Friday, May 31, 2019
Cats Amazing Ability to Survive Falls Essay -- physics cat cats fall
Your chance of surviving a fall of 50 feet (approximately 4 stories) is about 50%, while almost no adept who falls 6 stories will be around to tell their tale. However, in a study conducted by Manhattan veterinarians, Drs. Wayne Whitney and Cheryl Mehlhaff, it was discovered that out of 115 cases of cats falling (accidentally) from multi-story heights, 90% of them survived. An even more surprising result is that if a cat falls from more than 7 stories its chance of survival doubles, compared to a cat having fallen from 2 to 7 stories (a story averages about 12 feet). No wonder cats are fabled to have nine lives. It turns out that the two most important variables which alter to the cats survival are its ability to land on its feet and its reaching terminal velocity (both of which involve a fair deal of physics).Whitney & Melhaffs StudyCats apparent braveness concerning heights leads to many accidental falls. In fact so many cats are brought to veterinarians for treatment after a fa ll, that in 1976 Dr. Gordon Robinson coined the term feline tower block syndrome to describe the resulting pattern of injuries. Eleven years later Drs. Wayne Whitney and Cheryl Mehlhaff at the Animal Medical Center in Manhattan conducted a study over a 5 month period on cats brought in for treatment after a fall. They compiled a database of 115 cats who fell a range of two to thirty-two stories, in the beginning ending their falls on concrete pavement. The mean fall was 5.5 stories. Three of the cats were dead upon arrival and 8 more died in the next twenty-four hours, expiration 104 living cats or about 90%. This is a remarkable statistic.When the height the cats fell is taken into account, it is found that only 5% of the cats who fell seven ... ... a small amount of mass, but also their ability comes from their flying squirrel (relaxed) posture upon reaching terminal velocity and from their superb inner gyroscope.Works Cited * Diamond, Jared. How Cats Survive waterfall from New York Skyscapers, Natural History 20-26 August 1989. * Diamod, Jared. Why cats have nine lives, Nature 332, 586-587 April 14, 1988. * Fredrickson, J. E. The tail-less cat in free-fall, The Physics Teacher. 27, 620-625 November 1989. * Halliday, David, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker. Fundamentals of Physics, 5th ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1997. * Mehlhaff, Cheryl and Wayne Whitney. tower block syndrome in cats, J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc. 191, 1399-14031987. * Terminal Velocity, Discover 9,10 August 1988. * Von Baeyer, Hans Christian. Swing Shift, The Sciences 30, 2-4 May/June 1990.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Career Research Paper: Army National Guard -- essays research papers
C arer Research Paper force National obligateThe Army National moderate is a whole new way to serve. Its all about commitment to help communities in need. Its fast(a) dedication to the country in war and in peace. They form an elite team that shares similar core values, convictions, and beliefs. To be in the National restrain sight mean serving the country part-time, one weekend a month and two weeks a year as most Guard members serve. This is what makes them different from the former(a) branches of the military. Experiences will be gained that would change ones outlook on life forever. Skills will be learned that will last a lifetime. The Guard is a team that values serving others and being the best a part-time job with full time benefits.Theres an opportunity to infract up Guard training during the summers between school years. Qualified juniors can attend Basic raising during the summer before senior year and then(prenominal) go on to Advanced Individual Training (AIT) a fter senior year. The Guard will help build mind and body, and in Basic Training challenges will be conquered to be happen stronger, faster, and healthier. Overcoming the physical and mental challenges will instill a growing sense of pride. Basic Training is tough going by dint of nine weeks of intense physical and mental conditioning. People discover confidence, self-assurance, and potential for leadership. In graduating Basic Training, becoming a soldier is the revenue in the Army National Guard.The Army National Guard has a fantastic dual mission serving both country and community. For over 365 years the citizen-soldiers have come to the aid of their neighbors during times of need. The Guard involves helping communities during natural disasters and civil emergencies. All around the country the National Guard comes to the rescue saving lives, restoring order, and protecting property, as well as being active in local community organizations that improve the quality of life. Many Guard members live, work, and go to school right where they serve. The Guard helps Little League programs, promotes scouting activities, and opens its doors to kids on Armory Days, among countless other programs, providing strong positive role models for the young kids. Calls have been answered to defend America in every war. From the War of Independen... ...ently, and the military police/intelligence which is a great place to start if interests lie in a career with a civilian police dept. Communications is vital along with medical both preparing for jobs of today and tomorrow. For almost every administrative and personnel job in the Army, there is a corresponding job in the civilian workplace. The Army National Guard is a great place to learn a skill, seize paid for it, and get ahead. In conclusion, the experience is the kind of professionalism and pride that make soldiers respected the world over. Its the experience that singles one out as someone with unique ability and unique qualities. The country depends on the military to fulfill the important mission to protect democracy and keep peace. Excelling as an individual and achieving impossible thoughts are motivating reasons to become a part of the Guard. Its a way to help reach educational or career goals that are set in life. Take the next step and have it all adventure, camaraderie, challenge, an extra paycheck, military benefits as well as the satisfaction that comes from serving the country and community a part-time job with full time benefits.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Progress or Alienation :: Technology Scientific Technological Essays
Progress or AlienationOur society has alienated itself far from the reality of the way things are and the way they should be, through the use and insult of scientific knowledge and technology. Science is defined as, a logical organized method of obtaining study through direct, systematic observation. Sometimes science does not face organized, in fact it seems like it opens us up to a different realm of possibilities that have consequences far beyond our wildest dreams. Scientific knowledge is something that sometimes cannot be controlled or monitored, but needs to be for the sake of the greater population. Those with the most power, for example political leaders and corporation giants, are often all(a)owed privileged information that could jeopardize the safety of all of us. Now whether or not this information is taken in exhaustively faith, or for the almighty dollar doesnt mean its right, nor does it mean that we should not explore scientific possibilities. Science stimulates our minds and forces us to use critical thinking and analysis based on our previous knowledge. Not all scientific information is wrong or incurs consequences, but like all data there is a right and a wrong way to go on it. Scientific progress on the other hand is what has helped out society gain the knowledge and insight to live better lives through the advances in aesculapian technology, the strategy of war, and the exploration of space. Not all scientific knowledge is misused, and its only brought to our attention when it has been. When this occurs people often question the validity of scientific persist which leads to criticism. Some scientific progress leave alone bring with it disruptive change in our society, but with change comes progress and the hope that we can better our lives. In the two stories I will present in this paper, Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and Catherine Asaros The Veiled Web, they discuss the negative consequences of the actions from people who try and off er heavy insight to the scientific community and the general population. In both stories, two men take it upon themselves to manipulate science for the good of mankind. Both believe that good will come from their actions but neither consider the consequences of failure. The men in these stories are intent on their work and do not realize that others will turn it against them for destructive purposes. In Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein realizes the destructiveness of his behavior, when its too late, and regrets it immensely.
