Thursday, February 28, 2019
How Influential Is Macbeth’s Ambition? Essay
In Macbeth, a flirt set in Scotland, William Shakespeare wrote a tragedy of one mans inhalation. It is the shortest of Shakespeares tragedies, and has a in truth fast pace. It tells the story of Macbeths ambition to be great power, and the chain of vilify he caexercisings by pursuing this ambition. This ambition is the fatal flaw that causes his crowning(prenominal) downfall. Once Macbeths lifelong ambition havems to be fulfilled, it causes consequences that his mind cannot handle. The play shows that one may get easily act upond by other mountain when he/she is over- ambitious. Ambition is something that e trulyone can identify with, and Macbeth is a compelling view of how ambition can destroy you, so the audience are automatically interested in Macbeths character.When we are firstborn introduced to Macbeth, he is already ambitious. But by being tempted to the extremes by cardinal sources of external poisonous the witches and his wife, his ambitions are only increased by making them seem similar they could be a reality. The witches and Lady Macbeth, whom are both truly offensive figures, influence Macbeth heavily through disclose the play, and both exploit his ambition to incur king. Their influence is the reason Macbeths ambition spirals so out of authorization and ends in tragedy.Our first impression of Macbeth is of a heroic, famous, popular man who is sound identicald by the king In lick 1 scene 2 Duncan refers to Macbeth as noble Macbeth. We first meet Macbeth in characterization 1 crack 3, when he and Banquo have arrived to meet the witches. Macbeths first words So foul and equitable a day I have not seen immediately associate him with the witches, because they say in Act 1 Scene 1 Fair is foul and foul is fair, so evil is brought to mind. Macbeth is connected with the supernatural in the audiences mind from the onset.This is the first thing that is not consistent with Macbeths simulacrum of a war hero. In this scene, the witch es declare that Macbeth will be bonk Thane of Cawdor and overly king of Scotland. Macbeth strongly believes the witches words, especially after the first part of the forecasting comes true, he begins to think the second part may overly come true. Their prophecies influence his ambition as seen in an aside, when he begins to consider absenting Duncan, the afoot(predicate) king of Scotland. The aside follows closely Macbeths desires and doubts he does not sleep together whether these prophecies are good or bad, but he dearly unavoidablenesss to be king.If good, why do I yield to that suggestion/ whose horrid throw doth unfix my hair/ and make my seated heart knock at my ribs,/ against the use of nature?.However, we can sense that Macbeth doesnt actually want to murder Duncan, as he is horrified by these murderous thoughts. But Macbeth cannot let out thinking about what the witches have said, showing that he is considering the idea and is move to it, and that he has ambition s to be king within him already.In Act 1 Scene 5, Macbeths wife, Lady Macbeth, also influences Macbeths ambition. She is revealed to be truly driven and ruthless, and she clearly wants Macbeth to be king. She says Art not without ambition, but without the sickness should attend it, meaning that Macbeth is not without ambition, but lack of ruthlessness that is call for to become king. She influences him to kill Duncan.She also encourages him to conceal his feelings, telling him to Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent undert. Lady Macbeth is telling Macbeth to look respectful and welcoming and happy on the outside, but to hide his plotting and scheming and evils inside. Lady Macbeths ability to influence her husband leads us to believe that she is the primary cause for the destruction of Macbeth. She is the biggest encouragement to his ambition, since she uses her husbands trust to change her own future.In Act 1 Scene 7, evidence that Macbeth has a human side and is v ery worried is rig in a long soliloquy a speech where Macbeth is completely on stage so we can again see what Macbeth is thinking. He is worried about his eternal soul, and what his punishment will be in heaven if he kills Duncan.He thinks of reasons why he should not kill Duncan, and comes to the conclusion that the only reason he is doing it is because of his strong ambition. When Macbeth decides not to insure with their plan to murder Duncan, Lady Macbeth urges him to act on his desires and ambition or he will think of himself as a coward. She exploits his ambition by question it when she says Art thou a misgivingd/ To be the same in thine own act and valour As thou art in desire?She manipulates him further, calling him a coward and insulting his manhood, knowing that Macbeth will want to prove himself. This shows that Lady Macbeth is somewhat trusty for Macbeths downfall because, she drives him to go through with the murder and makes up the details of the plan to kill Dunc an, spell Macbeth was considering not even going through with the it.Although Macbeth had the thought of killing Duncan, he would not have acted on that thought unless Lady Macbeth persuaded him. Lady Macbeth is a sly psyche, able to manipulate her husband, and this ability to manipulate Macbeth makes her partially responsible for the destruction of Macbeth. She makes sure he will perform the deed by taking an active role in preparing for the murder framing the two chamberlains and cleaning up afterwards. As Macbeth worries about failing to carry out the plan, Lady Macbeth tells him to screw up his courage and they wouldnt fail.Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth murders great power Duncan who stays as a guest in his castle. Macbeth then becomes king of Scotland. Although Macbeth becomes king, he cannot have peace. His endless ambitions lead him into misery. Being obsessed by the witchess prophecies, he even tries to control his future.He remembers the witchess predictions that his wiz Banquos sons will be kings of Scotland. Macbeth considers Banquo and his son Fleance as threats to his security as King. Although outwardly friendly to Banquo, Macbeth is jealous and fearful of him. Plagued by worry and to hamper this from demoteing, Macbeth orders three men to kill Banquo and his son. Macbeths desire to gain wealthiness and status completely overpowers him. He becomes more ambitious than his wife, and finds himself deadened and drained of emotion, as we see in Act 3 Scene 1. He hath a wisdom that doth guide his valourto act in safety. in that respect is none but heWhose being I do fear and under himMy genius is rebuked, as it is saidMark Antonys was by Caesar.Upon my headroom they placed a fruitless crown,And put a barren scepter in my gripe,Thence to be wrenched with an unlineal hand,No son of mine deliver the goods .Throughout the play Macbeth is undermined by his insatiable ambition. Macbeth was at first average enough to keep his ambition in check, however it eventually became also strong for even Macbeth and therefore over-powered him. Reasoning was abandoned after the decisiveness to kill Duncan was made. At that point we see no serious questioning of the motives of the three witches when he is told of their cunning and misleading predictions. The decision to kill Duncan also signified the last serious attempt at moral reflection on the part of Macbeth.Throughout the novel we see that the Macbeths ambition completely subverted their reasoning abilities and eventually lead to his downfall. Macbeth, whom initially was a very reasonable and moral man, could not hold off the lure of ambition.Macbeths excessive ambition motivates him to murder Duncan, and once the evil act is accomplished, he sets into motion a series of sinister events that ultimately lead to his downfall. We see this when he says I am in blood stepped in so far that should I wade no more, Returning were as dull as go oer. Macbeth is saying that he is so accu stomed to the idea of murder that he will now be able to wade through a sea of blood. This is very ironic, as previously in the play, Macbeth had feared that he would never be able to aftermath the blood from Duncas murder off his hands.During the course of the play, Macbeth changes from a person with some moral sense to a man who will sack at nothing to get and keep what he wants. Although we are presented with his declination from good to evil, we can see his human side throughout the play, which makes it a tragedy. Once Macbeths ambition has set the ball rolling, events happen quickly in the play as it gathers momentum. This intense ambition leads to his downfall.
12 Years a Slave Themes
The pain and convolute experienced by Solomon Northrup in his 12 years of knuckle downry, like the millions of other slaves who were kidnapped in Africa and sold across the U. S. , is a tragic example of the pain iodin society can inflict upon another group of people. The ikon 12 Years A Slave graphic everyy portrays the horrors of thraldom in America, and demonstrates the compassion of the system, using the incredible irony in the story of Solomon Northrup. Since he had a dpcu handst that said he was a free black manhood, he was handle by others as a g in allant man, alone after he was kidnapped he was considered plaza, like an animal.There was no change in Solomon himself as a person plainly a corrupt system decl ard that he could now be owned as nothing said otherwise. whole a paper could absorb a expression your clementity. Additionally, the slave quash and traders, including Solomon Northrups, matte that they did not plainly have the right to treat their slave s however they liked, they similarly claimed they had the right to, even to a greater extent simply, own their fellow man. And by legislation of the American government, they were fully at liberty to do so.Both examples point to a major theme of the movie, and applies to the thraldom system that was in existence all over the Western world de adult maleization. The black slaves who were maltreat and exploited by the American policy of slavery had their humansity stripped away from them, and were considered the homogeneous as any other property of the owner. In contrast, the slave owners who considered fellow humans their own property and whom they could abuse at their leisure had their ideas of jurist led so astray by the permitting of slavery that they seemed to lack sanctioned human qualities themselves, including compassion and a sense of reason.The plight of the slaves is summed up abruptly when a fellow slave tells Solomon Northrup, after throwing the body of another sla ve into the ocean, that he was better off dead. It is quite astounding that much(prenominal) young men and women felt that their best option was to die, instead of world faced with the horrors they did daily. Although, it can appear quite reasonable, as slaves were or so a good deal born on a plantation, and had no hope of dying free. They could not establish any goals for themselves, as their entire life was forced to be devoted to fulfilling the needs of their masters.This is quite like the lives of many animals, and not humans. Animals are born and try to conserve their existence, but establishing goals to accomplish anything greater is stringently a human attribute. With this basic human characteristic taken from slaves, they were tho left field with a few human attributes- their own physical bodies, and their pot likker although the former was often abused by the frequent lashes awarded by the masters, which left very prominent scars on the back. For slaves however, mai ntaining their spirit and dignity, was probably far to a greater extent complex. Every single event in the life of a slave dehumanized them.Firstly, the auctions, where slaves were forced to strip down and dance like monkeys so prospective buyers could evaluate their abilities. Then, a price was put on their head, and white men could simply buy another human being, and then take him home and enslave him. Also, no differentiation was made between men and youth (as displayed in one scene where all slaves walk beside apiece other) to carry an identical workload, no matter if one was 12 or 25. Masters had the power to do as they pleased with their slaves after purchase, but only them as a slave was their own personal property.In a confrontation, a plantation supervisor instructed some others after trying to lynch Solomon that Ford (plantation owner) holds the mortgage, and you have no hold to his life. It is incredibly wry that since they did not own Solomon, they could not lynch, bu t whoever does can do as he pleases. All this dehumanizing torture would definitely break the spirit of closely any human. But, Solomon tried to maintain his, and ensure others did as well, at all costs. He was willing to take vicious punishment for standing up to a supervisor.Also, after noticing another female slave crying endlessly, he told her that You let yourself be overcome by sorrow, you will drown in it. Clearly Northrup tried his best to maintain his dignity, but prior to the raise conclusion of his story, there is a very telling scene. Solomon was playing violin at a dance for his master and their friends. The violin represented for him a human experience, as he was able to accomplish more than just picking cotton, and the sound of an instrument is one of the most powerful human experiences.Although, at this ball, as he plays, the sorrowful background music of the movie plays over his song, and clouds out the sound of his violin. After the ball Solomon smashed his vio lin into thousands of pieces. He recognized that even in a very human activity, he was lock up serving his master, and the music he played and everything he felt as a result of the music, all belonged to his owner. Despite the dramatization, it still vividly shows the despicable dehumanization suffered by slaves, and even those who tried to maintain their human dignity, eventually had everything stripped away.The slaves who had their humanity taken away were abused so greatly by their masters that for a viewer, it was hard to compute these masters as human, just as they thought of their slaves. Especially push down the Mississippi, like at Northrups plantation in Louisiana, the masters treated their slaves so poorly it was unrealizable to see them as human beings. Most notably, when whipping their slaves, masters stood over their workers and lashed them, with the lack of remorse of a jockey standing over his horse. When talking about whipping his slaves, Solomons Louisiana maste r said Sin. There is no sin.A man does as he pleases with his property. The master makes no recognition of the pain he inflicts upon his property, and it forces the viewer to see him as almost a sociopath. The same master also singled out an individual slave, Patsy, and tormented her in a way no true human would do. He was involved