This insight has brought them great success and made them a leader in the world of information technology.Referenceshttp//
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Spices can be defined as aromatic or acrid plant substances used to provide flavor, gloss and aroma to food (Mohamed, 2014). These spices are characterized by being rich in antioxidants and select some medicinal properties (Jeswal and Kumar, 2015 Kong et al., 2014). Spices are widely used passim the world for galore(postnominal) purposes, of which their used in food preparation and impact (Hashem and Alamri, 2010).Many of them are used as traditional medicines in legion(predicate) cases such as infections, wounds, sprains and nausea and some spices help to improve glucose of plasm by improving insulin sensitivity (Mohamed, 2014). Because of its medicinal properties, spices are used for pharmaceutic industries as raw materials (Toma and Abdullah, 2013).In addition, essential oils of spices or spices themselves have preservative satisfy (Nielsen and Rios, 2000).Antimicrobial properties of some spices inhibit the fungal emergence as inform for turmeric and sumac (Jeswal and Kum ar, 2015 Toma and Abdullah, 2013), while essential oils and oleoresins of some spices shown to be richly effectively against microbial growth. Essential oil of mustard is one of these oils, which includes the prompt component allyl isothiocyanate (AITC). Other spices such as cinnamon, garlic and clove tree conside rose-cheeked as potential inhibitors (Nielsen and Rios, 2000). while other spices such as red chili and dry ginger considered as liable substance for growth of many fungi (Jeswal and Kumar, 2013).Although red chili is in the second drift as the largest used spice worldwide after black pepper, contaminant of red chili samples by AFs and OTA were repeatedly reported by many studies and Aspergillus flavus, A. niger and A. fumigates are the fungi contaminants that are repeatedly detected in the flake or powder samples of red chili. In ginger derivatives and samples, the mycotoxins that have been detected are AFs and OTA. Contamination of spices can be occurred in the fiel d, when the spices support drying process or during storage (Kabak and Dobson, 2017).
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Internship Report on Gfc
Prep ard By Farhan Ahmad crop no. 0802090-059 talent of Management &038 Administrative Sciences University of Gujrat INTERNSHIP REPORT A six formulateweeks internship c anyplace up submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of the BACHELOR OF BUSINESS judicatory in Accounts from efficiency of Management &038 Administrative Sciences University of Gujrat by FarhanAhmad Under tump over No 08020920-059 The Internship report of Mr. Farhan Ahmad is approved &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- Internship Supervisor Letter of Transmittal The Coordinator,Faculty of Management &038 Administrative Sciences University of Gujrat Subject Submission of Internship Report Dear Sir, I ack right awayledge with my cordial thanks the co operation &038 encouragement you succeedd and it pees me colossal pleasure in submitting my report to you. With regard to the opportunities you ho utilise, I tried tou t ensemble to figure out something about strike out industry and its requisite prospects. During my 6 weeks culture session I guide ga on that pointd &038 learned a great experience for myself . fin e real(prenominal)y I accurately savored this assembling of bourne paper with your ren giveed institution, mortal support &038 encouragement.I should be cheering and ready to co-operation with whatever you whitethorn ask for come along clarification. Thank you. Yours Sincerely, &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- Farhan Ahmad Roll No 08020920-059 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I dedicate this internship report to all the employees of GFC (Pvt. ) Ltd. Whose kind-hearted guidance and sustain, during my stay in metro, make me to learn a softwood about polar tasks at professional take. At this moment I in like manner emergency to give a tribute to my t separatelyers by dedicating this report to Faculty of Management &038 Administrative Sciences, University of Gujrat. TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents rogue No.Letter of Transmittal 05 Acknowledgement 06 administrator Summary 07 1. entryway of brass08 shortened History08 Comp some(prenominal)s Credential 14 Comp boths Achievements16 Companys Certificates 17 Type Of Company 19 vertical Level Of Company_____20 Boards Of Directors_____21 Communication Model 22 2. Companys subdivisions__23 2. 1. barter for section24 2. 2. Inspection Department26 2. 3. product Department27 2. 4. Sales and merchandise Department30 2. 5.Re count and Development31 2. 6. inseparable audit31 2. 7. merchandise &038 Import Department32 2. 8. Accounts Department34 2. 9. clement alternative Management37 2. 10. Field of Activity37 3. Other Learning43 4. Objectives of Studying the Organization 44 5. The Business Principles of GFC 44 6. Suggestions48 7. References51 8. App eat upix52 9. Contacts of Internee and Organization 54 EXECUTIVE epitome frequent yellowish browns Company (Pvt. ) Ltd. Is one of the top swell up-nigh winnow pay make rs in Pakistan which is recognized for beat out graphic symbol and design in winnow Industry.It is a great honor for me that I have completed my six week internship as per degree requirements in HR plane particle of GFC. in that respect atomic heel 18 several parts figure outning(a) in GFC which include Purchases birthday suit sensible review takings Sales and selling Research and Development Accounts Department human Resources Management Internal Audit export &038 Import I was startle base assigned to the HR segment for first four weeks and hence rotated to different sections in the last fewer weeks so that I whitethorn understand the work outss and collaboration of different departments.It was a very straightforward experience in GFC and I observed every department and its work keenly and gave my suggestions to the top charge for the betterment of GFC. INTRODUCTION OF ORGANIZATION 1. 1. Brief History commonplace Fan Company (Pvt. ) Ltd. was form ed in 1954 as a small manufacturing unit for electric fans. The high society grew rapidly from its broken start because of the pure tone of its results. The caller-out was one of the major exportationers of fans in 1960s to Iraq. However, the society was in trouble in late 1970s due to differences in its partners.The gravel management took over the company in 1978 and Mechanical Engineer Muhammad Ilyas took over as tribal chief Executive of the company. Under his dynamic lead the company grew rapidly and G. F. C became major recognized brand for fans in the Pakistani grocery place. Mr. Muhammad Ilyas, the Chief Executive who is a foreign trained Mechanical Engineer, brought in saucy technologies for fan manufacturing from developed countries and improved G. F. C products in a continuous execute. Automatic Capstan Lathe Machines and Die Casting Machines were introduced in 1982. Automatic nothingness Machines were brought from Taiwan in 1985.A japanese make spick-and- sweep-fangled Enameled telegram Manufacturing Plant was installed in 1987 for the manufacturing of timberland enameled copper fit out for own uptake as tumefy as for the sale in the topical anaesthetic market. tensile Injection Molding Machines were installed in 1993 to manufacture own charge plate part for tractile fans like Exhaust Fans, Bracket Fans, Circumatic Fans and Table Fans. A fresh asshole room was touch on up for the manufacture of Dies, Molds and Models etc. The tool room consists of conducting wire Cut Machines, EDM Machines, Surface Grinders, Cylindrical Grinder, Shaper Machines, CNC mill about Machines and Copy Milling Machines.Automatic Rotor Balancing Machines were introduced in 1995 to raise improve the reference of fans. Modern Continuous Stamping Presses were installed in 1997 for manufacture of motors of all type of fans such(prenominal) as hood, Pedestal, Bracket, Exhaust and Circumatic Fans etc. Slitter Machine for slitting the galvanising s teel sheet coils was installed in 1999. The company started manufacturing Washing Machines in 1996. overdue to its quality and excellent finish the product has become an instant succeeder. fellate &038 Electric Geysers argon being manufactured since social class 2000.The Chief Executive Mr. Muhammad Ilyas is a pioneer in the