Pips Shadow Parents in Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay
Pips Shadow Parents in Charles Dickens Great Expectations Both Miss Havisham and Magwitch are powerful influences on Pips life, in a psychological, and to some extent physical, manner. In this essay, I hope to explore these influences, and investigate what affects they behave on Pips development. Naturally, the fact that Pip is an orphan, and never knew his parents, means there is space for characters to come in and exact a definite, parental control. The novel echoes many of Dickenss deliver life experiences- he had a strained relationship with his parents when they were condemned to imprisonment for debt difficulties. The sense of abandonment and sudden awareness of the discreetness of class distinctions he experienced during this time was to haunt him for the rest of his life, and this is mirrored by the great contrast in, shadow parents. On the one hand we have the wealthy Miss Havisham, inhabiting a decaying yet grand mansion, and on the other we have a hardened criminal emerging from the gloomy marshes. The opening chapter gives the ref a powerful idea of how Pip is suffering from having no identity, as Pip seeks to find his role in an inhospitable world. The windswept, barren place of mud, becloud and water provides the perfect setting for a frantic convict to emerge. In his search for his origins, Pip seems to have created a second father in Magwitch, who turns him pinnacle down metaphorically as well as literally, and places him on his parents tombstone. In the short term, the introduction of Magwitch gives Pip a sudden responsibility, which makes him confront the violent methods of chastise employed by Mrs Joe as h... ... criminal, violent attributes, and return to menace Pip, and Miss Havisham to be his saviour and helper in his quest to become a gentleman. In a journal format, Dickens needed to employ many plot twists, as Magwitch turns out to be the mysterious benefactor, and Miss H avisham the manipulative monster who psychologically hurts and confuses Pip in so many ways. It is difficult to say who is the best shadow parent, because although Magwitch supplies the money which sees Pip through becoming a gentleman, in his own mind Pip is motivated by Miss Havisham and has visions of achieving great wealth and wedding Estella. If we look at the novel in hindsight, we can conclude that Magwitch is the higher-ranking shadow parent as he is clearly dedicated to helping Pip, where as Miss Havisham does nothing but psychologically twist him.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Detective Fiction & Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Essay -- Literature
According to the English crime writer P.D. James (1920-) for a apply to be described as detective fiction there must be a central mystery and bingle that by the end of the contain is puzzle out satisfactorily and logically, not by good luck or intuition, but by intelligent deduction from clues honestly if deceptively presented. (James. 2009 16). This is traditionally conducted via a detective a figure deployed within the narrative structure whose occupation is to investigate crimes (Oxford. 2006 202). Therefore detective fiction represents an enigma, a puzzle to be solved through an intriguing series of events and clues presented by the writer to its audience that are taken on a journey through a process of reasoning, reasoning by elimination and conclusion to solve a mystery. The narrative formula allows the audience to engage on an exploration of self-discovery as the mysterys solution supplies a terminable sense of self through which the reader is offered an apparatus fo r negotiating the boundaries that define identity. (McCracken. 1998 50).Detective fiction can be defined and situated into various different categories one is taxonomicplacing it in relation to other types of popular literatureWesterns, science fiction, spy tales and so on. John G. Caweltis (Adventure) has grouped these types into larger categories called archetypes which are well-to-do for making an initial distinction between two major kinds of detective fiction, Mystery and Adventure. (Rzepka. 2005 9). This raises the question of how detective fiction appeals to past and present audiences and its position as part of a mass market publication in contemporary society. In order to answer this question it is important to presently summarise the rise o... ...http// Accessed 20th April 2012Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. (2007) Detective Fiction, Herman, D. Jahn, M. & Ryan, M. On-line Available from http// Accessed 19th April 2012Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate. (2000) The Official Website of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate. On-line Available from http// Accessed 20th April 2012The Sherlock Holmes Company, (2010). On-line Available from http// Accessed 21st April 2012
Detective Fiction & Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Essay -- Literature
According to the English crime writer P.D. James (1920-) for a book to be described as detective fiction there must be a central mystery and one that by the end of the book is solved satisfactorily and logically, not by good luck or intuition, but by intelligent deduction from clues honestly if deceptively presented. (James. 2009 16). This is traditionally conducted via a detective a simulacrum deployed within the narrative structure whose occupation is to investigate crimes (Oxford. 2006 202). Therefore detective fiction represents an enigma, a puzzle to be solved by dint of an intriguing serial publication of events and clues presented by the writer to its audience that are taken on a journey through a process of reasoning, elimination and conclusion to solve a mystery. The narrative formula allows the audience to engage on an exploration of self-discovery as the mysterys solution supplies a temporary sense of self through which the reader is offered an apparatus for negotia ting the boundaries that define identity. (McCracken. 1998 50).Detective fiction can be defined and situated into various different categories one is taxonomicplacing it in similarity to other types of popular literatureWesterns, science fiction, spy tales and so on. John G. Caweltis (Adventure) has grouped these types into larger categories called archetypes which are convenient for making an initial specialization between two major kinds of detective fiction, Mystery and Adventure. (Rzepka. 2005 9). This raises the question of how detective fiction appeals to past and present audiences and its position as bulge out of a mass market publication in contemporary society. In order to answer this question it is important to briefly summarise the rise o... ...http// Accessed twentieth April 2012Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. (2007) Detective Fiction, Herman, D. Jahn, M. & Ryan, M. On-line Available from ht tp// Accessed nineteenth April 2012Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate. (2000) The Official Website of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate. On-line Available from http// Accessed 20th April 2012The Sherlock Holmes Company, (2010). On-line Available from http// Accessed 21st April 2012