sexually with her, most likely against her will. He also whipped her brutally, and even once got Solomon to whip her, in order to see both of them suffer. Other white men demonstrate similar non-human characteristics. At a slave auction, one buyer rhetorically asked a slave Are you a slave or coon? .He showed so little respect for another human that it was simply impossible to see him as one either. The extreme cruelty was probably not something the owners were born with, though. It was something engrained in them by slavery being formalizedly permitted and promoted. With official support for slavery, and no real regulations, owners were practically e ncouraged to abuse their slaves. They wise to(p) nothing about the history of slavery or their individual slaves, so it was impossible for them to have any connection or compassion for their slaves. It could be considered the original ill-informed, American-centric principle.Truly, the masters such incredibly poor conduct and abuse of their slaves, no matter the justification dehumanized them as well, as no proper person could act in such a dreaded way. It is quite impossible to understand the moral justification for slavery in the U. S. No doubt the economic prospective was immense, but the responsibility of a government established for the people is responsible for just that, and encouraging slavery does just the opposite.It is indicative of a society, which at times even today, is more concerned with mythical end goals, thanfor the people who build and achieve them. The fantasy of the American South was to develop a perfect agrarian society, where mans religion and property we re his own, and were respected by the government and others. However, only the plantation owners were considered in this fantasy. Yes, the quantity of labour from the slaves was essential in the maturement of the rustic as a whole, and a failure to fully charter their ample natural resources would have greatly stunted the development of the raw(a) countrys economy, but the method taken contradicted the true goals of the country when it was established.Even Thomas Jefferson decried slavery in the Missing Clause of the constitution, and said . However, slavery existed for nearly 100 more years in the U. S. after Jefferson, as the South still considered it the best option for developing the country. Maybe it was justify then because the 14 million slaves who built American industry werent even considered human, they were only considered slaves.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Prefrontal Cortex Vs Criminal Behavior
This very spacious overview of anterior cortex bureau allows us to appreciate circumstances in which prefrontal cortex function is compromised in a human. Humans hold a especial(a) case when considering this brilliance region. Despite evidence that the prefrontal cortex in rodents and non-human primates regulates learning and conduct in ship put forwardal quite similar to that of the human, we be the most frontal of species, insofar as the frontal cortex is its largest, in both absolute and relative terms, in the human.The first realm to consider where prefrontal cortex function is compromised in humans is, quite reasonably, during education. Children show only minimal frontal function, from the standpoints of cognition (for example, in reversal tasks), unrestrained regulation, control of impulsive behavior and moralistic reasoning. One of the myths of child developwork forcet is that the brain is fully developed at some remarkably early age. Instead, brain development is far much prolonged and, non surprisingly, the prefrontal cortex is the last region of the brain to fully myelinate. Remarkably, this process extends well beyond adolescence into early adulthood. Various transient states stop compromise prefrontal cortex function.Alcohol is long maked for its contentedness to impair reasoning and impulse control, and surprisingly small quantities of alcohol impair the capacity of the prefrontal cortex to detect errors of commission or omission, as assessed electro- physiologically.An other(a) example concerns filter out. Most individuals have experienced severe and/orprolonged stress as disrupting attention, judgment and other purviews of the prefrontal cortex, and this has been shown much formally in both humans and animalsIn making sense of this, it should be appreciated that the prefrontal cortex contains some of the highest levels of receptors in the primate brain for stress hormones. Moreover, stress or stress hormones will dramaticall y alter the turnover of several(prenominal) classes of neurotransmitters in the prefrontal cortex. anterior cortex function is also compromised in another(prenominal) circumstance experienced by all individuals. With the onset of sleep and the convert to deep, slow wave sleep, in that location is a characteristic decrease in activity throughout the brain, particularly in the cortex. However, with the transition to paradoxical speedy eye movement sleep, thither is increased activity in a variety of brain regions, including associational cortex and limbic arrangings strikingly, metabolic appraise can even be higher than during wake periods.Amid this shift, there is a virtually complete cessation of activity in the prefrontal cortex, producing a relatively metabolically active brain that is unconstrained by the regulatory effects of the prefrontal cortex. It has been speculated that this, in effect, accounts for why dreams are dream-like characterized by emotional liability, non-se quential thinking and extreme disinhibition.Amid that, ingredientral intelligence and executive function can remain intact. By contrast, when damage occurs at earlier ages, executive function is impaired and the impulsivitytakes on a more global and malign spirit that has been termed acquired sociopathy, where antisocial behaviors can be markedly premeditated. The issue of brain development becomes relevant when considering individuals with sociopathic and antisocial behavior in which there is no intelligible history of prefrontal cortex damage.Moreover, when sociopaths must engage the prefrontal cortex, they activate more of the prefrontal cortex than control individuals to achieve the identical level of efficacy. In other words, even when these individuals actively attempt to do the harder thing, their prefrontal cortexes are less effective. Importantly, among such sociopathic individuals, the littler the volume of the prefrontal cortex, the greater the tendency towards aggres sive and antisocial behavior.The Prefrontal Cortex and the Criminal Justice SystemWe have come to recognize numerous realms in which a biological abnormality gives rise to deviant behavior, and such recognition has often then(prenominal) given rise to an first moment that people now exert higher-order control over that abnormality. For example, as noted, we would neer consider an epileptic violent who strikes someone in the process of a seizure it is not him it is his disease. However, we see that pileptic to not drive a car if their seizures are uncontrolled. Or we are coming to understand the euro inter psycheal chemistry of context-dependence relapse into drug dependency in organisms. Thus, we have come to expect ex-addicts to avoid the positions in which they previously abused drugs.There is a false dichotomy in this manner of thinking. It is as if we artificially demarcate an area in which biology dominates yes, there is something complete that gives rise tothis person h aving uncontrolled and coinciding neuronal discharges, or who has certain pathways potentiated that project onto dopamine-releasing pleasure pathways. But it is as if, with that area of organic impairment identified and given credence, we expect it to be bounded, and for the rest of our us-ness, replete with free will, to now shoulder the responsibility of retentivity that organic impairment within the confines of its boundaries. It cannot possibly work this way.What the literary works about the prefrontal cortex shows is that there is a reductive, materialistic neurobiology to the containment, resulting in the potential for volitional control to be impaired just as unambiguously as any other facial gesture of brain function. It is practicable to know the difference surrounded by right and wrong but for reasons of organic impairment, to not be able to do the right thing. The most obvious implication of this concerns how individuals with demonstrable prefrontal cortex damage ar e set in the criminal justice system. As the simplest conclusion, eitherthing about this realm of modern neurobiology argues against the retrenchment back towards a sole reliance on MNaghten that has gone on in recent decades.Amid the seeming obviousness of this conclusion, there is always a valid counter-point that can be raised there are individuals with substantial amounts of prefrontal cortex damage who, nonetheless, do not commit crimes. At present, knowing that someone has sustained prefrontal cortex damage does not give much power in predicting whether that persons disinhibition will take the form of serial murder or merely being unable to praise a nearly uneatable meal prepared by a host. This seems to weaken the volition can be organically impaired, just like any other aspect of brain function argument in these interstices of unpredictability seem to bide free will.However, we can begin to imagine tree diagrams of variables that, with each new-made layer, add more pre dictive power. We can already see cardinal layers in the realm of prefrontal cortex function. The first layer king query, prefrontal cortex normal or damaged? The second big businessman then query, if damaged damaged in childhood or subsequently? This same structure of increasing predictive power was shown in a recent, landmark study concerning clinical depression.Having a particular mannequin of the gene 5-HTT (which codes for a protein that regulates synaptic levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin) increases the risk of depression. However, 5-HTT pro-depressive variant or other variant? gives only a moderate predictive power, but the authors then exhibit the adding in of a second layer, if the pro-depressive variant major stressors during childhood or not? now generates an impressive predictive power as to which adults concede to clinical depression. If free will lurks in those interstices, those crawl spaces are for certain shrinking.Recent U.S College Case StudyBy Dani el Strueber, Monika Lueck and Gerhard Roth.On September 13, 2006, Kimveer Gill walked into the cafeteria at Dawson College in Montreal and, without apparent motive, shot 21 people, injuring 19 and killing two, including himself. The same sidereal day a judge in West Virginia sent a charr to jail for, among other atrocities, forcing her six children and stepchildren to gorge themselves on food and then eat their own vomit. Also on the 13th, a court in New York sentenced a man for killing his girlfriend by setting her on firein front of her 10-year-old son. There was nothing special about that Wednesday. From around the world we hear reports of murder, manslaughter, cruelty and abuse every day. Violence is ubiquitous.But what drives one person to kill, maim or abuse another, sometimes for little or no obvious reasonand why do so many violent offenders return to crime after dowry time in prison? Are these individuals incapable of any other behavior? We have evaluated the results of studies conducted around the world, focusing on acts ranging from fistfights to murder, in face of the psychobiological roots of violence. Our key conclusion is simple violent behavior neer erupts from a single cause. Rather it results from a combination of risk reckonsamong them communicable tendencies, a traumatic childhood and other negative experiencesthat interact and worsen one another. This realization has a silver lining positive influences whitethorn be able to offset some of those factors that promote violence, possibly offer hope for prevention.Indeed, male gender is the most important risk factor for violent behavior. As criminal statistics show, boys and young men commit the volume of physical assaults. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations statistics on crime in the U.S., 90.1 percent of murderers apprehended in 2004 were male and men accounted for 82.1 percent of the original number arrested for violent crimes. Girls and women are not necessarily l ess aggressive, as was assumed until the 1990s. But women engage in more indirect, covert aggression, whereas men tend toward immediate, outward physical aggression.The causes of these gender differences are manifold. Learned finish roles certainly enter into it girls dont hit, for example, but boys need to be able to moderate themselves. Also, indirect aggressive strategies require a relatively high level of social intelligence, which girls develop earlier and faster. Moreover, neuropsychological discrepancies almost certainly ferment a role. The small group of males who exhibit chronic violent behavior from an early age typically share other telltale traits, among them a low tolerance for frustration, deficiencies in learning social rules, attention problems, a decreased capacity for empathy, low intelligence and, most characteristic, extreme impulsiveness.Similarly, recap offendersparticularly those who have long prison records seem unable to take place their aggressive urge s in check. The late neuroscientist Ernest S. Barratt and his colleagues at the University of Texas Medical Branch interviewed put behind bars criminals in Texas in 1999 and found that many inmates consistently picked fights, even though they knew that their lives would be made more difficult as a result. When asked why they continued to behave in ways that hurt them, many responded that they had no idea. Even though they understood the consequences and resolved to act with greater denial the next time, they did not trust their own ability to keep their impulses at bay.Preliminary research indicates that biology may handicap some of these individuals, making it more difficult for them to show restraint. Among violent offenders, neuroscientists have found anatomical and physiological differences in both the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex, brain regions that are involved in the development and control of emotions. Some scientists propose that the orbitofrontal cortex, a reg ion of the prefrontal cortex where decision making takes place, inhibits areas of the limbic systemspecifically the hypothalamus and the amygdala, primitive brain regions that are a source of business and aggressive impulses. Thus, if some defect or injury impairs communication between the limbic system and the frontal cortex, a person might not be entirely able to moderate his or her emotional reactions.References1. www.scientificamericanmind.com2. www.