export of electric fans from Pakistan. To initiate the export from Pakistan he attended an global exhibition for galvanizing appliances in 1993 in Abu-Dhabi. The company as well participated in many an opposite(prenominal) trade delegations as point in snip as exhibitions ordered by Export advancement Bureau and fusion of Chamber of Commerce &038 Industry in Bangladesh, Yemen, Saudi-Arabian Arabia, and Dubai, Bahrain. Qatar, Sudan, Egypt, U. S. A. etc. G. F. C was the first Pakistani company to export fans to the Middle-East. G. F.C Fans became an instant achiever due to their quality and durability in all the markets where these were introduced. General Fan Company has alike put up a unit to manufacture capacitors used in electric fans, Washing machines and motors. Mr. Muhammad Ilyas (Chief Executive) and Mr. Muhammad Ijaz (Finance Director) be always on the look out for the latest technology for manufacturing of electric fans as well as for corporate management of the company. Now G. F. C has established a new Computer department which keep up its Executives update about any inquires.This images the interest of management not just now in manufacturing technology. But they as well as know the immenseness of information technology. G. F. C has stepped in this Millennium in full equipped with manufacturing and information technology for Corporate Management and Marketing. G. F. C prat rightly claim that they have all the best technologies in its workshops, which be available for Design, Production. Our products atomic number 18 now of transnational regular, and we atomic number 18 truly an International Company . Our 800 Employees and Management be committed to Excellence in part. G. F. C. was the pioneers in export of fans from Pakistan.G. F. C. has got eight Export Trophy Awards for Fans and another(prenominal) Electrical Products like enameled bruiser Wire. 1. 2. Main Competitors General Fan Company has perfect competition in the market for different products, mainly in fan manufacturing field. The main competitors of G. F. C (General Fan Company) atomic number 18 ? Pak fan ?Royal fan ?Younis Fan 1. 3. prototypic mover advantage General Fan Company is currently enjoying the first mover advantage of exports. G. F. C is the only company which starts to export to other countries. Thats the reason company has been rewarded export trophy for 08 times. G. F.C being the most popular brand as for the electric fans in Bangladesh most of the fan manufacturers in Bangladesh ar using G. F. C trade mark beside the manufacturers of chincognizant who be exporting their electric fans to Bangl adesh with the same Trade Mark. To stop the manufacturing and merchandising of fake G. F. C Fans which are registered vide Trade Mark allowance No. 62674 dated 22. 11. 1999 the Chief Executive of the company, Engineer Mohammad Ilyas, visited Bangladesh. 1. 4. Our Core Values ? efficient ?Committed ?Creative ?Cooperative ?Caring 1. 5. VISION STATEMENT We consider that we haveA unique product which has been developed by G. F. C, And no other country manufactures a pedestal fan like ours. This product is most useful in the hot tropical humid climates. We want to mark this product without the military man, And we foresee this product to dominate the entire International market. We want to set up an excellent after-sales-service, And spare separate supply service to each and every country. We also want to set up home service centers throughout the world. We believe that within 10 years We piece of tail achieve an export target of US Dollars 40 Million. 1. 6 MISSION STATEMENTTo produ ce such quality products, Which provide entire satisfaction to all our customers the world over. 1. 7 QUALITY form _or_ musical arrangement of government STATEMENT Quality policy of G. F. C is to produce such quality products, which provide our customer the entire satisfaction the world over. to meet this obligation, we continually update employees skills by introduction of new technologies. 1. 8. COMPANYS credential General Fan Company (Pvt. ) Ltd. is a pioneer in the export of electric fans from Pakistan. To initiate the export from Pakistan we participated in International exhibition for electrical appliances in 1993 in Abu-Dhabi.The company also participated in many trade delegations as well as exhibitions arranged by Export Promotion Bureau and Federation of Chamber of Commerce &038 Industry In Bangladesh, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Bahrain. Qatar, Sudan, Egypt, U. S. A. etc. G. F. C. was the first Pakistani company to export fans to the Middle-East. G. F. C. Fans became an instant succeeder due to their quality and durability in all the markets where these were introduced. By the bedight of God ?G. F. C. has been getting the Export Trophy from FPCCI for the export of electric fans for many years. The goth rate of fan export from G. F.C. has been continuously to a greater extent than carbon% per annum for the last 5 years. 1/3rd of the total fans exported from Pakistan. ?G. F. C. has large International straddles many times more than the former years for the financial year 2001-2002 and we are looking forward to export fans to all part of the world including United States and Europe. ?Water and Power instruction authority has issued the renewal of Registration in 1997. Registration Renewal is an honorable success that G. F. C. has achieved. ?ISO-9002 Certificate assures that Manufacturing Quality of Electric Fans are according to International Standards. Engineer in Chief Branch has given the credential of Enlistment/Registration dated 23-2-2 000 on best technical performance. ?Contract agreement for supply of G. F. C. Fans for Army caparison Directorate at 30 April 2001 and is a big achievement for G. F. C. Fans. ?Pakistan Standard Institution has certified according to 1961 ordinance. The institution hereby grants to G. F. C. Fans. (Hereinafter called the permit) this License is used as standard mark. 1. 9. COMPANYS ACHIVEMENTS 1. 10. Companys Certificates 1. 11. TYPE OF COMPANY General Fan Company (Pvt. ) Ltd. is a alliance company of two brothers. . 12. HIERARCHICAL LEVEL OF COMPANY 1. 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS there are two families of jointly managing the General Fan Company. all(prenominal) boards of directors are family members. 1. 14. COMMUNICATION MODEL There is no well defined seat of communication. I observed that pursual communication model. 2. COMPANYS DEPARTMENTS To run an face many departments work in it, so that an organization may achieve its aims and objectives efficiently. To ensure efficient work ing of G. F. C the departments that are working in it are as There are 09 departments working in the Organization Purchases ?Raw material reexamination ?Production ?Sales and Marketing ?Research and Development ?Accounts Department ?Human Resources Management ?Internal Audit ?Export &038 Import 2. 1. Purchase Department Purchase department in every manufacturing organization is of most importance. Because this department provides the other departments as output signal department with their basic need. This department is also liable for the quality of the products produced in that organization, as the quality of product depends upon the quality of naked as a jaybird material. In G. F.C raw material is also purchased from after-school(prenominal) thats why they are in need of a turnout department to fulfill the purchase requirements. This department purchases raw material for the production department. It is the responsibleness of this department to provide quality material wi thin minimum cost. To achieve this purpose, the production department of G. F. C purchases raw material, in the supervision of two coachs i. e. Mr. M. Kamran and Mr. Zia Hussain, from both sources i. e. ?By domesticated purchases ?By importing raw material In Domestic Purchasing, G. F.C purchases raw material regarding the manufacturing of, fans, washing machines, room air coolers, etc. and mostly for this purpose markets of good standards are visited. G. F. C purchases raw material locally from Gujranwala, Lahore, Gujrat, etc. In imports, G. F. C mostly imports those materials that are both overpriced or of low quality in Pakistan. Importing is make to keep the standard of production advanced as well as retentivity per unit cost at some reasonable point. The material that in included in imports of G. F. C are ?Aluminum Sheets. ?Copper Rods. ? pliant raw material. ?Mini Motors Chemicals Here is lists of those countries from which mostly imports are done by G. F. C are from ? China ?Taiwan ?Korea ?United Kingdom ?Japan ?Hong Kong 2. 