Monday, May 27, 2019
Difficult Conversations Essay
Great concepts on how intercourse goes and misses our intended mark. I rely some people begin communicating with the best of intentions, then let their emotions educate in the way to forget what the intended outcomes were. Understanding our own emotions, most of us are lost are lost but at the end we all want whats best for ourselves and whats best for ourselves is to get along with everyone. This is something that I have pondered and wondered for quite some time now. I often struggled with the reasons why people were confrontational. It made no sense to put any(prenominal)(prenominal) one down or say they are in the wrong. I always have been told treat people well with kindness and respect.But communication is defined as a process by which we assign and convey meaning in an attempt to create shared understanding. This process requires a massive repertoire of skills in an attempt to create shared understanding. This process requires a vast repertoire of skills in intrapersonal and interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, and evaluating. A difficult conversation is any conversation that you dread and perhaps seek to avoid, if possible. There are the situations that keep you up at night in anticipation that you put off or face up to similar bad medicine.Our typical approach to the complexity of what happened, the reality of feeling and potential threat to our identity tend to make our conversations much difficult, rather than more productive, often escalating conflict, hurting feelings and damaging relationships indeed, it is our intuitive understanding of this danger that leads us to want to avoid such conversations given how we are in all likelihood to handle the conversations, our fears are justified. But unfortunately sometimes assumptions make avoiding a conversation just as problematic. We continue to feel upset. We may feel like such a wimp for not standing up for ourselves. The problem gets worse, since w e have done nothing to change the other persons cyclorama or give them the benefit of our view. And the relationship deteriorates anyway, as our lead us to distance and disconnect.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Valentino’s Legacy
Upon walking in to the Gallery of Modern Art, tucked in around the corner from the State Library and well hidden from view, I was astound by the sudden rush of sight and sound. Despite my sudden sense of claustraphobia, I forced myself inside. The queue to enter the Valentino Retrospective Art Exhibition was beyond massive curving from the heart of the Gallery, along the back wall, up the side wall, and outside of the door for a good 800 metres. Satisfied with my pre-ordered tickets, I bustled along and entered the army.Valentino Clemente Ludovico Garavani is more than a well-known Italian Fashion Designer to most fashion students he is a God. Born on May 11th, 1932, this simple Saint has certain several different fashion trys throughout his 5 decades of work such as Valentino, Valentino Roma, R.E.D. Valentino and, most popularly, Valentino Garavani. Commonly reffered to as only Valentino, he was the founder of the Valentino holiday resort Brand.The Valentino Retrospective Past , Present and Future was developed by Les Arts Dcoratifs, Paris and celebrates the renowned and glamorous designs of Valentino himself. This exhibition houses items from Valentinos first ever collection in 1959 up until his more recent declination/Winter 2009-2010 collection (designs by Valentinos appointed creative directors, Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli as of 2008).Upon entering, I discovered that this Exhibition was resolve into two major sections each hosting different fragments of Valentinos most successful collections throughtout his career.The First section, authorise Part 1, was composed mainly of Valentinos earlier designs, with the slashs ranging from 1960 up until 2006. The Second Section, entitled Part 2, housed garments from a much more modern era. With a majority of the pieces pulled from Valentinos collections from 1992 through to 2010.European Royalty, celebrites and many other high-status folk have been seen wearing designs by Valentino, including Nicole Kidman, Elizabeth Taylor, Cate Blanchett and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (all of the garments worn by these women can be seen at this exhibition). I was most astounded to come across a dress worn by Julia Roberts to the academy Awards in 1992 for her hit movie Erin Brockovitch.After viewing the best Valentino Garavani had to offer at this Brisbane Exhibition, I must admit I was fairly disappointed. All up, the exhibition housed approxiamately 100 garments, although it seemed many less to me, and 97 of which I disliked. The designs are timeless sophisticated. The material used is of the highest quality. But still, I only found 3 dresses that I personally found mildly interesting.Although, to sum up the entire experience, there is only two pieces that could possibly describe the amount of work and timeless ending that has been woven together despite vintage pieces, the elegant formal attire, and wedding dresses.Firstly the commonly seen Evening Gown, Haute Couture Spring/Sum mer 2003, Model 130. Described at GoMAs Exhibition as Strapless evening gown with low-set draped pale crimson chiffon sleeves, a train with appliqu pleated crimson taffeta rosettes and red strass crystals in their centres, and exploit and grey taffeta rosettes in its lining. Source 2 Made of Buche-Gillaud Fabric and Embroidered by Marabitti. This garments elegance, formality, timelessness and complexity sums up the entire exhibition in one. The soft Crimson colour supports the whodunit and the flowers seem to support the multi-cultural theme. This piece was rescued from the Valentio Archives to be included in this exhibition.The second signature piece included at this Exhibition was from the Autumn/Winter 2009-2010, collection Although not designed by Valentino Garavani himself, Look 23 stays true to the Nature of Valentino. The extreme amounts of detail included in this piece definitely showcase one of Valentino most intricate pieces a true piece of artwork.The themes in The Vale ntino Retrospective have a recurrence of geometric patterns and vivid prints, the skilful use of fabric to create dramatic silhouettes and, of course, the distinctive palette of black, white and Valentino red. The future direction of this most esteemed fashion label is showcased through five creations by the house of Valentinos new creative directors. Source 2The Valentino Retrospective Past, Present and Future is a collection of Valentino Garavanis most successful and sure designs located at the Gallery of Modern Art in Southbank, this astonishing exhibition is open to the public from the 7th of August to the 14th of November 2010. Including a lounging area, a cafe, a gift shop and a bar This is, truly, a fusion of art, fashion and culture that one should not miss.Referencehttp//