The Trajectory of ISIS: Political Discourse and Youth Agenda
IntroductionThe influence of Muslim State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) is diffusion fast not only in the Middle East entirely also across the globe. The sophistication and intensity of the ISISs onslaughts to expand their stain has raised interrogates of how they manage to accomplish their missions in the recent past. Most studies on the problems facing Middle East have focused on the adjacent issues and concerns related to radical Moslem groups however, this research seeks to investigate the future of ISIS in the dimension of youth agenda. Studies have shown that majority of the youth in Islamic states believe that Islam should play a role in the political discussion (Motadel, 2014 Sarikil, 2010). Their demand, based on theory, is that states based on Islamic principles are more desirable than adept with liberal approach to governance (Motadel, 2014). Although the youth impulse to have states under strong Islamic principles, history indicates that youth pitch more importa nce to their ethnic and sectarian identities than to their national identity (Jung and Raudvere, 2008). The emergent problem, among other issues, in this scenario is that the imagined ideal Islamic state is in foreland because there is no single Islamic identity that everyone would agree upon. Therefore, one fundamental question arises, what is this Islamic State being advanced by the ISIS and what is it practicality in the perspective of future political discourse? We advance this question further and ask What do the Muslim youth believe in the purely Islamic State and systemIs there any single Islamic ideology among the Muslim youthsIf yes, what are these ideologiesIf no, what are the conflicting differences and what do they mean value for the future of ISIS?ReferenceJung, D. and Raudvere, C. (2008). Religion, Politics, and Turkeys EU Accession. NY Palgrave Macmillan. Motadel ,D. (2014). The Ancestors of ISIS, The New York Times. 23 September 2014. Internet http// /2014/09/24/opinion/the-ancestors-of-isis.html. Date accessed 25 October 2014. Sarikil, Z. (2010). hold back Kurdish ethno-nationalism in Turkey an empirical assessment of pro-Islamic and socio-economic approaches. Ethnic and racial Studies, 33(3) 533-553.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Russian History Questions
visit _________________________________ Date __________ Period ___________ Researching Russia Directions Using the reference materials (including exactly not particular to the Internet, almanacs, atlases, encyclopedias, and books), research the answers to the following questions. The Internet is a useful source further you should make use of opposite resources should it not be available 1. On November 1, 1993, the parliament of the Russian Republic of the USSR granted Russian President ______________________ encompassing power to pop out radical economic reforms. 2.In 1991, the population of Russia was estimated at ________________________. 3. In the ninth century, Scandinavian chieftains established the first Russian state, cracking it on ___________________ and Kiev. 4. When did Lenin die? _____________ How did he die? _____________________ 5. The 900-day siege of Leningrad lasted from June 1941 until January ___________. 6. When did Stalin die? ________ How hoar was he? _ ______ 7. In the late 1960s and other(a) 1970s, massive Soviet military aid to __________________ helped assure communist victories throughout Southeast Asia. 8.Russia comprises everywhere ________% of the total area of the former USSR and has ____________________ square miles, making it the largest country in the world. 9. What is the current life foretaste for Russian males? 10. The Russian monetary social unit is the _________________. 11. The breed of cat known as the Russian blue is lordly for its vivid ___________ colored eyes and the _____________ quality of its blue-gray coat. 12. Who is the author of War and calm? 13. Who is the author of The Brothers Karamazov? 14. Which Russian author was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for Doctor Zhivago but declined the prize? 5. Leningrads St. Isaacs Cathedral on Decembrists Square was intentional by French architect ______________________ and built between 1819 and 1858. 16. The _______________, or Russian wolfhound, was first imported into the United States in 1889. 17. In 1854, British poet Alfred lord Tennyson made Balaklava famous in his poem _______________________________. 18. On January 22, 1904, George Melitonovich Balanchivadze was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. He gained a reputation for the foremost representative of neoclassicism ballet. His professional pass water was __________________________. 9. Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov is best known for what experiment? ____________________________________________________________ _________ 20. In 1910, Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova made her American debut with Russian dancer ______________________ at the metropolitan Opera House in New York City. 21. Which Russian chemist compiled the hebdomadary table of elements? ______________________________________ 22. On what date was the Russian Sputnik I put into roll? ______________________ 23. On what date was the Russian Sputnik II put into orbit? ______________________ 24. kinsf olk 17, 1957, was the 100th anniversary of the birth of Russian rocket pioneer Konstantin E. _________________________. 25. On January 2, 1959, unmanned interplanetary flight was proved feasible when the Soviet yokes Mechta entered into orbit around the sun. 26. The Volga River is ________ miles, or ________ kilometers long. 27. What was the name of the imperial family that rule Russia from 1613 until 1917? _______________________________ 28. The age of romanticism in Russian literature is from the late _________ until the early 1840s. 29. Who wrote The Twelve (1918)? __________________ 0. During World War II, the Soviet Union and Finland fought each other in two wars. The Winter War was from 1939 to __________________. The Continuation War was from 1941 until ______________. Who garbled both wars? 31. When did the Russo-Japanese War begin? ____________ 32. When did the Russo-Japanese War end? ___________ 33. Catherine the Great (1729-96) govern Russia for _________ years. 34. In what year did construction of St. Basils Cathedral begin? 35. The breed of dog known as the borzoi originated in Russia in the 1600s. Its average weight is __________ to ___________ pounds. 36.When World War I broke out, Russian-born composer Igor Stravinsky colonized in what country? _______________________ 37. In which direction would you travel if you swarm from Tula to capital of the Russian Federation? __________ 38. The island Great Lyakhov is in the _____________ sea. 39. Who wrote Boris? _____________________________ 40. The 900-day siege of Leningrad during World War II caused ____________ deaths. 41. Russia is ____________ time the size of the United States but has a population of less than _______% per centum of the people in the United States as of 2000. 42. What is the per capita Russian income? _____________________ 43. What is the life expectancy for Russian females? _____________ 44. In 1967, the Soviet government produced a film readjustment of Leo Tolstoys War and Peace in commemoration of fiftieth anniversary of the Revolution. The Russian language version of the film ____ hours and _____. 45. ____________________ delivers gifts to Russian children on New Years Eve. 46. In which direction would you travel if you drove from capital of the Russian Federation to St. Petersburg? __________________________ 47. The ________________ Mountains form a dividing line between Asia and Europe. 48.The _____________________ Strait separates Russia and Alaska. 49. czar Nicholas II was married to the granddaughter of Queen _____________ of England. 50. Name the son of Tsar Nicholas who suffered from hemophilia. _______________ 51. 23 of the _________________ volcanoes on Kamchatka Peninsula are active. 52. The Caucasus Mountains are composed of limestone and ______________ rocks with some volcanic formations. 53. The Caspian Sea has a surface area of about ________________ square miles. 54. In December, Moscow averages _______________ days with overca st skies. 5. St. Isaacs Cathedral is located on ______________ Prospect, a famous thoroughfare in Leningrad. 56. In the late 1980s, the population meanness of the USSR was _______ persons per square mile. 57. In the mid-1980s, the population density of the USSR was _______ persons per square mile. 58. The State _______________ Museum in Leningrad is considered to be one of the worlds great museums. 59. Valentina V. ___________ was the first cleaning woman to orbit the earth. 60. The ___________________ Railroad runs north of the Trans-Siberian Railroad. USS
Language of Politics Essay
Websters Encyclopedia defined speech communication, from Latin lingua, tongue, as basically the mode by which humans express themselves vocally and go with a nonher(prenominal)s. It is the expression and communication of emotions or ideas between human universes by substance of speech and hearing, the sounds spoken or heard creation systematized and confirmed by physical exertion among a given mass over a completion of time.1The art of utilise language in oftentimes(prenominal) a substance that signifi freighterce is either limited or produces a bargon-assed connotation, exact only one purpose, that is, to distort stack in believing other concepts or meanings so that people will not put into disadvantageously light or decipher correctly previous actions that have unfavourable effects to the environment, to people or to the parliamentary procedure.Some people see that our polish is degenerating and becoming more immoral as time passes us by and that our own lang uage must inevitably sh be in the popular collapse. As the environment continued to be destroyed by our savage actions, surely the ab office of language is withal one of the characteristics of a decaying society.Ultimately, the origin of language will have to be traced to its political and economic causes. nomenclature becomes ugly and inaccurate mainly because our own thoughts have become sc atomic number 18 off and foolish and frivolous. Manipulation of language to cover certain ugly plant or to paint rosy pictures so as to maintain people support and economic stability is fast becoming the norm in todays eachday communication.In George Orwells Politics and the incline row, two qualities that emerged among the five specimens of the English language as it is habitually written are (1) the staleness of imagery and (2) the lack of precision. He explained that the generator must have a meaning and yet, cannot express it properly or expresses it in such a way that it gives a whole new connotation.The writer might be indifferent to what he is saying and doesnt care if he is understood at all. Orwell said that this combination of vagueness ad sheer incompetence is one that is most unmistakably marked in terms of characteristics of modern English prose and of any kind of political writing. As soon as topics for discussion are raised, the concrete become raise and no one seems able to cogitate and speak row that is not hackneyed or trite.Orwell enumerated four tricks by which prose construction is habitually evaded (1) dying(p) metaphors assists thought by evoking a visual image but in like manner a metaphor that is technically dead (e.g., iron resolution) has in effect, reverted to being an ordinary word and can be utilise without loss of vividness, metaphors that are usually utilise to save people from inventing new words (e.g., walk the line, stand shoulder to shoulder with, play into the hands of, etc.) (2) Operators or communicatory false limbs saves the trouble of choosing appropriate verbs and nouns and at the same time, pad from each one sentence with extra syllables that gives it an appearance of symmetry (i.e., render inoperative, militate against, coiffe the purpose of, etc.)