2. Inspection Department Those organizations that dont compromise on quality keep an inspection department whose work is to inspect the raw material for quality of raw material and its quantity. If any material is of less quality or of that quality that is not acceptable to the organization, this department doesnt give permission to enter such material within the boundaries of organization and material is returned as it is.In G. F. C there is an in charge for the inspection of raw material and it is his responsibility to strike sure that the purchase made for organization is for that material which is of best quality. This department restricts the entry of such material that is either of ? Less quality ?Defective ?From unauthorized dealer ?Not useful This department ensures that material purchased is of ?Best Quality ?Contains no defect ?From authorized dealer 2. 3. Production Department Production department in any organ ization is of coarse apprize. Performance, working, profitability, etc. epends upon this department. All the products of organization are manufactured here. It is the department where ability of organization either in labor form or in financial form is applied over material to make products for the organization. So that organization may sell those products in the market to get profit. analogous other organizations G. F. C is also paying great attention towards Production Department. According to C. E. O of G. F. C, Production and Selling Departments are of more importance to them. This department works under the supervision of Mr.Asim Ijaz who is the Director of production and he has 4 foremen under his authority so that authority is delegated to others in order to make sure that work is deprivation as at should be. round in production department is highly masterly although most of them are not too much educated but they are skilled person in whom 20 members of management and 700-800 are labors and these are the reliable assets of the company In G. F. C production department is divided into further sub departments as ? Motor plane habit ?Body Section ? readjustment Section ?Packing Section 2. 3. 1. Motor Section I.In this separate of production department motors for various products of G. F. C are produced. In this segmentation motors for ceiling fans, pedestal fans, room air coolers, etc. are manufactured. II. Ceiling fans use a variety of motors i. e. 36&8243 48&8243 and 56&8243 are used. And this component produces the motors for all. III. In Pedestal fans motors used are entirely different from the motors used in ceiling fans. This fragment also produces the motors for pedestal fans. IV. in the meantime room air coolers also use motors in two ways. V. Motors for fans VI. Motors for urine pumps. This section produces the motors for all. This section covers sub sections as a.Winding Section In this section copper wire is made winded, for typ e of motor that is press release to be used in the Production of other products. b. Coil testing Section In this section coils made in winding section are tested whether they are in working condition or not. Only approved coils are sent to motor section. 2. 3. 2. Body Section In this section of production department bodies of various products are manufactured. No matter whether the body is made of plastic or it is made of metal. In this section, bodies of fans, washing machines, coolers, heaters, and other products are manufactured. This section is comprised of the following Blade section ? elastic Molding Section ?CNG milling section ?Copper Wire Section i. Blade Section In this section blades for different kinds of fans are produced. Fan blades, blades for air coolers, etc. are produced here keeping in mind that blades should be good looking and efficient in working. ii. Plastic Molding Section In this section production department plastic is molded in various shapes to make bod ies of fans in plastic those parts of ceiling fans that are of plastic. In short this section makes all the plastic parts of products. iii. Copper Wire Section This section makes the copper wire for own use and also as a product of G.F. C to be sold in market and for using in its own production process e. g. in making motors. iv. Fitting Section This section is responsible for the assembling of different parts that make up a product. In this section rotor and stator are combined to make up a complete motor. Similarly in blade section blades are assembled with their connecters. In this department other things like pedestal fans are assembled. This section makes the product in final shape to be packed and sell. v. Packing Section In this section products are packed to be delivered to selling and marketing department to sell them in the market to have income.This department provides the facility of safe packing and making the products in lovely packing to catch more and more customer s. 2. 4. Sales and Marketing Marketing and selling department is very important for every company either is multinational company or domestic company. This department is a connectedness between organization and customers. It s the responsibility of this department to make the customers aware about the products produced in the organization. On the other hand this department is also responsible to sale the products that are manufactured in the market. There is only one Director of marketing i. . Mr. Nabeel Ahmad Ilyas, son of C. E. O Mr. Muhammad Ilyas, and one theatre director in sales department is Mr. Abdul Rehman. Marketing department is responsible to provide the goods in the market according to the need of the customers. Focus the marketing department is to providing products at proper place at proper time. stave of this department is highly qualified and skilled. This department concentrates on qualified provide who dismantle the market and suggest the tutor how and where they should to present it. In the off-season, G. F. C also sells its products in large quantity by offering the special discount.They give special discount on buying their products. According to a evaluate made by G. F. C only 40% fans in the market are from recognized and registered firms remaining 60% are private and unregistered firms. Their products sale in KARACHI is stronger and their market share is 18% out of 40%. 2. 5. Research and Development Research and development (R) department in any organization arouse lead the organization away from others because this department makes a research in the market regarding future trends, expected changes that are going to be in customers taste and demand.It also suggests to the organization what was the response of previous version of product and what is to be innovated. In G. F. C R&038D is not working in the form of a well arranged and not in a proper form of a department. some employees Mr. Engineer Shehbaz as the manager of this so-called department do this work of R&038D department. He is alone responsible for the research work. 2. 6. Internal Audit Internal Auditing is done to check the working of Accounts Department. Mostly it is done to prevent the errors in cash matters of the organization either intentional or unintentional. G. F.C has also its intragroup Account Department that works in the supervision of Mr. Malik Tafheem has taken the responsibility of internal Auditor. The work of this department is to show true position of accounts that should be error free. As chances of fraud and misapplication prevail in every organization so this is the responsibility of this department to fail all the tries that are made in this regard. Note remote Audit is done by the M. A Chaudhary. 2. 7. Export &038 Import Department This department is revenue generator for the organization and it ensures that organization is gaining in the market.This department is accountable for the delivery of products to the ma rkets where the organization wants to compete and capture market by satisfying customers with their quality The strength of G. F. C fans depends on this department. Department has been comprised on highly skilled and experienced people, they perform their duties and boost the exports with in well-established structure. The manager of this department is MR. Shahid Ali. This department is responsible for contacting with foreign raw material suppliers, search for the new suppliers when needed, import all the raw material required by production department.When company started its exports, there was no planned procedure. But now after growing the company uses latest technology for the export of products. This department plays an essential role to capture well challenging global market and deal with all import and export contemporary challenges under high responsibilities and company strategy and policy department endeavor to augment the export channels. G. F. C fans company first time ex port their products in AMERICA. Export is a major part that distinguishes it to the other companies. Export countries of GFC fans are, ?SAUDI ARABIA ?Yuman ?AFGHANISTAN INDONASISA ?DUBAI ?UNITED KINGDOM ?UNITED STATE OF AMERICA 2. 8. ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT Accounts Department in any Organization is important because of its working. This department shows the progress of organization and allocates the amount to purchase department for purchases. It also pays the rewards to other factors of production in the form of rent, wages, salaries, interest on loans, electricity bills, payments to suppliers, managing company accounts etc. In G. F. C accounts department works under the responsibility of Mr. Shahid-Ur-Rehman who is the General conductor of the organization.This department is liable to allocate amount approved by C. E. O to various department on their need. This department also decides about the fit method of paying wages to labors. In G. F. C accounts department has set the method o f wages to production labor as PIECE pace SYSTEM. This department prepares annual reports of the organization in the month of September every year because September is the closing month of annual year in G. F. C. This department is also held responsible for the distribution of annual bonuses and relieves to the workers that C. E. O declares to them. 2. 8. 1. SOURCES OF expediency Recovery from sales through show room ?Sales bribe of left over raw material ?Export fans 2. 8. 2. PAYMENTS ? earnings ?Staff Salaries ?Utilities expenses ?Govt. Dues 2. 8. 3. GOVT. PAYMENTS ?Custom Dues ?Sales tax ?Electricity, Sui gases and telephones expenses 2. 8. 4. PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS ?The suppliers are paid on credit rating/cash dry land ?Venders are paid on cash basis ?Foreign suppliers are paid up to a limited level 2. 8. 5. Functions &038 Operations of Accounts department Double entry accounting system of rules is used in G. F. C. Following are the main duties performed by the Accounts depa rtment ? coupon preparation Coding &038 Posting of Vouchers ?Prepare a statement of day-by-day receiving &038 payments ?Preparation of Financial statements ?Cash disbursement ?Monthly Trial isotropy preparation ?Ending adjustments ?Monthly Cash flow projection ? rim Reconciliation Statements ?Sales Invoices ?Sales Tax Invoices ?Report to FBR Account department also performs following functions ?Comparison of cash flow, Budgeted Vs actual ?Capital expendment ?Fixed assets schedule report ?Comparison over calculates report budgeted Vs actual ?Fixed overheads ?Variable overheads ?Preparation of production statement ?Preparation of timeworn statement Month wise production and its sales value ?Wages and salaries statement ?Preparation of report on working Capital ?Receivables ?Raw material including stocks on way ?Finished goods stocks ?Advances and prepayments ?Cash/Bank balance wheel on hand 2. 9. HUMAN imagery direction 2. 9. 1. HUMAN RESOURCE AND SUCCESSION PLAN Human Resou rce Policy is to hire young, cherubic, energetic and active associates to meet the vivacious and future workforce requirements and providing its associates maximum opportunities for internal mobility through personal prepare and development to enable them to take higher(prenominal) positions.Human Resource Division has to have succession plan for each key joke/ theater to make sure the continuity of trading operations in the pertinent division and to fill the temporary/permanent va bay windowcy. 2. 9. 2. sketch OF ACTIVITIES My field of Specialization is M. B. A (HR), so I work 6 weeks under the supervision of General carriage in General Fan Company, 5 weeks in Human Resource Department, and 3 weeks in law-abiding other departments. General Manager is responsible of handling all company renders, and HR related activities. The G. M of G. F. C is very hardworking and very honest person.I prepared the whole company report in my internship period, in which I discuses all the departments and their functions. Most of my internship time was spent in HR department, now I will discuses the all functions and operations of HR department, their critical analysis and recommendations. Human Resource Department is actively working in G. F. C fans private limited Gujrat. Basic responsibilities of this department are as follows ? Hiring Employees ?Firing Employees ?Developing teach Plans for Employees ?Maintaining estimate Reports ?Maintaining the Records of Employees 2. 9. 2. 1. HIRING EMPLOYEESThere is a proper process for hiring an employee in G. F. C fans private limited and this process has several steps which are as follows ? Need Analysis ? note Requisition ? crease Advertisement ?Sorting the Applications ?Initial Interview ?examination ?Second Interview ?Final Assessment ?Orientation ? education 2. 9. 2. 2 Reference base Hiring In G. F. C Gujrat employees also hire through references of already active employees but test and interviews are conducted for the m as well. 2. 9. 2. 3. discharge EMPLOYEES If an employee does not work according to defined rules then it is responsibility of HR Manager that employee should be fired.If any employee commits any unauthorized work during his job then he will be fired. If any employee is not working up to the mark and not achieving his targets then HR Manager back end fire him. 2. 9. 2. 4. Recruitment and Selection Process In GFC the recruitment and picking is made mostly on employee referrals and sometimes if needed advertisement is made on the newspapers for the filling of vacancies. The recruitment and selection process of metro includes the following steps CV with professional reference paygrade of application and CV Call for Interview Temporary job letter after success of interviewClearance certificate from previous organization Medical certificate Completion of trial period Issuance of permanent or accept job letter 2. 9. 2. 5. JOB DESCRIPTION melodic phrase is described at the time of i nterview and a complete job exposition is made on the permanent job letter of the employee. A job description form has been developed for the job description of every employee. 2. 9. 2. 6. DEVELOPING prepare PLANS FOR EMPLOYEES HR Manager is also responsible for developing training plans for employees (workers &038 staff) and Internees. I. realization of procreation NeedsThe training needs of employees (staff &038 workers) are identified by the function that they perform and by the respective departmental head. For a new employee the training needs are identified in the job descriptions. For existing employees (in case of workers) the training needs are identified in the Training Needs Assessment Form. The relevant departmental head fills the Training Needs Assessment Form. For staff members the training needs are assessed on ACR that is filled by the relevant departmental head at the end of every financial year. Training needs are identified in G. F. C fans private limited.Gujr at to enable employees to execute routine task and to sharpen their professional capabilities, enable all persons to reach their full potential, to introduce new techniques and skills in a timely manner and to improve the efficiency and military posture of the companys activities. The qualification and experience required for persons performing tasks touching quality are documented in the job descriptions. II. Training establish on the TNA (Training Need Assessment) for the workers HR Manager develops an annual training plan. This training plan is then forwarded to the respective departmental head along with the training attendance sheets.The designated trainers conduct training on the dates mentioned in the plan. The TNA (Training Need Assessment) for the staff members is conducted by the respective Departmental Heads on their ACR ( annual Confidential Report). The General Manager is responsible for developing Annual Training Plan (for executives) based on the recommendation of t he departmental heads, as desired by the departmental head or management