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Arranged Marriages Essay
Love is a many splendored thing well thats what Ive heard. Eyes meet, birds sing, hearts beat and the world turns upside sight unless you atomic number 18 in a arranged marriage. Only the parents are happy, and of course we want our parents to be happy but at whose expense? For centuries arranged marriages were a tradition and in some cultures they appease are. There may be a good reason why arranged marriages are good for the concourse in the east. However today, arranged marriages are still ongoing because its traditional, I dont think thats a good tradition.I mean celebrating New Years Eve in Times Square New York is a good tradition. Its a good tradition because I feel and be that no cardinal ever gets hurt celebrating New Years Eve. pitchd marriages can hurt and deny a persons certain cultivated rights. There are plenty of cultures where there are no such things as civil or human rights but it still doesnt institute it right. Arranged marriages are a tradition from a pa st era, I gestate that arranged marriages are a way of controlling people, especially women. most the world there has been a custom or tradition of subjugating women.Eastern cultures or religions believe that it is their right to make women 2nd class citizens. To me it means more than than more, like controlling a life. If you have the desire to control women and to control their lives start with the marriage. In the western societies they tend to frown upon that kind of control inflicted upon women. Im sure that women tend to frown upon that as well, any control over anyone is frowned upon. There must be a certain lack of abide by for both the bride and groom in arranged marriages, these marriage ideas might be old but who tell that theyre a good idea? rough traditions should be destroyed faster than a Scotsman can clean fall out a free bar at a wedding reception. Arranged marriages are one of those traditions. Romeo and Juliet is a classic example of why arranged marriages are outdated and ends in tragedy. Those times required most young women and men to reckon into a relationship, that werent of their own choice, but their parents. You would not think that in todays society that arranged marriages still existed, however the parents are still planning their childrens life albeit, the children are adults.The purpose of this is to maintain the wealth for both families. If the case was that a young girl was being made to bond a adult male, that is being labelled as paedophilia. Yet in India or in the east it is still ongoing and it doesnt make a difference, here in England its a different story for that matter and is illegal. These children are brainwashed into believing that this is normal and that hunch or any other emotion is not their right but to blindly allow the wishes of their parents. We have not stepped forward in time but have fallen into biblical proportions.That may have sounded too descriptive (biblical proportions), but we have to rea lize that in biblical times children were married off to other family members for the purpose of go on their ancestors and that was thousands of years ago and yet its still happening in todays society. One might consider that arranged marriages are more like a business deal than a true marriage, often with the engaged couple being used as pawns on a tare game. Marriage should not be only a business proposition.Call me a hopeless romantic but I dont believe that two people can be truly happy together unless it was themselves who saw valuable qualities in their partner, what is more is that it completely defies the law of nature. More significantly a marriage should be based on usual trust and affection, as well as common goals. Anything less than that and all you end up with is an emotionless, false union. Arranged marriages are a mockery or the true nature of marriage, a worthless document to be filed into our court systems. What is love?That is said to be one of the hardest quest ions to be answered as many people dont know what it is. In all truth I dont think anyone knows the answer unless they are in love and even so its a unexplainable feeling that someone cant constitute to another. You can only know what it is when you are in it. In a arranged marriage I feel that you cant find that love feeling between the two people in the relationship. As I said earlier we do want to make our parents happy and yes theyre the ones that know whats best for us and only want us to make the right decisions.But I dont think they know or understand that even though they might think the man/women were going to marry may not be the right choice, were in love with them. Whatever love is. We care about them and at the time you know that you want to be with them for the rest of your life and most importantly theyre yours forever and youre theirs. And it doesnt matter what people say and if they disagree with your choice. Because you know what you want and thats him/her. But th is is not what you get in a arranged marriage.In a arranged marriage I would imagine that the woman would feel somehow trapped, thats how Id feel if I was in the situation. Id be so cooped up on trying to keep my parents happy and not being able to express how I felt to anyone and would feel as if it were my duty. If more couples were matched up through class, education, family background, life goals and earnings Thats quoted from a women called Aneela Rahman. She was on BBCs 2 programme Arrange Me a Marriage. The programme was about finding a partner for each contestant she had, she had one month to match someone with another.Traditions are one thing but outdated, irrational, new age slavery is another thing, I realize that whether you marry for love or not, it can either turn out good or bad, but there should be the opportunity of choice not mandatory rule. On the whole I am against arranged marriages. I think that it is not needed to please parents and not the actual bride and gr oom. If you want your children to get married and fall in love then let them do it in their own time. Its not something that can be rushed into and found straight away or first time round. Love should be experienced and not just felt.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Foundations Of Mythology Essay