(3) Pretentious diction words like phenomenon, element, individual, objective, categorical, liquidate, etc. are utilise to dress up simple statements and give an air of scientific impartiality to biased judgments. Adjectives such as epoch-making, epic, historic, unforgettable, inevitable, etc. are words used to dignify the sordid process of international politics and (4) purposeless words words and passages that are almost lacking in meaning are used (e.g., romantic, plastic, values, human, sentimental, natural, vitality, etc. are usually used in art and literary criticism.2Orwell provided a clear and detailed explanation as to the operator by which people can destroy the usage of language through the four tricks that was enumerated above. style can be made live(a) and interesting, and it can be used with malice and intention to cloud peoples perception of things and events that whitethorn be deadly to some individuals, groups or organizations.What is language of politics? It is basically a term used to separate political or social consequences of linguistic differences between people, or on certain occasion, the political consequences of the way a language is spoken and what words are used.3Language, based on early exposition, can be a speech of a particular nation or any means of passing on ones thoughts or feelings to others. It is like a person such that over time, it grows and develops, changes as society changes. Often, society (particularly those in politics) uses language or words as weapons. It is used to bring on soul feel inferior or to hide something that will be detrimental to someones wellbeing. Language basically defines who we were, what we are and where we are expiry (direction). With its power to devastate and its power to influence, language continually evolves and changes, as the society and the environment changes.4For politicians, language is indeed a weapon. Creative and apt usage may cause death on political issues or aspirations. It may be used to cover devious acts and horrendous mistakes so that the the great unwashed will be clueless.Nowadays, an entire art of using language to manipulate citizens knowledge and inputs regarding politics has developed. Language is oftentimes used to hide mistakes or to cloud the peoples better judgment. By using tawdry language like jargon, enigmatic syn impose and hypersensitivity to precise narrow definitions, politicians are able to make people believe in lies or make them act in such a way that will be greatly beneficial to the political position of a candidate.One archetype of this is when then Secretary of State, Alexander Haig (1981) manipulated words because he was to explain to copulation why a group of S alvadoran soldiers trained and equipped by the United States had brutally raped and killed four American nuns. Haid used every language trick imaginable to suggest that the nuns actually got involved in an exchange of fire with the soldiers such that the image of nuns fighting with soldiers almost blotted out the fact that a crime was committed against the nuns. This is an grammatical case of how language can be manipulated to suit the needs of the politicians.5Politicians also conduct its citizenry by using jargon. Jargon refers to the confusing labels that are often attached to things. This is used so that those who are knowledgeable will know precisely what is being referred to. To use it with dishonesty and deceitfulness in mind, jargon is oftentimes used to confuse people with very formal sounding language.One example of this is when a doctor tells a patient that she has sever abdominal distention, encouraging the patient to spend more for her hospitalization, little knowin g that it vertical means she is experiencing cramps. This is oftentimes utilized during wartimes (e.g. during the Gulf War) by politicians to report about(predicate) targets being serviced which only meant that something possible containing people in it was destroyed.William Lutz, in his parole titled Doublespeak, gave another example on the usage of jargon to mislead people. He cited a US$2,043 dollar hexaform rotatable surface concretion unit, which suffered dramatically degraded useful operational life when it underwent harmful stress-related shaft detachment. Upon hearing this, people will naturally call up that the government should be more careful in buying such units when in actuality, it only meant a nut that has a value that is much too costly for comfort.6another(prenominal) way of deceiving the people is when politicians use confusing syntax. Syntax basically refers to grammar and certain grammatical structures can be used to misinform and mislead people. One mistak e that was covered up by using syntax was the aborted warrantor rescue effort in Iran during the hostage crisis of the 1970s. The presidential spokesman dispatched to inform the public of the circumstances explained that something had happened, but nothing rattling happened, there were or were not casualties and the US may or may not have been involved.Lutz came up with another example wherein it shows that politicians try to obviate being pinpointed as the author of bills that invariably raise taxes. Draft tax laws like in the case of a partnership with a dutiable year beginning 1 may 1986, if such partnership realize net capital gain during the period beginningthen such partnership may elect to treat each assetas having been distributed to the partners The readers simply lose track of what is being discussed and are left with no choice but to just accept what is being reported.7By using very narrow definitions, politicians are able to effectively deceive people. A politician may apply a rarely used definition to mislead or use a term in its strictest common sense while everyone else assumed that the more far-ranging definition applied. One example of this is when electric chair Bill Clinton explained that there is no sexual relationship.Americans assumed that his is also referred to the past and that there has never been any sexual relationship when in fact, he meant that literally at that moment, there was no sexual relationship. Another example is when a plane crashed due to a propeller that unload off and was explained in an FAA report as a case of uncontained leaf blade liberation. The horrible effect of incompetence is thus hidden in a term of blade liberation, misleading people to think that nothing untoward happened.Politicians have so much power when they use language in misinformation and deceit. People will just have to be constantly aware when they are being given jargons, syntax and very narrow definitions that are confusing and vague, making them robots that are programmed to accept and believe according to the whims of those who are in the position of power.ReferencesAnderson-Krome, Christopher W. What is Language? Retrieved 30 May 2007 fromhttp// Websters International Dictionary. 1998. Trident Press International, Florida USA.p716.Language politics. Retrieved 30 May 2007 from http//, George. Politics and the English Language. 1946. Retrieved 30 May 2007 fromhttp// archetype Essay. The COC Guide to Writing Online Edition. Retrieved 30 May 2007 fromhttp// slope/Guide/wizard1_200-599/500-599/517b.html.1 Language. Websters International Dictionary. 1998. Trident Press International, Florida USA. P716.2 Orwell, George. Politics and the English Language. 1946. Retrieved 30 May 2007 from http// cad/intrel/orwell46.html.3 Language politics. Retrieved 30 May 2007 from http// Anderson-Krome, Christopher W. What is Language? Retrieved 30 May 2007 from http// Sample Essay. The COC Guide to Writing Online Edition. Retrieved 30 May 2007 from http// Sample Essay. Ibid.7 Ibid.
Monday, February 25, 2019
He published Poor Richard’s Almanac and the Pennsylvania Gazette
gum benzoin Franklin will always be one and only(a) of the Statess greatest influential leaders. Hes known for his large contri barelyions in the world of politics, science, philosophy, among another(prenominal)s. His discoveries and theories in electricy made him a significant interpret in physics. During the American revolution, Franklin was able to secure the French alliance reservation independence a reality. Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17, 1706. fit in to Houston (2004), Franklin took his knowledge in printing from his older brother and became a theme editor, newspaperman and merchant in Philadelphia.He published Poor Richards Almanac and the pascal Gazette during his stint in England (Houston, 2004). When in the united States, he is butt joint the system of the maiden public lending library and fire department. genus Benzoin went to Boston Latin School but was not able to polish instead, he continued his education through tremendous read ing. When he was 17 years old, Franklin went to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to seek a new start in a new city. There he worked in several(prenominal) printer shops.After several months, Franklin was persuaded by Pennsylvania Governor Sir William Keith to go to capital of the United Kingdom, purposely to carry through the necessary equipment for establishing another newspaper in Philadelphia. He returned to Philadelphia in 1726 with the care of a merchant named Thomas Denham, who gave Franklin a position as clerk, shopkeeper, and bookkeeper in Denhams merchant occupancy. The Author, Inventor, Philosopher, National Hero, etc. A persons record was so important to Franklin. To cultivate his own character, he developed thirteen virtues at the age of 20 which became his guiding principles all throughout his life.These virtues, as mentioned in Houstons book (2004) as well as other references on the life and works of Franklin, are lested below with their corresponding meanings 1. graven ess which he meant as to eat not to dullness, drink not to elevation. 2. calm is the next virtue which goes to mean that speak not but what may benefit others or yourself, avoid trifling conversation. 3. The virtue of Order right off means, let all your things have their places let each part of your business have its time. 4. Resolution.Resolve to perform what you ought perform without fail what you resolve. 5. Frugality. Make no disbursal but to do good to others or yourself. What he wanted everyone to control was to waste nothing. 6. Industry. Lose no time be always active in something useful cut off all unnecessary actions. 7. Sincerity. lend oneself no hurtful deceit think innocently and respectablely, and, if you speak, speak harmonisely. 8. Justice. molest none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty. 9. Moderation. Avoid extremes forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.10. Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation. 11. Tranquility. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents cat valium or unavoidable. 12. Chastity. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or anothers peace or reputation. 13. And the run low virtue is Humility wherein he emphasized that we should imitate jesus and Socrates who according to him were the greatest examples of nation who practiced humility. These virtues are indeed powerful and may be adopted by anyone.They were purposely created by franklin to make a persons character stronger. Among other things, Franklin was so fascinated in science and technology. Famous from his line of inventions attached to his name are the lightning rod, the Franklin stove, catheter, swimfins, film over harmonica and bifocals. His contributions in electricity earned him recognitions such as the one from the Royal Societys Copley Medal in 1753 and in 1756 he became one of the few eighteenth century Amer icans to be elected as a brother of the Society.The cgs unit of electric charge has been named after him one franklin (Fr) is affect to one statcoulomb. Steven M. Gillon and Cathy D. Matson (2003) illustrated that franklin likewise played a major role with the establishment of the University of Pennsylvania and Franklin and Marshall College. In fact, in 1769 he was elected the first president of the American Philosophical Society Held at Philadelphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge. Perhaps, the to the highest degree lasting legacy of Benjamin Franklin is the appearance of his image in the American $100 bill.These days, $100 bills are often referred to as Benjamins or Franklins as mentioned by authors Gillon and Matson (2003). The city of Philadelphia is a living tribute to Franklin with about 5,000 likenesses of Benjamin Franklin in the citys various areas. When he returned to the United States in 1762 after his stay in London, Franklin became actively involved in the Paxton Boy s affair, committal to writing a sarcastic attack on their massacre of Christian American Indians and at long last asking them to break up.A lot of the Paxton Boys supporters were Scotch-Irish Presbyterians and German meliorate or Lutherans from the rural west of Pennsylvania, leading to allegations that Franklin was biased in favor of the urban Quaker elite of the East (Gillon and Matson 2003). These attacks led to Franklin losing a seat in the 1764 hookup elections. This occasion became an opportunity for him to return to London earning the reputation of cosmos a pro-American radical. Houston (2004) noted that Franklin was dispatched to England as an means for the colony in 1764 to petition the King to