time to time. For a new employee who has been hired at the staff level the HR Manager and relevant head of department develop an orientation plan. by and by the orientation phase is over the employee submits a written report.Based on this report, the departmental head gives his recommendation that the employee needs further training or not. If further training is required a further orientation plan is developed and subsequently the training is provided. III. Evaluation of training Departmental heads monitor the training assigned by the trainers. After proper testing and getting the recommendations of the trainer about the trainees, the departmental heads does the military rating of the training imparted. Assessment of intensity level of training of employees (staff members) is done on their Annual Confidential Reports.Assessment of effectiveness of training imparted to (non-executives and workers) is done on the Training Plan. IV. Training records Training record is maintained in the HR Department. The HR Manager is responsible for up-dating the training records of the employees. These training records are maintained in the respective files till the retirement or transfer of that particular employee. All executives and staff are made aware of the departmental quality objectives and role of their activities and their contribution in the achievement of objectives. 2. 9. 2. 7. MAINTAINING APPRAISAL REPORTSAppraisal Report is sagaciousness of employees which is done by head of department. At the end of the year head of departments make the Appraisal Reports for each employee (Staff only) working in their department. These assessment reports then forward to HR Manager who further manage these reports according to the remarks which are given by the head of department about the employee. According to the remarks record of employees are upgraded. Appraisal decides the percentage of increment in pay of employees or for promotion. Report also decides whether employees need any further training or not. . 9. 2. 8. MAINTAINING THE RECORDS OF EMPLOYEES Managing the record of employees is also responsibility of HR Department. When the employee is hired all of his info and documents are stored in a file and this file is stored. Employees data is also stored in estimator by assigning him with a electronic computer code. Now with the passage of time all new documents including training certificates and appraisal reports are updated into the files of employees. Any employees file has the same number which is computer code of employee. 2. 9. 2. 9. ATTENDANCE SYSTEMAttendance is made on passing(a) basis at the main gate with entry and exit time transferred to the HR department. Overtime attendance is taken by the supervisors of the concerning department and conveyed to the HR department for the overtime wages etc. 2. 9. 2. 10. JOB ANALYSIS Job analysis of every employee is made by the HR department with the help of departmental managers and employee performance according to their job description. 2. 9. 2. 11. COMPENSATION AND REWARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM On the basis of the job analysis annual increments and promotions are given to the employees twice a year.For outstanding employees special pay packages are offered and rewards and given in different ways to the employees for their motivation. 2. 9. 2. 12. LEADERSHIP STYLES In thermionic valve I observed two types of leadership styles that are Autocratic leadership and Democratic leadership. Autocratic style of leadership is observed in functional managers while democratic style of leadership is observed in centre and corporate level managers. 2. 9. 2. 12. HEALTH AND SAFETY ISSUES A proper system of health and precaution is established at metro by providing the workers with refuge devices, trainings, and by providing proper uniforms. underground Hi-Tec provides medical and safety services to its employe es in different ways. 3. OTHER WORKS CAUSED TO EXPERTISE ME DURING INTERNSHIP Apart from the before mentioned tasks . I worked on certain other assignments in GFC as well as got to learn certain other works such as. I learnt the rent way of punching the documents. Because this to the first thing that one who gets to learn while in an office as instead of abruptly punching it one should first curve it and than keeping in line with the middle of page one should punch. I learnt how the documents are filled and used to do a lot of filing. I went through typing certain application and letters. I worked how data is use up in the computers. I learnt how the phones are attended. I used to go to banks for obtaining the statements for firmness of purpose of accounts. I passed daily entries in the Journal and ledger accounts. Documents relating to taxation purposes were also filled by me 4. OBJECTIVES OF STUDYING THE ORGANIZATION a)To promote efficiency and effectiveness by providing compe tent and high-caliber professionals in the area of Management Accountancy. b)Identify the duties of the financial manager within the firm. )Understand why wealth maximization, rather than profit maximization, is the firms goal and how scotch value added (EVA), d)To analysis what plays the role of Banks with the Firm. e)To estimate a firms profitability congener to its sales, asset investment, &038 owners equity investment. f)In fact, we have studied in GFC Private hold Company because it is committed to these following Business Principles. 5. THE BUSINESS PRINCIPLES OF GFC A. Corporate philosophy Maintaining a global viewpoint, GFC is dedicated to supplying products of the highest quality yet at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction. )Dynamic manufacturing and marketing of prestigious products to the entire satisfaction of customers. b)Create ideal working purlieu for continuous development of product and personnel. c)Provide adequate return to share holders a nd fulfill corporate civic obligations. B. Management Policy a)Proceed always with ambition and youthfulness. b)Respect sound theory, develop fresh ideas, and make the most effective use of time. c)Enjoy your work and encourage rough communications. d)Strive constantly for a harmonious flow of work. e)Be ever mindful of the value of research and endeavor. )Respect for all man has priority over others. g)Man is the key in controlling i. e. machines, methods and materials. h)Follow 3S spirit i. e. small, quick and speed. i)Believe in 3A GFC on Approach i. e. be on Actual Spot, look at the Actual Spot and dwell the Actual Situation. j)Be a good corporate citizen assume a responsible role in community. C. Priority Standards Of Conduct a)Safety There can be no production without safety. b)Quality To achieve the No. 1 customer satisfaction, Metro is dedicated to supply the prestigious products of its highest quality, through our smart team work. )Productivity With safety and quality each of it will strive to excel the performance in all fields of its activities i. e. Production, Marketing &038 Planning, After Sales Service, Finance, Logistics &038 Imports and Human Resource &038 Administration etc. D. Quality policy To achieve the No. 1 customer satisfaction, GFC is dedicated to supplying the prestigious products of its highest quality through its smart team work defined by the regulatory parameters &038 continually up its strategies and goals for better performance. E. Environment policy GFC (Pvt. Ltd Gujrat (Pakistan), being responsible member of the society considers the preservation of the global environment as a crucial concern. GFCs environmental philosophy is firmly based on the following guidelines a)Recognize the impacts of the of import aspects on the environment resulting from activities, products and services b)Formulate objectives and targets to control the effects of activities on local environment as for as technically feasible c)Operate in oss ification with relevant environmental laws, regulations and other requirements that do to its activities d)Create environment friendly emplacement among associates )Commitment to continual improvement of the environmental performance and review of the environmental management system to ensure its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. F. Safety, Health and Environment GFC (Pvt. ) Ltd Gujrat (Pakistan) conducts its business responsibly and in a way to make sure Health, Safety and auspices from Environmental aspects of its associates and the society. GFC implements and maintains the programs that provide reasonable assurance that the business will do the following a)To comply with all applicable government and internal health, safety and environmental requirements. )Design facilities and conduct operations in a way that avoids riskiness to human health, safety and the environment. c)To examine and communicate the known hazards of operations with relevant health, safety and envir onmental protection information to potentially affected persons. G. direct principles a)Always keep the deadline. b)Never make excuses. c)Teamwork. 