FoundationsI think that the word myth gets used quite a a catch these days, and in the wrong context. You often hear citizenry say its a myth to refer to manything that is too good to be true. Or some outlandish story such as a big fish story. Traditionally, a myth is a story that offers an history to something such as imperishable and fundamental human questions How did the universe and the manhood come to be? How did we come to be here? Who atomic number 18 we? What be our proper, necessary, or inescapable roles as we consociate to one another and to the adult male at large? What should our values be? How should we be watch? How should we not behave? What are the consequences of behaving and not behaving in such ways? (Leonard & McClure, 2004)In an academic context, according to the text, a myth is the study of myth is a field of inquiry that ranges from the earliest known history of humanity up to and including contemporary cultures and societies and even our own indivi dual senses of self in the world. (Leonard & McClure, 2004) My interpretation of the definition is that they are stories that have been passed around for years about and forming our culture and beliefs.Commonalities or so of the recurring themes include a Golden Age, a fall from a heavenly state, resurrections from death, virgin births, worldwide floods, creation stories in which one becomes two, and a prox apocalypse.(Analyzing Mythology, n.d.). Many different cultures have some of the same stories with different details or characters. Usually they have the same outcome though. These myths help form the beau monde and culture that they live in. It is they view certain things. According to Rosenberg, In their theory,innate psychological characteristics, common to all human beings, determine how people throughout the world and throughout history experience and respond to the process of living. The contents of the collective unconscious are divided into archetypessuch as the mother , the child, the hero, the trickster, and the giantbut these are simply image frameworks.When I think of mythology and how people use them to explain the unknown or how mankind is shaped, I think of the Illiad and Odyssey, two unbelievable journeys that have lasting themes. Many famous heroes walk through the pages of Homers Iliad. Achilles and Agamemnon, among the Greeks, and Hector, among the Trojans, must choose between their own desires and the needs of their people. Their war is ancient, but their straining is modern. Once again, the courage with which they meet the challenges in their lives makes them impressive, yet very human, models of behavior for all of us. (Rosenberg, 2006)Religion and MythologyReligion and mythology share a very thin run that often intersected. Religion is in a sense the same thing as a myth its a story that explains origins. Many religions were base around the mythology of the people, such as Egyptians. They had many gods and goddesses and they beli eved in polytheism, which allowed them to worship more than one god/goddess. There isnt a lot of research that has a specific answer as to what is the relationship between religion and mythology. It seems to me that there would be an argument that they are one in the same, while others believe they are completely different. Since mythology is often thought to be untrue, many would not want to believe their religion has anything to do with mythology.RelevanceMany of the themes that are addressed by mythology are still very relevant today. Rather, the American mythologist always saw myth as the story of the rugged individual who realizes his true nature through heroic struggle. Archetypal symbols and universals there may be, Campbell seems to say, but mythology is ultimately and always the vehicle through which the individual finds a sense of identity and place in the world. (Leonard & McClure, 2004) People need to believe that the struggles they go through are common.Everyone needs t o believe in something. The Trojans were tricked by a giant horse that they thought was a gift. Almost everyone out there can think of a time when they were tricked. It resonates with them.ConclusionThe foundations of mythology were established many, many years ago. Almost every culture of people has their own set of myths that they believed in. While they had their own stories, many of them had the same explanation of something, such as creation. The themes were and are still today very universal. While mythology offers explanation to lifes questions, many cultures still had their own set of religious beliefs. Many of those beliefs intertwined with their mythology but not always. As mentioned before, the themes of mythology are universal. They are also quite timeless. Many of the same moral dilemmas or questions of life are the same and can still be answered by myths.ReferencesLeonard, S., & McClure, M. (2004). Myth & knowing An introduction to world mythology. New York, NY McGraw- Hill. Rosenberg, D. (2006). World mythology An anthology of great myths and epics (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL McGraw Hill. Analyzing Mythology. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Two Ways of Losing Weight
Eating strong and nutritious benefits your body when losing weight. While developing an alimentation disorder causes more harm than good. I am writing about this subject because I have an insight into the subject. I was struggling my whole childhood and I experienced being everywhereweight and I have tried everything in the book to lose weight. In the process I evening had an eating disorder for a while and I started to germinate really un-healthy because of it. So I finally got a grasp on what to do to eat healthy and how to maintain my weight the right on fashion. By doing it the be centering I have kept the weight off, and I feel much healthier indoors as well as out.By eating healthy and nutritious you eject buoy lose weight, and do it conditionly. A balanced diet involves the intake of appropriate feeds and drinks that supply nutrition and energy for the maintenance of body cells, tissues, and organs, besides to support normal growth and development. Based on the U SDAs food pyramid it leave alone include bread, cereal, rice, and pasta ( six -11 servings a day), vegetables (Three-five), crop (two-four), dairy (two-three), meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts (two-three), and fats, oils and sweets (you use sparingly).Portion control is a very important part you need to pay attention to. The best way to judge the right size of a portion that is correct for your body. Is not by the instructions on the side of all food products, but what I have found to be true is to judge a portion by the size of your fist. On top of that what I have found to sound is not to eat three meals a day but to have five of these portions throughout the day. By doing this you will make your metabolism work even harder all day toward the loss of weight.The second main step to losing weight the correct way is to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. The best way to get the ball rolling on this is to stay active with common chores. For instance you can wash and wax a car if you have ace for (45-60 min), wash windows or floors for (45-60 min), Do some gardening for (35-40 min), If you have a baby you can push the stroller (one and a half miles in 30 min), or you can rake the leaves if there argon any for (30 min). These are a few examples for beginners to get started without wearing out your body.If you want to get a little more serious right away you can use sports for your daily activity. For instance you can play basketball or shoot hoops for (30-45 min), swimming in the pool or doing laps for (30-45 min), ride a bicycle (four miles in 25-30 min), and then there is