take over the government from the hands of the proprietors.This visit would also become instrumental in becoming the colonial agent for Georgia, New Jersey and Massachusetts. While he was living in London in 1768, he improved a phonetic alphabet in A Scheme for a new Alphabet and a Reformed Mode of Spelling. This new format discarded six earn which he believed were redundant and substituted six new letters for sounds he felt lacked letters of their own however, his new alphabet never caught on and he eventually lost interest. When Franklin arrived in Philadelphia on May 5, the American Revolution has been difference on with battles at Lexington and Concord.With this development, he was chosen by the Pennsylvania Assembly as their official substitute to the Second Continental Congress (Gillon and Matson 2003). thus In 1776 he became a member of the Committee of Five that drafted the closure of Independence and was part of the group responsible in making several small changes to Thomas Jeffersons draft. In 1787 he served as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia where he played an dignified role, but seldom participated in debate.Franklin, according to Houston (2004) is the only Founding Father who is a signatory of all four of th e major documents of the founding of the United States which hold the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris, the Treaty of Alliance with France, and the United States Constitution. Benjamin Franklin died at the age of 84 in April 17, 1790. His funeral was historically graced by about 20,000 people (Gillon and Matson 2003). He was laid to his final resting place at the Christ perform Burial Ground in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.This is actually the same church which is also the home of Benjamin Rush. One of the houses he lived in Craven highroad was previously marked with a blue plaque, and has since been opened to the public as the Benjamin Franklin House which has attracted tourists from across the globe. In 1728, according to Gillon and Matson (2003) when he was just a young man, Franklin wrote the following words to be his own epitaph The trunk of B. Franklin Printer Like the Cover of an old Book, Its Contents torn out, And stript of its earn and Gilding, Lies here , Food for Worms.But the Work shall not be wholly lost For it will, as he believd, appear once more than, In a new & more perfect Edition, Corrected and Amended By the Author. He was born on January 17, 1706. Died 17. But in his will, Franklins actual grave simply reads Benjamin and Deborah Franklin. industrial plant Cited Alan Houston, ed. Franklin The Autobiography and other Writings on Politics, Economics, and Virtue. Cambridge U. Press, 2004. 371 pp. Steven M. Gillon and Cathy D. Matson. The American Experiment A History of the United States, Volume II Since 1865 (Boston Houghton Mif
Qnt 561 Week 1 Problem 81
a) The Ludlow Wildcats baseball team, a minor league team in the Cleveland Indians organization, plays 70 part of their games at shadow and 30 portion during the day. The team wins 50 percent of their night games and 90 percent of their day games. According to todays newspaper, they win yesterday. What is the opportunity the game was play at night? % of games compete at night = 70% % of games played during day = 30% % of night games won =50% % of day games won= 90% hazard of benignant = Probability of amiable at night + Probability of attractive during day = % of games played at night x % of night games won + % of games played during day x % of day games won = 70% x 50% + 30% x 90% = 0. 35 + 0. 27 = 0. 62 Probability that the game was played during night given that the game was won = Probability of winning at night / Probability of winning = 0. 35 / 0. 62 = 35/62 Answer Probability = 35/62 This goat be mum in a different wayLet the number of games played be 100 erupt of t hese 100 games, 70 games were played at night and 30 during day Out of 70 games played at night no of games won = 50% x 70 = 35 games and the number of games woolly-headed = 50% x 70 =35 Out of 30 games played during day, no of games won = 90% x 30 = 27 games and the number of games lost = 10% x 30 = 3 frankincense total games won = 35 + 27 = 62 (Total games lost = 35 + 3 =38, but this is not required for calculation) Thus kayoed of 62 games won , 35 were won at nightThus chance that the game was played at night, given that the game was won = 35/62 b) With each purchase of a astronomic pizza pie at Tonys Pizza, the customer receives a coupon that can be scratched to jaw if a prize ordain be awarded. The betting odds of winning a free soft confuse are 1 in 10, and the odds of winning a free large pizza are 1 in 50. You plan to eat lunch tomorrow at Tonys. What is the probability 1. That you will win either a large pizza or a soft drink 2. That you will not win a prize? 3.Tha t you will not win a prize on three consecutive visits to Tonys 4. That you will win at to the lowest degree whizz prize on bingle of your next three visits to Tonys We have to interchange odds into probability Probability = odds / (1+ odds) Odds of winning a free soft drink are 1 in 10 in that locationfore, probability of winning a free soft drink = (1/10) / (1 + 1/10) = 1/11 Odds of winning a free large pizza are 1 in 50 Therefore, probability of winning a free large pizza = (1/50) / (1 + 1/50) = 1/51 What is the probability 1.That you will win either a large pizza or a soft drink The events winning a pizza and winning a soft drink are mutually soap (since you can either win a pizza or you can win a soft drink but not two at the same time as you have only unmatchable coupon ) Probability of winning either a large pizza or a soft drink = Probability of winning a large pizza + Probability of winning a soft drink = 1/51 + 1/11 = 62 /561 = 0. 11 or 11% 2. That you will not win a prize? Probability of not winning a prize = 1- Probability of winning a prize = 1- 62/561 = 499/561 = 0. 9 or 89% 3. That you will not win a prize on three consecutive visits to Tonys Since the events of winning / not winning on consecutive visits are independent events we will multiply the probabilities Probability of not winning a prize on three consecutive visits = Probability of not winning on first-class honours degree visit x Probability of not winning on routine visit x Probability of not winning on trinity visit = (499 /561) x (499 / 561) x (499 / 561) = (499/561) 3 = 0. 70 or 70% 4. That you will win at least one prize on one of your next three visits to TonysProbability of winning at least once = 1- probability of not winning even once = 1- (499/561) 3 = 0. 30 or 30% c) There are four throng being considered for the position of chief executive officer of Dalton Enterprises. Three of the applicants are over 60 years of age. Two are distaff, of which only one is ove r 60. 1) What is the probability that a candidate is over 60 and pistillate 2. attached that the candidate is manlike, what is the probability he is less than 60 3) assumption that the person is over 60, what is the probability the person is pistillateOut of 4 applicants Male = 2 (both over 60) Female = 2 (1 over 60, 1 less than 60) 1) What is the probability that a candidate is over 60 and female Out of 4 candidates only 1 is both female and over 60 Therefore probability = ? = 0. 25 or 25% 2. Given that the candidate is male, what is the probability he is less than 60 Both male candidates are over 60 therefore probability = 0 3 Given that the person is over 60, what is the probability the person is female There are 3 persons over 60 out of which 1 is female Therefore, probability = 1/3
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Reed Supermarkets: a New Wave of Competitors
beating-reed instrument Super grocery stores. Spring 2013Meredith Collins faces the difficulty of choosing the most appropriate grocerying dodging for reed Supermarkets to implement so that the bon ton increases its market share in the capital of Ohio, OH market from 14% in 2010 to a target of 16% in 2011. This goal should be pure(a) in spite of the new competitive challenges posed by the rise prominence of long horse mark and limited selection stores in the food sell industry.SWOT AnalysisInternal Strengths reed instruments quality image and exceptionally attentive customer expediencyFull range offeringsAttractive stores, long hours, and elegant service? case displays.Internal WeaknessesMany consumers perceive vibrating reeds prices are high crownwork exp abolishiture policy freezing 3. No consensus within attention on what strategy to implement for market share growth.External OpportunitiesThe new consumer is more savvy, wellness and appeal? consciousGrowth of insul ar stigmatise merchandise 3. Columbuss economic environment is more favorable than states and nations economic environmentsExternal Threats Dollar and Limited infusion Stores increasing market share / Aldis projected new stores sparing downturn . Significant dwindling of customer loyalty. vibrating reeds management is soon assessing the fol low gearing alternatives to increase its market share in the Columbus marketContinue its ongoing dollar special campaignTerminate the dollar special campaign and implement an everyday low price mock upConvey the value created to consumers by reinforcing the range and quality of offeringsIncrease low priced specials, expand private label brands, and introduce double couponing.In addition, I would in addition consider the following alternative Make an offer to buy some of Galaxys troubling Columbus stores.In evaluating the aforementioned alternatives, Reeds management will view to take into account that, in aver to meet the targeted market share of 16% in 2011, they will have to increase their gross sales volume by $94 million, which represents a 14% increase compared to 2010 (see appendix). The present dollar special campaign was an attempt from Reeds to change consumers perception that they have higher prices. more or less Reeds managers are confident that in an separate half-dozen months they will be able to change this perception while, at the selfsame(prenominal) time, they reinforce customer loyalty.However, some executives believe also that the campaign detracted from Reeds quality image as it seemed to be too keep mum to the offering of dollar stores which could damage Reeds image with association. The scope of this campaign (250 out of 50,000 items) does not seem sufficient to become the additional sales required. Other executives suggest implementing an everyday low pricing model in order to tackle, in a more hostile fashion, the high? priced image that Reed carries. This would likely require a real ized switch of the companys positioning from a high? nd store to a medium, more value? focused positioning. Reeds image, as a quality and customer service oriented, could be super damaged by such a switch. Additionally, it would be expected that other discount stores would be reacting aggressively to this strategy. Another option is to reinforce Reeds current positioning as a high? end store by emphasizing the range and quality of its offerings. Such strategy appeals to the more affluent households, which are more keen on superior private labels and organic produce.This customer segment has been the backbone of Reeds growth in the past 20 years, and the company wants to be sterilize to satisfy its upscale tastes as the economy recovers. Operations conductor Jane Wu offered moreover another alternative increase low? priced specials, expand private label brands, and introduce double couponing. The new consumer that emerged from the 2007? 2009 recession is more savvy and cost? cons cious, which is demonstrated by the increasing share of wallet captured by dollar and limited selection stores.By acknowledging this new reality and resorting to the strategy suggested by Director Wu, the company can potentially attract new customers and appeal to twain fill? in trippers and full grocery runners. This seems to be a arduous strategy in order for the company to capture, in the short? term, the $94 million additional sales required to meet the target market share. It is unclear, however, if this strategy could hurt the quality image recognized to Reeds supermarkets and as a result drive high? nd customers away. On the other hand, during difficult economic times, such as the downturn of 2008? 2011, consumers run away to opt for value. Finally, we should not discard the introduction of new stores as a strong alternative for increasing sales. The company has consistently expanded the string in the past, with the new stores accomplishing similar results to existing one s. Reeds management has made it clear that it does not wish to have capital expenditures in form of new stores in 2011.But, a struggling Galaxy kitchen stove in the Columbus market could represent an interesting opportunity for Reed to acquire some of its stores at a discounted price, and this way meeting the sales volume required for the 16% market share. Given the resistance from Reeds management to resort to additional capital expenditure, my recommendation is that the company implements the alternative suggested by Director Wu, i. e. increase low? priced specials, expand private label brands, and introduce double couponing. For the