6. SUGGESTIONS During the training I have observed number of problems and here are some suggestions of my observations. G. F. C management has strong cleverness to increase the production rate by reducing the cost of production.It can be achieved by investing more in time span research studies and reengineering related department structure. Concluding points ?In accounts department there is no well define job description. There must be a list of duty for each employee. ?There is no management in working environment. They should adopt a management functions in their department. ?Human Resource and Accounts department should hire at least two employees more. ?In HR department, there must racks for files. ?Vision Statement is to long, it must be one or two sentences ?G. F. C still emphasizes on production concept ?There is very less monit oring so there is need to be tightening the control by using digital monitoring system in account department. ?Local market of gujrat area can be captured ?G. F. C system is based on Microsoft window 98, so it should be upgraded as in market window xp is available. ?MIS system should be very efficient that manual work can be eliminated. ?R&038D department in G. F. C is not very much active so management should have to investigate and invest more to overcome this. Every department should initiate research work that provides technical support to find out hidden facts that are the unproblematic source of irregularities. ?Efficient employees and fresh management team with latest and modern techniques and valuable exposure can figure out managerial problems. ?There is less commitment among the workers. To improve this situation workers problems should be addressed properly. ?Top management should be awarded by stocks (shares) for getting more efficient work and involvement in the organ ization. ?There must be proper uplifts and reward system for the encouragement of employees. G. F. C has very few targeted markets they have to explore more to enhance their profitability and worth. ? net income packages are not very much attractive for the employees which should be revised. ?G. F. C is doing well but it should add-up the doing good factor (Societys benefits). For awareness workshops and seminars should be conducted regularly. ?Appraisal report should be prepared on merit rather than on personal biasness. ?Up to date promotional strategies should be adopted (print and electronic media). ?For selection of price and new consumers need, company should conduct market survey. G. F. C is presently targeting only a small number of markets and there are still a large segment of markets which can be explored. ?to a greater extent the export the more the profit will be because of this G. F. C can enjoy a lot more profit than existing. ?G. F. C can easily expand its businesses through external debt because of its already built credibility. ?By the reduction in cost of production G. F. C can enjoy the more profit margins. ?If the employees discipline and control mechanism should properly apply then it will results more involvement and output. By introducing more brands and designs by adequate use of R&038D G. F. C can grow more ? G. F. C still adopting production concept. There must be forward thinking ? G. F. C must investment in outside the business. ?Less monitoring or check and balance. There must be check and balance. 7. REFERENCES ?Director marketing (Nabeel Ahmad) ?Director Finance and Purchase (Ijaz Ahmad) ?General Manager Finance (Shahid-ur-Rehman) ?www. gfcfans. com ?www. google. com ?Chief Accountant(Muhammad Imran) ?Accounts Officer (Nasir Khan) ?Assistant Accountant (Mian Abdul Haseeb) . APPENDICES ?Job Description Form Job title ________________________________________ Summary description _____________________________ _______________________ ________________________ major(ip) tasks and responsibilities _______________ _____ ___ _______ ______________ ______________________ ___________ ________________ ___________________ Minor functions _ _______________ ___________ _____ _ ________________ ____ _______ ___________ ______ Supervised by &038 report to____________ ______________ _ ________________ ____________ ____________ _____Supervise_ _______________ _______________________ Assist with other jobs_ ________________ ____________ _ ________________ ___________ ________ ____ _____ Qualifications &038 training ___ ____________________ ___ _ ________________ ___________ ___________ ______ _ ________________ ___________ ___________ ______ Skill requirements___________ _________ ___________ _ ________________ ___________ __________ ______ _ ________________ ___________ ____________ ______ Experience _________ ___________ _______ ___ ______ Personal characteristics required__ _____ _____________ ________________ ___________ __ ______ __________ Physical requirements__________ _______ ____________ Salary range minimum_____ ______ maximum__ ______ Work hours _____________ _______________ _________ Average hours ___ _________ ____________ _________ _ Days off per week_ ________________ ______ _________ Overtime never _______seldom ________ often _______ Other benefits_ ________________ ______________ ____ ________________ _______________ _________________ Work environment_ _______________ ________ ________ _ ________________ ______________ ___________ _____Safety responsibilities_ ________ ________ ____ ________ _ ________________ ______________ ______ ________ _ _ ________________ _______________ _____ ________ 9. CONTACTS OF INTERNEE &038 ORGANIZATION Internees ContactsOrganizations Contacts Afzaal Ahmad S/O Muhammad InayatGeneral Fan Company, Private Limited Mailing Address Mailing Address General Fan Company G. T. Road, Gujrat-Pakistan. Cell +92-300-5448133Telephone +92-53-3520301-03 E-mail ID email& one hundred sixtyprotected com afzaal. email&160protected com email&160protected com Fax +92-53-3521427-3515303 Email email&160protected com
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Project Management and Leadership Essay
lead is a set of profound practical approaches that obtain the success of confused permute put ups inside some(prenominal) organisational context. attractors has already chiped into the instrument of guidance and direction for the studyity of international and local companies. The closelipped conjunction of attractionship and management guarantees that the association go away take immut adequate to(p) position on the grocery in the long-term period. drawship helps determine the basic priorities of the conjunctions development and lead the cheekal subroutine towards predetermined goals and objectives.Innovation and alternate remain the two key components of the fortunate attractership the world power to implement innovative decisions and strategic changes determines the success of any drawship strategy that is implemented within specific participation. The development of dual-lane passel, communication strategies, and commitment determines the success o f management projects in the constantly evolving organizational environment. Successful leadership innovation and change Change is the key to winning management.The ability to implement changes determines whether the company is able to stay afloat in the constantly changing competitive environment. Change is intensely personal. For change to come out in any organization, each individual must think, feel, or do something different (Duck, 1993). That is why leadership skills require understanding the significance of change. leaders cannot exist without change without leadership, the change cannot become real. For the change to become germane(predicate) and useful, the leader should guarantee that both pursuit have their experience and view conversed to end up in the at a predetermined stupefy in at approximately the same time (Duck, 1993).Such approach to leadership will ensure that the leader and the followers follow the same leadership line, clearly understand their perform ance