jumping a rope for (25 min). These routines are a little more strenuous so I would start off small to see what your body can handle, then build up a routine once you see what you are capable of. Now I will compare how developing an eating disorder to lose weight will affect your body. Also show how the side effects are not worth it.By developing an anorexic d isorder to lose weight is not the right path to take. Being anorexic means that you dont eat food, or have no desire to eat. It is a relentless pursuit of slightness and unwillingness to maintain a normal healthy weight. The bad affects that this has on the body is not worth the amount of weight that is lost. Some of the less wicked effects on the body are thinning of your bones (Osteoporosis), brittle hair and nails, dry and yellowish skin, growth of fine hair all over the body (Lanugo), mild anemia and muscle wasting and weakness, and severe constipation.Now there are even more severe effects on the body, they are as follows, damage to the structure and function of the heart, brain damage, and multi organ failure. To lose weight this way is definitely not worth all of these damaging side effects, especially with the severity of some of them. By utilizing this weight loss method to lose weight, you lower your total health and lose vital nutrients the body needs to be healthy. Whe n trying to lose weight correctly, there are many ways to do it wrong.The eating disorder bulimia Nervosa is probably the worst option when you are trying to lose weight in a healthy manner. Bulimia affects approximately twelve individuals in a hundred thousand populations, and some reports bringing close together that one percent of females are affected and site one percent of males. Many people try to lose weight this way, and the side effects can range from minimal to severe. One third of people with bulimia take laxatives and diuretics, these have the most severe effects on your body.They are chronic enteral inflammation, irregular bowel function, systemic toxicity, kidney damage, body fluid stagnation, and blood pressure complications. So for trying to lose weight in this manner is un-healthy, un-nutritious, and not the correct or successful way to lose weight in a healthy manner. It is furthermost worse for your body and mind than taking the time to do it in a healthy and correct manner, so that the results are far more beneficial to you for a longer period of time.So in conclusion the point that I am trying to really get across to you is how to lose weight in a healthy and correct manner instead of doing it promptly and incorrectly. The correct way of losing weight is by combining eating correctly, portion control, and incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. You can use the USDAs food pyramid to see what you should eat on a daily routine. Then you use portion control which is eating the right amount of food in a day just like taking in the right nutrients, vitamins, and all the right supplements.By incorporating these things into your daily routine with devotion and a solid routine, you can lose weight while being extremely healthy. Instead of taking the un-healthy route of losing weight which is by doing it quickly and incorrectly. When losing weight using either Bulimia or Anorexia, the bad side effects out way the benefits by fa r. What I mean is the results of weight loss doesnt last and really doesnt make you any healthier, it comes back as soon as you stop. Also the damage it does on your body long term is way too far of a risk in my book, and is not worth all the bad effects it has on the body.Really you are making yourself even worse when using an eating disorder to lose weight. So take the time to do it correctly you will be pleased with the results, and you will feel healthy on the inside just as much as the outside. References Http//www. bulimiasideeffects. com/ Http Do not leave spaces around a slash mark //www. powerflexweb. com/contentListDetail. php? idDivision=04&nameDivision Http//search. proquest. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/docview/225013542 Http//search. proquest. comezproxy. apollolibrary. com/docview/196547053
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Explain the ethical significance of the Sermon Essay
The discourse on the context is one of the key sections of the New Testament, in which deliveryman builds upon the Decalogue to form the first blueprint of Christian ethical motive. Jesus was preaching in direct contrast to the Greek philosophy of stoicism, which sought to separate man from his emotions. Emotions, especially love, feature heavily in the sermon on the Mount. It remains ethically relevant over 2000 years later for many reasons, the first of which is the underlying principles behind it. Jesus did non come to destroy Old Testament law, but to fulfil it.The Jews were trapped in a system of harsh legalism, where obedience was motivated by fear rather than love. The Pharisees make a grand display of holiness by keeping the law, but the Sermon on the Mount teaches that their hearts were empty. Jesus built on the ten Commandments to create a system ruled by mercy, love and dedication to God. nevertheless if the culture changes the basic ethical principles behind the s ermon do not change. It is a moral code that focusses as much on inward moral disposition as it does our external actions Jenkins wrote, inner attention and attitude is crucial. Even if a typically good action is performed with sinful thought then it endures immoral. The most important thing to realise about the Sermon on the Mount is that it is impossible for anyone to keep it completely, as it demands perfection. Although they will never be free from sin in this life, Christians use the sermon in order to try and become more like Jesus, who was perfect. The Sermon is all about Christian sanctification. Jesus speaks not only on what Christians should do to be moral, but he besides explains why it is important to be ethical in the first place.He states that Christians atomic number 18 the salt and light of the world. Salt is significant because it represents purity, preservation and flavour. Therefore we comprehend that Christians should maintain a good ethical code in order to set an example to society and to preserve it from total corruption. The image of the light is in any case key in the Bible light always symbolises joy and blessing. A light is telescopic to all, and so the Christian should seek to make Christ visible to all through their actions.A light is also a warning, representing the Christians duty to lovingly warn their fellow-men about their sin. Further on in the Sermon Jesus admonishes that, If the light then within you is darkness, how great is that darkness Furthermore, the Sermon on the Mount gives many specific examples of Christian ethics, the first of which is regarding murder. Jesus equates anger to murder, and speaks of the fires of hell. This is contrary to the contemporary universalist view of Jesus and his death which has led some scholars to claim that when he speaks of hell it is merely