Concerted Cultivation VS. Natural Growth
Concerted horticulture and natural growing are two different types of educating a child by his or her parents. Each type of educational technique created a score individual. ingrained growth created a working part individual, while conjunctive cultivation created a middle class individual. Concerted cultivation is a middle class child educational technique parents use on a child to improve their childrens talents. warmheartedness class parents do this through documentd activities. Concerted cultivated parents withal put on the language of reasoning with their child.The parents believe that their children have the right to maintain an agreement with each parent. Middle class parents also take more than consideration with authorities that are connected with their children. Children from concert cultivation households expend much time in after school classes or programmers such as taking dance lessons or being on a football team. Parents in these families are very involved in their childrens free time, transporting them from activity to activity, which, of cristal, some moms are called soccer moms for the children who play soccer.Concerted cultivation parents also emphasize negotiation, encouraging their children to question effectiveness figures, including themselves. As a result, children from concerted cultivation inglesides tend to be less intimidated by authority, such as teachers, and attain a sense of power, accept they are worthy of adult interest and can customize their environment. Natural growth is used by the working class or slimy class. These parents focus on their childrens safety and discipline.These children usually do not have scheduled activities, but have a wide set out of activities to choose from for the entire days-worth. Siblings of the children approached with the natural growth technique have a stronger bond because they are often together and not separated by schedules, which exist in the middle class family and fall under the concerted cultivation. Unlike children who go through concerted cultivation, natural growth children cannot practice their use of reasoning.Parents usually have the upper hand in arguments and cater no questioning from the children not to mention that punishment is taken into the transfer of the parents, tending to be more severe, beatings are optional. The working and poor class families also view teachers and other authorities as high positions, and do not feel the need to confront them with issues. With concerted cultivation, Lareau gives the example of bourgeois Alex, who is taken to the doctors by his mother. In the car, she tells her son that he should not be shy and ask the doctor anything he wants.Alex interacts in a relaxed way with the doctor, asking him questions and even interrupting him when he gets his age falsely and uses a word Alex does not know. The Doctor notes that he is in the ninety-fifth percentile in height, Alex interrupts him. Alex Im in what? Doctor It pith that youre taller than more than ninety-five out of a hundred new-made men when theyre, uh, ten years old. Alex Im not ten Doctor well they graphed you at ten. Youre- nine years and ten months. They-they usually take the closest year to get that graph.The act of interrupting a person of authority is a display of entitlement. It is also indicative of middle-class child- rearing priorities the incivility of interrupting a speaker is overlooked in prefer of encouraging childrens sense of their individual importance and of affirming their right to transmit their own thoughts and ideas to adults. (lareau, 2011, p. 124-125) Children from poorer class, natural growth, homes usually spend most of their time playacting outside with siblings and other children from their area.Parents spend little time at home because they are working, waiting for public transportation or waiting in line at social service agencies. They do not schedule their childrens time or care much ab out cultivating, or promoting, their childrens talents and interests. Parenting is usually strict and children are following commands without negotiation. Around authority figures, such as teachers, working-class children and their parents tend to be quiet and inactive, feel at the ground and not asking questions.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
The Princess fairytales
How stupefy I become who I am give c ar a shot? This is a ca identify that adults ponder on a daily basis. in that respect is a large amount of resources such as authoritative figures, books and experiences, which gutter go over your piece. There is however, an important force that conduces to a humans characteristics today- faggot humbugs. Fairytales atomic number 18 fanciful tale of legendary deeds and creatures, usually mean for small fryren. What is not kn cause though is what effect a cock-and-bull floor has on a some unmatch fitted today. Bruno Bettelheims The Uses of Enchantment, reveals a revelation on the huge encourage of song and dances.In baseball club to take over Bettelheims theories the cock-and-bull storys The Princess and the Frog, The itsy-bitsy Mermaid, The computer mouse Princess and The seventh start regulate of the House have been analyzed. Theories similar to Bettelheims by psychologists Sigmund Freud, Renee student residence and Jack Zipes are used to describe the meanings and importance of these fairytales. Characters theatrical in these fairytales support psychologists theories such as those in Bruno Bettelheims The Uses of Enchantment that conjure that fairytales have an influence on squirtren through with(predicate) the linguistic rules of earth versus recreation rationale, ego-importance baring and orgasm to hassles.Representation of characters in the fairytales Princess and the Frog, The Little Mermaid and The cabbage Princess, support psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Sigmund Freuds theories that call down fairytales alter to progress in a child through acknowledgement of plea convinced(predicate) to the reality of life. Bruno Bettelheim develops the concept of the moral conscience cohere-go explored by Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freuds theories says, The commands of the moral conscience come from the personal perception and annexation of set which we discover in the stories or exam ples of persons we want to be like. SG1) Freud meat to say that our thoughts come from our perceptions of stories or persons that we wish to be like. Bettelheim builds on this theory, and elevate explains, Identification with characters teaches that there are usings-possibilities of progress from the pleasure principle to the reality principle. (UE43) Bettelheim means that fairytales behind service of process a child take the difference surrounded by pleasure and reality, through the solutions characters predominate to their paradoxs. For example, in the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, the main character Tiana is characterized as a girl who wishes upon an even out Star.Tiana thence stimulates pleasure in believing that her dreams fucking come real by wishing on the star. Reality is shown to Tiana by her father though, when he says, that venerable star kitty only take you part of the trend, youve got to help it on with rough profound engage of your own. (P&F8) From this fairytale, a child burn view that success takes fiddle and dedication, and that angiotensin-converting enzyme must not call up in success coming instantly. Another fairytale where the reality versus pleasure principle can be shown is The Little Mermaid. Like Tiana, the little mermaid is a character who seeks pleasure in dreams of transforming from mermaid to human.The mermaids reality though, shows in the excerpt that says, A two-edged trade name seemed to thrust itself through her delicate body she fainted, and lay as though dead. (LM61) Children can figure that in reality, a sacrifice, big or small, sometimes has to be made in post to achieve your goals in life. In the story The Mouse Princess, pleasure is shown by the Princes brothers when they make apricot in order to find success. Reality is shown to the brothers though, when the authors says, Indeed, there was little to choose in the midst of them for looks and arrogance. (MP206/207) The Princes b rothers find that their wives were not adequate enough. A child gets the essence from this fairytale that there are consequences when one does not search for attribute in order to gain their desires in life. CONCLUSION The characters representation in the fairytales Princess and the Frog, The seventh Father of the House, and The Little Mermaid, support the theories of psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Megge Hill Fitz-Randolph which suggest that fairytales contribute to a childs progression through the process of self- denudation.In The Uses of Enchantment, Bettelheim states, Children are inquiring for the solutions Who am I? How ought I to deal with lifes conundrums? the fairytale has a self-consistent amicable organization with a definite beginning and a plot that moves toward a consolatory solution which is reached at the end. (UE47/57) Bettelheim explains that fairytales provide answers to important questions that children begin to question when their lives begin. T he answers that they oblige help to shape the childs process of thought, leading him to discover his capabilities.The expression provided in the fairytale in turn gives the child a guideline to follow. A child identifies with the structures and characters, which both help the child construe why the child feels and thinks the way he or she does. Psychologist Megge Hill Fitz-Randolph, in her word entitled, Fairytales as Guide to Self Understanding, she says, Due largely due to the break of Carl Jung, Marion Woodman, Joseph Campbell and others fairy tales along with myths have become a satisfying and surprise way to get a larger view of oneselfBecoming ones regular(a) self or Individuation is invariably the endgame of the fairy tales journey. (MR1) Randolph simply states that through reading and understanding fairytales, one can find themselves by the end of the story. The process of self discovery is shown in the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, when Tiana is faced with t he problem of being magically turned into a frog. Tiana finds herself when the story states, There was something special about her. She knew that my daddy taught me well.He unendingly knew what was important. (PF54) end-to-end the story, Tiana finds that her strength is staying focused to the task that she had originally planned to surveil at, which was having her own restaurant. From this experience, a child learns that there may be phenomenal problems that one may encounter, but at the end of the trial, one go forth always learn something about himself. In the fairytale The one-seventh Father of the House, the traveller discovers that he has the consider to follow through with his plans to find a mark to stay.The traveller must ask seven men in order to find a place to stay. By the end of the process, the traveller in the end asks, Good Evening Father Will you put me up for the wickedness? (7F14) By the end stage of this fairytale, the traveller has learnt that he and so has the drive to follow through on plans, even though he had to go through many men in order to get to where he has ended. From this ordeal, a child learns that in order to find yourself, or what you are good at, you must never give up.The process of self discovery can finally be seen in the fairytale The Little Mermaid. The mermaid about lost her life in an attempt to figure out what she genuinely wanted in her life. In a turn of events, the fairytale states, The injure quivered in her hand-then she flung it far out in the waves she looked at the prince, she threw herself from the transmit into the sea, where she felt up her body dis run into foam. (LM68) The mermaid thought she knew what she wanted, then realized that the distraint she had at peace(p) through was not worth her dream.A child can learn that one has to go through ordeals, big or small, and some may even suffer in the hopes of finally becoming the person he would like to be. CONCLUSION A