goals, and possess qualified and effective tools for achieving these goals. These leadership approaches will also insure the shargondness of sentiment, and the leaders realization of contingent problems and obstacles on the way towards organizational and performance highs. Change requires innovative thinking change means developing online thinking change implies see the ch any in allenges which leaders and followers have neer confronted before.The combination of innovation and change in leadership serves the instrument for addressing the major challenges and tasks within any organizational framework. However, how do we shape the required leadership framework that allows implementing changes and affecting the c ar for of organizational performance? Several key factors determine perfect leadership. Leadership is the lively element that guarantees appropriate balance between leaders, managers, and employers from all companys divisions.To be a leader and to manage changes means to be able to stabilize the relationships between the leader and the group of followers, who get ahead post the leaders vision of organizational change across all organizational levels. Duck (1993) writes that managing change means managing the conversation between the concourse leading the change effort and those who are expected to implement the new strategies, managing the organizational context in which change can occur, and managing the ablaze connections that are essential for any transformation.Thus, leadership is the source, the initial stage, and the ruling force of transformations within any organizational context, but it becomes irrelevant if the leader is not able to wear the subject, the mission, and to develop emotional connections between the separate elements of the organizational structure. Leadership is impossible without conversation leadership is also impossible without the already mentioned emotional connections. Leadership cannot turn into manageme nt, and cannot bring any positive results if is does not turn into the tangible set of organizational goals.Such transformation is impossible if the leader fails to speak his ideas to the followers in a way that makes them comprehensible and achievable. The leaders ability to speak the goals and methods of organizational change implies that the leader is able to bear on the employees out of their control zones, and to establish the sense of essential in terms of any organizational change and any organizational objective. everywhereappraisal of leaders abilities to move people ahead is one of the major mistakes a leader makes at the first stage of implementing change. Most productive change efforts begin when some individuals or some groups start to see to it hard at a companys competitive situation, market position, technological trends, and financial performance (Kotter, 1995).However, it is not plenteous for a hot leader to realize the scope of the withdrawed changes, and the make to change the current organizational context in(predicate) leadership has a clear vision of how the minds of the followers should be changed to make them follow the leader and to realize the critical deficiency for a change. pursuit should be moved they should be pushed towards changes.Followers require motivation, and a successful leader is the source of this motivation. To see the compulsion for change may be easy, but it is a deceptive impression. In reality, the first stage of change management is the most difficult of all employees should be motivated and driven. As soon as the employees and followers are motivated and driven towards change, the next stages of change implementation will be faster, easier, and more goal-oriented. A good leader will never end if change efforts fail at the initial stage of change initiative.A good leader is able to distinguish the major problems, to facilitate the inconsiderate discussion of these problems with the followers, and t o further promote the importance of change championships across all companys departments. Here, ideal leadership combines the sense of urgency with the ability to persuade the followers that the first failure does not indicate the need to give up the whole change management outgrowth. The sense of urgency is always reasonable and important when the urgency rate is not manage enough, the transformation process cannot success and the long-term future of the organization is put in jeopardy (Kotter, 1995).A successful leader will never be too safe a successful leader will not be too cautious, but will constantly move towards the predetermined goal, overcoming obstacles, meeting challenges, and inspiring the followers. The urgency rate is high enough to transfer to the next stage of change management, when the three quarters of the company management are convinced that change is inevitable. People in the organization may need to hear a message over and over before they believe that th is time, the call for changes is not just a pulse or a passing fancy. It takes time for people to hear, understand, and believe the message (Duck, 1993).A successful leader is not only able to turn in the message, but can objectively evaluate the responses from team members. Duck (1993) says that what counts is the bear witness of view of everyone else in the organization, and the success of change management depends on whether the leader is able to interpret, reinterpret, and reevaluate the way followers see the ultimate goals of organizational changes. Communication and balance requires understanding whether followers believe in the success of change, and whether they know what this change means for them and for the organization in general.The leaders role is to understand whether employees require leadership assistance to give way understand the ultimate goals of the implemented change, and whether they are able to communicate their concerns to the leader. When the leader is able to pass the first stage of change management and to hold his vision into the minds and souls of employees, the next stage is to make the followers communicate their opinions. A perfect leader will never compel his followers to deliver a winning love vision as soon as employees are rentd into change management process (Davenport, 2005).To expect this fictional character of response means to put the whole change management process under the threat of failure. The need to communicate is justified by the need to create different systems of employees opinions and thoughts these subsequently form cohesive working teams that further lead the organization to a new changed position. For a good leader, the followers viewpoints are the keys to creating an integrated and well guided coalition of thinkers who realize the need for the change and are ready to act. A good leader understands that a good team is not created overnight the leadership coalition grows and grows over time (Kotter, 1995).A good leader understands that it is not necessary to involve all senior managers into change management process on the contrary, a careful analysis of the team members is required before they enter the change process altogether. In both small and large organizations, a successful head team may consist of only three to fin people during the first year of a renewal effort. But in big companies, the coalition needs to grow to the 20 to 50 consort before much progress can be made in phase three and beyond (Kotter, 1995).A good leader realizes that the make sense of team members is not critical content is more important when it comes to guiding change initiatives. Leadership implies the importance of team honor and performance virtue (Sirkin, Keenan & Jackson, 2005). By performance integrity, we mean the extent to which companies can trust on teams of managers, supervisors, and staff to execute change projects successfully (Sirkin, Keenan & Jackson, 2005). The integr ity between the leader, managers, supervisors and the staff determines the stability and success of leadership.Senior managers are a great deal reluctant to invite key performers into the team, but a successful leader realizes the value and importance of these performers for the whole process of change management. That is why the company should make everything possible to free these performers from their routine work and to provide them with sufficient change freedom within the change team. With the key performers being involved, the project team will be able to handle a big range of pressures, challenges, and obstacles.