parableical.Regardless, Jesus is affirming that you cannot be right with God until you are right with your fellow men, which all relates t o the salt-and-light reputation of a Christian. Jesus also teaches about adultery and sexual morality. Again he equates the inward sin of lust to the outward sin of adultery. He also declares that marrying a divorced woman counts as adultery, a part of the Sermon that so far Christians have begun to disregard. This is contrary to the Old Testament where Moses permitted but did not command divorce due to the hard heartedness of the people.The close relationship between a keep up and wife mirrors the relationship Christ shares with his Church, which is why sex features so highly in Christian ethics. Love, when fully understood. Is opening oneself to an opposite completely and can ensue only where trust and fidelity are present. Subsequently, another part of the Sermon on the Mount that is ethically significant would be where Jesus deals with how we should relate to other people. The standards set by Jesus are so high it is easy for Christians to look down upon those that are stru ggling.Jesus, ever a carpenters son, uses the metaphor of the speck in your brothers eye and the plank in your own. We are all sinners and it would be highly hypocritical to judge another when we are also flawed. We never know the whole story about someone and it is impossible to be impartial in our judgement. The Jews were familiar with the concept of loving your dwell and not judging him, but they did not feel the same about their enemies. Jesus commanded us to show agape love towards our enemies. Such love does not naturally come from the heart, but is instead must be put into action through ones own will.As Jesus was gracious and forgiving to sinners, so we should be. This is vital to Christian ethics. Another ethical aspect of how we relate to other people is how we treat those who are poorer than us. It is not enough to but preach to them, but we must take care of their physical needs as well as spiritual. Jesus said, Give to him who asks of you, and do not publish away fr om him who wants to borrow from you. Charitable giving was a fundamental part of Jewish life, but Jesus added another element it was only ethical if through with the correct motivation.The Greek word translated as hypocrite in the Bible literally means actor. This is why Jesus commands us to give in secret, lest we become boastful. Moreover, there is a definite eschatological aspect to the Sermon on the Mount as it draws to a conclusion. This emphasises to the Christian how their ethics are constantly significant and will be considered on the Day of Judgement. Jesus states that few will enter the Kingdom of Heaven and that not all that profess to conceptualise in him as Lord will be saved.He warns of false prophets who will come in sheeps clothing in this situation the ethics presented in the Sermon on the Mount are vital so a Christian can identify who is a true believer. We are not saved by works, but they are an important part of our Christian identity. The Sermon on the Mount also has certain evangelical tones throughout. It shows the unbeliever what is demand of them if they follow Jesus, and the severe consequences if they do not. Spurgeon wrote of this passage, The shepherd best discerns his own sheep, and the Lord, Himself alone knows infallibly them who are His. To conclude, there are conflicting theories regarding the nature of the Sermon certain theologians such as Calvin believe it is a compilation of many separate sermons. Others debate technical details, such as whether it was preached on a mount or a plain. However, something that every Christian will agree on is that the Sermon on the Mount is of the upmost important as a foundation for Christian ethics. Stott said, The Sermon on the Mount is probably the best-known part of the teaching of Jesus, thought arguably it is the least understood, and certainly it is the least obeyed.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Investment theory Essay
The efficient food foodstuff place hypothesis (EMH) is an investment theory that states it is impossible to beat the grocery store because stock market efficiency causes existing share prices to continuously incorporate and reflect all relevant information. According to this theory, the stock always trade at their fair value on stock exchanges. This makes it impossible for investors to any purchase undervalued stocks or sell stocks for inflated prices.EMH provides that it should be impossible to outperform the overall market through expert stock selection or market timing. The only way an investor can possibly obtain higher returns is through purchasing riskier investments (Answer. com, 2006). Using the EMH theory, this research study will examine the efficiency of the coupled Kingdom (UK) stock market indices by providing an internal performance comparison between FTSE 250 and FTSE AIM.A summation of two hundred (200) companies will be employ for the analysis, with one hund red (100) companies from each index, on the basis of trading value from all sectors, using Datastream platform. Two inputs (total sales and EBIT), and two outputs (total capital employed and total assets) will be used to analyse the data from each company. Literature Review Although EMH is deemed the cornerstone of modern financial theory, it has also been highly controversial and untold disputed.Critics say it is pointless to search for undervalued stocks or to try to predict trends in the market through either fundamental or technical analysis. A check into of related literature however will show that a big(p) body of evidence show support of EMH. While academics point to a large body of evidence in support of EMH, an equal amount of dissension also exists. For example, investors such as Warren Buffett have consistently beaten the market over long periods of time, which by definition is an impossibility according to the EMH.Detractors of the EMH also point to events such as the 1987 stock market crash (when the DJIA fell by over 20% in a single day) as evidence that stock prices can seriously deviate from their fair values. (Answers. com) In finance, the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) asserts that financial markets are efficient, or that prices on traded assets, e. g. stocks, bonds, or property, already reflect all known information and therefore are artless in the sense that they reflect the collective beliefs of all investors about future prospects.The efficient market hypothesis implies that it is not possible to consistently outperform the market appropriately adjusted for risk by using any information that the market already knows, except through luck or obtaining and trading on inside information. Information or news in the EMH is defined as anything that may affect stock prices that is unknowable in the present and thus appears every which way in the future. This random information will be the cause of future stock price changes.
Monday, May 20, 2019
How reliable is source 5 as a representation of the death of Hattie Carroll?