characters repres entation in the fairytales The Princess and the Frog, The Mouse Princess and The seventh Father of the House support psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Jack Zipes theories that suggest fairytales contribute to the development of a child through the concept of the correct approach to problem firmness. In The Uses of Enchantment, Bettelheim states that, too many parents want their childrens mind to parting as their own do.. f he becomes more able to understand others, and last can relate to them in ways which are mutually satisfying and meaningful. (UE1) This means that fairytales can help a childs mind get going in a manner that is understanding to them and give the child correct problem resolving power skills that would be essential to them for the future. Jack Zipes analysis of problem solving through fairytales can be found in his work entitled, why Fairytales Stick, Zipes says, fairy tales were designed to communicate ideas about natural instinct, social relations, pr escriptive behaviour, character types (JZ99). Zipes suggests that a fairytale was meant to serve the function of back up to pull in problems, therefore shadowing the beliefs of Bettelheim. In the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, when Tiana turns into a frog, the lecturer is introduced to an impractical situation, but still a process where problem solving manoeuvre are involved. Tiana was able to solve her problems by asking questions and fashioning sure she received answers that would help her solve the dilemma.A child can learn the important skill of problem solving from Tiana by pursual in her footsteps and asking for help from the right person in order to solve a problem. In the fairytale The Seventh Father of the House, problems start between the Prince and his brothers. The story says, But the Countess and the Dukes daughter glared haughtily at one other over their bridegrooms heads, all their past friendship forgotten in their present rivalry. (MP215) The Prince was able to successfully find a bride through this hard work and perseverance.The Prince was able to solve his problem and gain positive aspects when he gain his fathers crown, and earning the resentment of his lazy brothers. This story teaches children that without the correct problem solving skills, the result of the task will be negative. Similarly to Tiana, the traveller in The Seventh Father of the House was able to analyze the situation that he was put in, and ask a multitude of questions to several people, and finally able to find a healthy solution to his task- finding a place to stay.How have I become who I am today? This is a question that adults ponder on a daily basis. There is a large amount of resources such as authoritative figures, books and experiences, which can influence your character. There is however, an important force that contributes to a humans characteristics today- fairytales. Fairytales are fanciful tale of legendary deeds and creatures, usually intende d for children. What is not known though is what effect a fairytale has on a person today. Bruno Bettelheims The Uses of Enchantment, reveals a revelation on the enormous value of fairytales.In order to support Bettelheims theories the fairytales The Princess and the Frog, The Little Mermaid, The Mouse Princess and The Seventh Father of the House have been analyzed. Theories similar to Bettelheims by psychologists Sigmund Freud, Renee Hall and Jack Zipes are used to describe the meanings and importance of these fairytales. Characters representation in these fairytales support psychologists theories such as those in Bruno Bettelheims The Uses of Enchantment that suggest that fairytales have an influence on children through the principles of reality versus pleasure principle, self discovery and approach to problems.Representation of characters in the fairytales Princess and the Frog, The Little Mermaid and The Mouse Princess, support psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Sigmund Freuds t heories that suggest fairytales contribute to progress in a child through recognition of pleasure to the reality of life. Bruno Bettelheim develops the concept of the moral conscience first explored by Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freuds theories says, The commands of the moral conscience come from the personal perception and appropriation of values which we discover in the stories or examples of persons we want to be like. SG1) Freud means to say that our thoughts come from our perceptions of stories or persons that we wish to be like. Bettelheim builds on this theory, and further explains, Identification with characters teaches that there are developments-possibilities of progress from the pleasure principle to the reality principle. (UE43) Bettelheim means that fairytales can help a child realize the difference between pleasure and reality, through the solutions characters find to their problems. For example, in the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, the main character Tiana is cha racterized as a girl who wishes upon an Evening Star.Tiana therefore finds pleasure in believing that her dreams can come true by wishing on the star. Reality is shown to Tiana by her father though, when he says, that old star can only take you part of the way, youve got to help it along with some hard work of your own. (P&F8) From this fairytale, a child can learn that success takes work and dedication, and that one must not believe in success coming instantly. Another fairytale where the reality versus pleasure principle can be shown is The Little Mermaid. Like Tiana, the little mermaid is a character who seeks pleasure in dreams of transforming from mermaid to human.The mermaids reality though, shows in the excerpt that says, A two-edged sword seemed to thrust itself through her delicate body she fainted, and lay as though dead. (LM61) Children can learn that in reality, a sacrifice, big or small, sometimes has to be made in order to achieve your goals in life. In the story The Mouse Princess, pleasure is shown by the Princes brothers when they choose beauty in order to find success. Reality is shown to the brothers though, when the authors says, Indeed, there was little to choose between them for looks and arrogance. (MP206/207) The Princes brothers find that their wives were not adequate enough. A child gets the message from this fairytale that there are consequences when one does not search for quality in order to gain their desires in life. CONCLUSION The characters representation in the fairytales Princess and the Frog, The Seventh Father of the House, and The Little Mermaid, support the theories of psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Megge Hill Fitz-Randolph which suggest that fairytales contribute to a childs progression through the process of self- discovery.In The Uses of Enchantment, Bettelheim states, Children are searching for the solutions Who am I? How ought I to deal with lifes problems? the fairytale has a consistent structure with a de finite beginning and a plot that moves toward a satisfying solution which is reached at the end. (UE47/57) Bettelheim explains that fairytales provide answers to important questions that children begin to question when their lives begin. The answers that they obtain help to shape the childs process of thought, leading him to discover his capabilities.The structure provided in the fairytale in turn gives the child a guideline to follow. A child identifies with the structures and characters, which both help the child understand why the child feels and thinks the way he or she does. Psychologist Megge Hill Fitz-Randolph, in her article entitled, Fairytales as Guide to Self Understanding, she says, Due largely due to the work of Carl Jung, Marion Woodman, Joseph Campbell and others fairy tales along with myths have become a satisfying and surprising way to get a larger view of oneselfBecoming ones authentic self or Individuation is always the endgame of the fairy tales journey. (MR1) Randolph simply states that through reading and understanding fairytales, one can find themselves by the end of the story. The process of self discovery is shown in the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, when Tiana is faced with the problem of being magically turned into a frog. Tiana finds herself when the story states, There was something special about her. She knew that my daddy taught me well.He always knew what was important. (PF54) Throughout the story, Tiana finds that her strength is staying focused to the task that she had originally planned to succeed at, which was having her own restaurant. From this experience, a child learns that there may be extraordinary problems that one may encounter, but at the end of the trial, one will always learn something about himself. In the fairytale The Seventh Father of the House, the traveller discovers that he has the drive to follow through with his plans to find a place to stay.The traveller must ask seven men in order to find a pla ce to stay. By the end of the process, the traveller finally asks, Good Evening Father Will you put me up for the night? (7F14) By the end stage of this fairytale, the traveller has learnt that he indeed has the drive to follow through on plans, even though he had to go through many men in order to get to where he has ended. From this ordeal, a child learns that in order to find yourself, or what you are good at, you must never give up.The process of self discovery can finally be seen in the fairytale The Little Mermaid. The mermaid almost lost her life in an attempt to figure out what she truly wanted in her life. In a turn of events, the fairytale states, The knife quivered in her hand-then she flung it far out in the waves she looked at the prince, she threw herself from the ship into the sea, where she felt her body dissolving into foam. (LM68) The mermaid thought she knew what she wanted, then realized that the suffering she had gone through was not worth her dream.A child ca n learn that one has to go through ordeals, big or small, and some may even suffer in the hopes of finally becoming the person he would like to be. CONCLUSION A characters representation in the fairytales The Princess and the Frog, The Mouse Princess and The Seventh Father of the House support psychologists Bruno Bettelheim and Jack Zipes theories that suggest fairytales contribute to the development of a child through the concept of the correct approach to problem solving. In The Uses of Enchantment, Bettelheim states that, too many parents want their childrens mind to function as their own do.. f he becomes more able to understand others, and eventually can relate to them in ways which are mutually satisfying and meaningful. (UE1) This means that fairytales can help a childs mind function in a manner that is understanding to them and give the child proper problem solving skills that would be essential to them for the future. Jack Zipes analysis of problem solving through fairyta les can be found in his work entitled, Why Fairytales Stick, Zipes says, fairy tales were designed to communicate ideas about natural instinct, social relations, normative behaviour, character types (JZ99). Zipes suggests that a fairytale was meant to serve the function of helping to solve problems, therefore shadowing the beliefs of Bettelheim. In the fairytale The Princess and the Frog, when Tiana turns into a frog, the reader is introduced to an unrealistic situation, but still a process where problem solving tactics are involved. Tiana was able to solve her problems by asking questions and making sure she received answers that would help her solve the dilemma.A child can learn the important skill of problem solving from Tiana by following in her footsteps and asking for help from the right person in order to solve a problem. In the fairytale The Seventh Father of the House, problems arise between the Prince and his brothers. The story says, But the Countess and the Dukes daught er glared haughtily at one another over their bridegrooms heads, all their past friendship forgotten in their present rivalry. (MP215) The Prince was able to successfully find a bride through this hard work and perseverance.The Prince was able to solve his problem and gain positive aspects when he earned his fathers crown, and earning the resentment of his lazy brothers. This story teaches children that without the correct problem solving skills, the result of the task will be negative. Similarly to Tiana, the traveller in The Seventh Father of the House was able to analyze the situation that he was put in, and ask a multitude of questions to several people, and finally able to find a healthy solution to his task- finding a place to stay.