External Environment Analysis Slp Essay
In this part of the paper an impertinent analytic thinking regarding the calcium pizza Kitchen (CPK) go forth be conducted. The main objective of this external analysis is that to s muckle the external environment for factors which might open up new-fangled opportunities or present threats to survival for atomic number 20 pizza pie Kitchen. To do that an external analysis based on Porters Five Forces lesson and a PEST analysis will be carried out.Porters Five Forces ModelPorters Model of Five Forces is angiotensin converting enzyme of the most versatile frameworks to analyze the industry external environment. With the application of this manakin atomic number 20 pizza pie Kitchen will be satisfactory to down the stairsstand and earn a handle on the competitive and market characteristics of the food and swallow industryBargaining Power of SuppliersThe supplier power is based on the concentration of suppliers and the availability of suppliers within the region w here(pre dicate) California pizza Kitchen operates equivalent China, USA or Japan etc. It is important for CPK to pay a close attention to the needs and the wants of their suppliers. (Cravens, 2000)Bargaining Power of CustomersHere California Pizza Kitchen has to be careful because the customers influence increases all over a chase. it is extremely important for California Pizza Kitchen to lookout for the tastes and preferences of the customers so that they are able to cater to all their needs. For example, Pizza Hut when it opens a new right in any ships order, does product adaptation so that it would suit the local tastes, therefore this needs to be done by CPK as well. (Cravens, 2000)Rivalry among CompetitorsThere is a great deal of controversy between 2 similar companies in the same industry. For example, the gargantuangest rival among the competitors of California Pizza Kitchen is Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut is one of the oldest and the most storied pizza bowed stringed instruments all over the globe, it has somewhere approximately 34,000 franchise outlets, fork overy units and kiosks all in over 100 countries.Availability of SubstitutesA substitute product for any California Pizza Kitchen product back cause the company to lose its assembly line. Any product that is available in the market has a substitute available and the substitute for pizza is burgers and deep-fried food. For example, California Pizza Kitchen is easily substituted for Burger King, McDonalds, Subway or KFC. (Hollensen, 2003)Threat of virgin EntrantsThis is another one of the competitive forces that affects the company in a big way. For example, the entrance of Dominos within the food and beverage industry can cause California Pizza Kitchen to lose some of its business.PEST synopsisThe abbreviation for PEST analysis is Political, Environmental, hearty, and Technological analysis. This analysis will attend California Pizza Kitchen to know its environmental challenges and in how to ope rate the company in the present and by helping it to prep itself for the future. This analysis will help California Pizza Kitchen to match its resources with its activities and to help it move in the right direction.Political AnalysisHere the political term refers to the global, national, regional and local trends, changes or events. Since CPK operates in somewhere around 10 countries around the globe, the company needs to adhere to the rules and regulations of that country in which it operates. California Pizza Kitchen needs to work with various special interest groups within the company and the market as well. (Kevin & Kotler, 2008)Environmental AnalysisCalifornia Pizza Kitchen is extremely committed to the environmental responsibility. The outlets of company travel along the environment regulations and fire cleanliness in their surroundings. California Pizza Kitchen has a very clean and orderly environment and has a very proper system to dispose of the garbage.The company s upports charitable programs and takes the first steps for promoting, supporting and participating in the wellbeing of the union. California Pizza Kitchen has even sponsored educational programs in local residential area schools and the company also provides funds for different events like Fundraisers and the money put in at these fundraisers go to non-profit schools, which focus on children, youth sports and education. (Kevin & Kotler, 2008)Social AnalysisThe social term in the analysis refers to the developments within the cabaret that is means culture, behavior, the expectations of the customer, the attitude of the company towards the society etc. California Pizza Kitchen has introduced CPKids Programs under California Pizza Kitchen Foundation for children ranging 10 years and under in schools and a variety of organizations , for example, Restaurant Tours and Incentive Awards for outstanding accomplishments to Fundraising Events and Sports squad Partnerships. Ca lifornia Pizza Kitchen also has a great deal of programs for the community as well.Technological AnalysisThe technological term over here refers to the development, such as, the processing of the products, how the machines are operated. With the use of technology in the operations, CPK has been able to reduce the cost of production, the performance of the organization has increased, has helped the company with its supply chain operations. CPK needs to introduce multinational development teams so that it ensures that the system concept needs the need of the company. With the help of parallel development CPK will be able to assign different parts of the system to different subsidiaries of the business. The private instructor needs to listen to the ideas of the employees as well. Change the departments organise so that it would be able to fit the communication needs. (Kevin & Kotler, 2008) ratiocinationThe end result after conducting the environmental analysis is that California Pizza Kitchen needs to keep a lookout for the taste and preferences of its customers and it needs to follow trends and information revolution by leveraging greater consumer insight to deliver superior value products to the customers which in turn creates sustainable, yet incredible business results for the benefit of their stakeholders. The company needs to improve its technological aspects and it needs to follow all the rules and regulations. If they are able to do so then they would swallow a competitive advantage over their competitors, where they would lock-in customers and lock-out competitors.ReferencesCravens, D W. (2000), Strategic Marketing. impertinent York McGraw HillHollensen, S, (2003), Marketing Management A Relationship Approach. Financial measure/Prentice HallKevin, K. & Kotler, P. (2008), Marketing Management. Prentice Hall
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