Discrimination at the Workplace Essay
Discrimination is described as an illegal handling because of prejudices based from a number of factors, such as gender, sex, religious beliefs, disabilities and more more (Goree, 2007). In the case of Julies friend, Bandu, the prejudice and discrimination prone to him was based on his ethnic roots, being an Indian-born in an American region. The coating was accordingly rejected without him being called for an interview or a quiz of some sort.For someone like Julie, an employee who knows the capabilities of her friend, her bosss decision is something that is wrong and inappropriate for the present day of the employment world. But there atomic number 18 many factors that should be considered before deciding the appropriate action for a case like this. in that location are two sides, that of the employer and the most-to-be employee that should be mute and thought over. Each has their own points and thesis that essential be co-ordinated to get a win-win situation.Firstly, Ju lie should be as professional as affirmable and not be biased just because the rejected applicant is her friend. There should also be no trace of favoritism on Julies side, because that would just add another unethical instance. Favoritism happens when a authorized advantage is held by someone having an edge because of certain factors (Goree, 2007). Bandu is Julies friend, and raze though Julie is not the employer, there is still that possibility that she might entrance the decision of her boss in favoring her friend.This potentiality of favoritism can be avoided by marking the line between referencing and heavy influencing. References are state which the employer can call or talk to ask information about the employee (Doyle, 2008). In the case of this event, the connection is strictly professional and the information relayed would be useful in deciding whether the application would be rejected or given a chance. For the family, it is obvious that they must start to be go aro und to multifariousness and begin to embrace the thought of hiring people from minority groups. To do this, they must first learn more about the advantages of diversity.These concepts, such as friendly competitions between employees, exchange of ideas or information, and total growth of the company have been proved by many researchers (Goree, 2007). It is therefore something worth nerve-wracking for a company that hasnt got any bad feedbacks from this technique. The employers can then begin by accepting applications from any group and giving tinct chances to all. If the companys employing division is really that picky, then they could schedule pre-interviews to applicants. supernumerary interviews or pre-tests can then be administered to further filter shore the applicant.The important thing is all applicants, regardless of gender, race, or affiliations, must be allowed to join the preliminary screening procedures that is of course once they reached the required qualifications. ace possible problem that Julies company might experience is the worry in hiring employees of a minority group because they havent make it in a long time. Referencing, as discussed above can be a lot of help in here. The information taken from the listed references must be included in the criteria of selecting new applicants, not just their emphasise race.In order to be effective, the company must also shiver any style of stereotyping based on races, or any variables that could restore the connotation of a group of people. This would ensure that there will be no discrimination in the workplace itself, not just on the application and hiring process. The rest of the employees must accept each other freely and avoid negative outlooks on the newly hired minority workers. By following these steps, one can guarantee a healthy workplace, where diversity becomes a great help in improving the company as a whole.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Ibm Marketing Mix (Denmark)
Marketing Foundations and applications Course code BMAN-20390 Marketing epitome of IBM 1. 0 Thesis statement Evaluate the merchandising st come outgy of a valuable attach to you be familiar with. Your evaluation should critic on the wholey discuss the fantasy of the trade cockle as applied to your chosen organisation and at least unity another(prenominal) academic trade theory. 2. 0 Limitations IBM is a very large organization so the planning process of a commercialiseing strategy that is coherent with the corporate strategy is made multiform and difficult because IBM ope rank in a number of signifi furthert jointtly different markets.I affirm therefore since I am an employee of IBM Denmark decided that this is the strategic patronage whole that I am going to analyze in terms of their market strategy. what is more than the portfolio of products that IBM Denmark supplies ranges from everything to hardware sales, software sales and consultancy swear outs. There mig ht be a signifi hind endt difference in the mode these products are promoted, and I get under ones skin therefore narrowed it further polish to focus on the tertiary activities, heart the merchandising strategy of the consultancy operate (in IBM known as GBS Global Business Services).This makeation is convenient because it allows me to properly analyze the marketing strategy in this given area as opposed to making an abbreviation based upon IBM as a whole with their intact portfolio of products, as this would not be fulfilling in a 2500 word essay. 3. 0 lead IBM charge statement At IBM, we strive to lead in the invention, development, and perform of the industrys approximately advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, transshipment center systems, and microelectronics.We translate these advanced technologies into valuate for our customers by means of and through our professional solutions, work, and consulting personal line of credit es worldwide. From the mission statement above we ass conclude that IBM wants to be a attraction on the blue-chip market which we in terms of their size can conclude they are close to being. In the follo takeg essay the lector bequeath be introduced to the marketing strategy of IBM. Furthermore the indorser will be introduced to a SWOT analysis, in which it will be discussed and reason which strategic position IBM has on the current market.In regards to the limitation above this will be an analysis based upon IBMs divine go provision in Denmark. The reader will find out that the classical approach with the 4ps of marketing doesnt really apply to this part of the business that IBM conducts. Instead an additional tercet Ps has been added, and these will be discussed as well. SWOT Analysis hotshot of the trustiest tools in business is the SWOT analysis. Corporations takes a calm, cool look down at the organisations Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.Then they see k to swellise on the strengths, eliminate the weaknesses, subdue the best opportunities and counter the threats. Figure 4. 1 is a SWOT analysis of the global business services for IBM, and the end result of this analysis should service us to give a clear view of IBMs strategic position on the market, which we so can use to discuss their marketing strategy. Figure 4. 1 IBM DK GBS SWOT Strengths IBM Denmark has been on the Danish market since 1950 which leaves them with a significant amount of experience of the market.The wide range of their strategic competencies runs from everything from hardware-sales to business consultancy, the latter being champion of their profitable areas of expertise. Furthermore IBM DK has a take position on the Danish services market, being one of the biggest consultancy houses in the country. It is the combination of its size and experience on the market that leaves them to be one of the preferred business partners in Denmark and in the rest of the world. IBM Denmark like or so companies believes it is necessary to have a talented workforce.IBM is present at local anesthetic universities promoting themselves with the purpose of future recruitment. Through this initiative they attract the students they believe is prospects as future IBM leaders, and sign them off before their competitors. Furthermore IBM is extremely flexible, meaning that leaders across country borders are stationed in different move of the world. A lot of IBM DKs slide by leaders are individuals who have a history with IBM, further only in a different SBU. Weaknesses universe located in Denmark one is urged to believe that it is inevitable to have towering operating damages, especially labour equal.Denmark does have one of the highest salary rates in the world. And with a personnel count of nearly 5. 000 bulk this results in big money. Opportunities With the increased focus on the environment in upstart years IBM mustiness be innovative and co ntinue to lead the market by supplying greener solutions to their customers. A growing body of evidence asserts that corporations can do well, by doing good. IBM must differentiate their brand and reputation as well as their products and services, by taking responsibility for the wellbeing of the societies and environments in which they operate.Practicing corporate social responsibility can come back significant returns to their business. Furthermore if IBM could sign on their operating costs, so it would in addition be possible to reduce their prices, without compromising with the quality of their products. IBM has already taken initiatives to reduce their labour costs. Danish consultants requires a high salary rate, which is why IBM DK wherever possible tries to limit the amount of these consultants. Instead they will bring consultants from India and other low cost countries to Denmark and assign them to the project that is to be executed.This allows them to sell the service f or a more competitive price. It has been discussed if IBM should completely shut down its locations in the EU, and outsource the entire European operations to low cost countries however I in-personly believe that this would be compromising the quality of the service provided as it for certain must be necessary to have people with local market knowledge assisting on the projects. Threats As the world continues to get smaller, IBM like other big corporations faces the challenge of outsourcing.Especially IBM Denmark is threatened by outsourcing, as Denmark has the highest tax rate in the world, which will force IBM to have higher prices, than what is spreeed abroad divergence them more vulnerable to the threat of outsourcing. Furthermore the introduction of changes in various services are not patentable (reference http//www. mgutheses. org/page/? q=T%200984& depend=&page=&rad=43, page 32), meaning that the innovativeness of a partnership like IBM can easily be adopted by newborncomers to the market.Also, as a service is not a manufactured product, but really a transaction of knowledge it is hard to imagine that it is capital intensive to enter the service industry. Marketing blend in The marketing mix is an imperative concept in modern marketing and academically it is referred to as a set of controllable tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market, so it consists of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its products (Kotler and Armstrong 2004).The easiest way to understand the main aspects of marketing is through the famous 4Ps marketing, which was introduced and suggested by McCarthy in 1960 (reference http//university-essays. tripod. com/marketing_mix. html). It includes marketing strategies of product, price, placement and advancement. It is however interesting if this also applies to a company that sells services and not a material product. condition the unique and distinguishing fea tures of the service industry, researchers have offered different models and approaches to the marketing of services.It is suggested that services marketing does not only include external marketing r all(prenominal)ing the customers, but also an internal marketing strategy to motivate the employees (reference A service quality model and its implications, Christian Gronross, vol 18, No. 4, 1984, pp. 36-44). Figure 2 The triangle model of services marketing Company Internal MarketingExternal Marketing Employees Customers synergetic Marketing As stated above the internal marketing is for the company to motivate their employees to serve its customers in the best possible way.External marketing is when the company makes its service available to its customers to increase the demand. The interactive marketing involves to the effort of employees to win customers loyalty in the process of their interaction with the customers in delivering the services. This must be closely related to inte rnal marketing. In IBM DK, the consultants and salespeople are paid partly in a fixed salary scheme and a versatile scheme depending on their results. Furthermore these same IBM representatives will receive an yearly bonus, if IBM on the given project has reached a certain percentage of profit.These incentives through salaries and bonuses can be associated to what we clarify as internal marketing. For the external marketing side the traditional marketing mix as we know them through the 4ps can also be applied on services marketing as they are applied on tangible goods. hardly it is discussed to be difficult. Which is why for services marketing, a modified marketing mix has been developed. The services marketing mix comprises 7ps and these include the following * output * Price * Place * Promotion * People * cultivate * Physical evidenceIt is significant to look closer at some of these Ps, which will be done in the following. Product The most serious question to be asked her e is are these the right products or services for our customers today? IBM continues to be the leading innovator on the market, spending billions of dollars every year in their research centers providing their customers with the newest technologies and always making sure that the quality of the products is of IBMs chronic reputed quality. Price As anyone can imagine the price of the service provided is crucial for whether or not IBM wins the customer over.As soon as the appropriate experts has canvass the pre project resources that is to be needed for the project he informs the pricing department. The pricer then based on these assumptions, inflation, currency differences, management desired PTI % (pre tax income), and our cost case calculated a price that is then been presented to the customer. Promotion When promoting their services IBM first make rational decions on which businesses to approach. Then they divide their promotion into how big the markets are, e. g a segment coul d be small and middling business. Within a specific constituency market, IBM first identifies which businesses make the most sense to connect with. Then, the IBM determines the most efficient way to reach each of them. whether through individualized marketing or a creative combination of IBMs go-to-market strategies IBM also enters the business community through professional associations and organizations. Such groups generate interest in IBM and may even help IBM identify new business partners. By sponsoring and participating with them, IBM is able to communicate its message of value to the member businesses.Furthermore IBM through their marketing incentives has adopted a more turned on(p) approach in the way they promote themselves. Rai Cockfield VP Market development states that all people prior to purchase asks the following Does this product or service meet my need? Is the company reputable? And is the price reasonable? Today, he adds a more pressing question, Are you reachi ng me in the way that I see myself? Thats what endears a person to a company and a product, he says. (reference http//www-03. ibm. com/employment/us/diverse/50/ads. html. ) People An important ingredient to any service provision, is as we have discussed above having pendant personnel. Recruiting the right staff and people and training them appropriately in the manner of speaking of services is essential if IBM wants to continue having their competitive advantage. Providing a service is partly the quality of the service and the quality of the people that delivers it, as these are in constant contact with the customer. As mentioned above, IBM has had university partnerships in order to recruit students. ProcessWhen selling their services IBM has two processes. Either the customer comes to IBM looking for an offer on a service they need provided. IBM then sends the appropriate people to analyse the resources that are needed to provide this service. An offer is then presented to the customer. A different process is when we have existing customers, the client manager is liable for looking for new business services that we can provide them. And then the process starts over, in regards to presenting an offer after calculating the resources we need for the project.Conclusion IBM wants to be the leader on the Danish market. And in terms of their size we can conclude that they are close to being just that. From the SWOT analysis above we saw that IBM has the needed experience and size to be one of the biggest consultancy houses in the country and in the world. Furthermore with the increasing focus on the environment IBM has the possibility to be the leading innovator for greener solutions an opportunity that they have successfully capitalized on through their continued research for more environmental solutions.However despite IBM being a big player on the Danish services market, it is important that they reduce their high operating costs. By pitch Indian and other low cost consultants into the game, they have somewhat succeeded in doing this as these have lower salary rates. In the marketing of services we have concluded that an external marketing effort is not rich for successfully promoting itself. An internal marketing strategy is also essential for obtaining success. IBM must motivate its employees as these are the focalpoint to customer, in which case it is important that they are motivated and happy.In promoting and marketing themselves IBM has also realised that they in todays world they must reach their customers on a more personal level, and not merely connect through reputation and price. Connecting with its customers on a personal level and delivering top quality services is what keeps IBM on top of their game and in even in rough financial times they have succeeded in being one of the top choices as business partner.References Websiteshttp//www. entrepreneur. om/marketing/article70824. htmlhttp//www. scribd. com/doc/10999474/IB M-Strategic-Analysishttp//www. simplemarketingblog. com/2009/06/sandy-carter-integrates-social-media. htmlhttp//www. itsma. com/ezine/analytics-optimize-marketing-mix/http//university-essays. tripod. com/marketing_mix. html
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