The Lone several(prenominal) Death of Hattie Carroll, the song by bobfloat Dylan is both reliable and unreliable in many ways as a representation of her death.During the total darkness Civil Rights Movement of the time, Dylan was a popular artist and felt strongly about this specific cause. finished his lyrics he spoke out for the oppressed minority. His songs however, did not represent the views of all the black people at the time. Through his lyrics he expressed only his point of view. consequently, it must be taken into cipher that thither may be bias of some form in some of his works.We must take into account that it is more than likely that Dylan was not at the actual murder scene and therefore his song is a secondary source. We also are not totally sure if Dylan was genuinely concerned about the welfare of the oppressed, or, he was using the situation to boost his own career. Ultimately, these together could be situationors for why Dylan wrote and performed finger-pointi ng songs.I would say that the majority of the motives in his work are honourable but others may think differently. Joan Baez, a folk singer and a Civil Rights activist and, Dylans girlfriend at the time said of him he never went to marches. One of the ironic things was, 20 years after the fact, people at marches saying, Is tail coming? We heard Bobs coming. He never went. It wasnt his life and there was no reason he should genuinely because he didnt believe in all that politics stuff.The contents of the song tell us some of the basic facts about the incident. We experience Hattie was murdered by Zanzinger who got a very lenient sentence. Gaps however live in our knowledge due to the fact that source 5 contains only part of the actual song. Therefore we do not see the full picture surrounding what happened and what actually happened.Dylan puts his lyrics across with a chaff and bitterness. This is because Carroll was murdered due to racial discrimination. We are not sure if Dyla n was present at the trial and because of this we cannot affirm what he is suggesting fully but we can take it for granted that what he is saying is at least partly true.I feel that Dylans intended audience was universal. He aimed to inform people of the wrong in society and he gave the black Americans hope in their campaign for justice. I can only take over that Dylan wrote this song to make society aware of what was happening to the black people. I also think that the fact that Dylan would gain publicity for his controversy and therefore this may have been a reason for him writing and perform finger-pointing songs.In source 5 we do not gain any insight into Zanzingers motives for murdering Carroll. Zanzingers narration is not known and because each story has two sides we cannot view the bigger picture.This source is partly reliable. We know that Dylan had a good reputation as a truthful, genuine artist but it must be acknowledged that the limitations to the song as a represent ation of the death of Hattie Carroll given the language, tone, motives and the missing part of the source.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Ethics and Ethical Dilemma
The movie that I chose for ethical quandary is the Disney movie called UP. It is a story based on an ancient patch and how a boys reconnoiter boy helps the doddering universe keep his house by floating the old mans house with balloons. This is an adventurous movie. It has a lot of ups and downs. The ethical dilemma in this movie the man is old, his wife is dead and the urban center is building new buildings all most his house they want him to vacant his him go to an old folks home to live for the appease of his remaining life, which is the ethical thing to do.But instead the story is a bit far stretched out, but he escapes it in an unethical unrealistic way and floats his house away with balloons. The old man risks his life the boys scout boy, and the dog. The situation could have been worse, where the old mans house could fall anywhere in the story making this a terrible and unrealistic idea of saving his house. Another ethical dilemma in this movie is the bird it is obviou sly an endangered species. So does the original explorer guy have the mightily to capture the bird and show to the world?Or does the old man have the right to gag rule the explorer and rescue the bird? In my opinion the explorer has some rights, but the way he wants to make money out of the bird is unethical. The old man has the right to stop the explorer because the old man sees his self through the eyes of the bird and how he cannot live the life he wants to in his house. At the end not only does the old man not have to go to an old folks home, instead he keeps his house. Unrealistically the house sits right where the story started from. The movie showed how break down packed the city is, but the old man was able to restore his house.Once the house was where it started from, none of the city officials took any actions, but instead let the old man keep his house and the city officials reinforced their buildings and roads around the house which could be a hazardous situation in t he future. The old man once again finds happiness from boy and dog and he never has to worry about facial expression again. He escapes reality so to speak. No matter how I look at this movie at an ethical point, all I can say is that sometimes unrealistic stories like UP get word us a good moral lesson about life.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Wine Making
The differences among red and washrag wines include the kinds of grapes used, the fermentation and aging process, and the timber and flavor of the wine. White wines are almost always make from white grapes, although they can be do from black grapes, since the juice in most black grapes is clear. When white wine is made, the skins of the grapes are separated from the juice when they are put into a crushing machine. After filtering etc, the wine is aged by storing it in guiltless steel or occasionally oak containers and bottled after a a few(prenominal) months. White wines, then, are made without skins or seeds and are essentially fermented grape juice.They feel a light character and have toast fruit flavors and aromas. They can be sweet or dry or somewhere in between Red wine is usually made from red or black grapes, although all the kinds of grapes usually have a clear juice. The process of making red wine is different from the one of making white wine. After the grapes ha ve been in the crushing machine, the red grapes with their skins and everything sit in a fermentation bath for a period of time, typically about one to two weeks. . The skins tend to rise to the surface of the categorization and form a layer on top.The winemaker frequently mixes this layer back into the fermenting juice (which is called must). After fermentation is over, the new wine is taken from the vat. A little free run juice is allowed to pour and the rest of the must is squeezed into press wine. The wine is clarified and then is stored, usually in oak containers, for several months until it is ready to be bottled. The oak containers add additional wood tannins and flavors to the wine which attend to to intensify it and add flushness to it. The result of this process is that red wines exhibit a set of rich flavors with spicy, herby, and even meaty characteristics.Late harvest ice wines are the exceptions in both hemispheres. The grapes are typically left on the vine to incr ease the sugar content and may be harvested up to a few months after the traditional harvest. An indigenous yeast fermentations pouchs by itself when wild yeast strains originating in the vineyard start fermenting. Wild yeast can take up to a week to begin the fermentation because their sign populations are small compared to an inoculated fermentation. But there is strenuous debate as to whether the wild yeast lie with in from the vineyard or are already present in the cellar on wine making equipment.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Duties and Responsibilities in Ones Work Role Essay
1. Describe the duties and responsibilities of stimulate cogitation roleAs a practiti angiotensin-converting enzymer, we are obliged to adapt to different sittings for chelaren and young mountain. Every backing will offer certain benefits and sometimes drawbacks. When ricking with electric s bearrren and young people, we need to comply the duties and responsibilities of our own work role, The effective practice as a team member will depend on communicating with co workers and heads.One must respect confidentiality of every child and the parents too. You must always put the parents graduation as the primary care giver of the child. Information concerning a child/children should never be shared out or given out to anyone who may ask. Data protection must be respected. Physical penalty must never be implemented upon a child. They are many ways to show that the childs needs to be corrected. You could use the snip Out system. This is a discipline technique that involves placing children in a boring place for several minutes. There the child will realise that he/she has misbehaved. Time out really means time out from any attention.There could sometimes be cases where the child/children come from different countries hence their different beliefs. We must respect all different beliefs and be close when working with the kids during activities. One example could be, dont mention pigs if doing a farm animal operation when a Muslin child is present in class. It could cause problems and upset the specific child/children. This is why, as a practitioner, we must so our homework and make sure cases like this will not arise. This is respecting their customs. All children should be treated equally and never have favourites.When staff meetings take place we must always respect anyones contribution and also to other people (outsiders) like social workers, speech therapists, physiologists etc. These people may be very important in the help of any child/children that mi ght have a disability or certain needs. Whenever a child may act in a different way and maybe trying to attract attention, this should not be discarded. It may be that a certain child is abused at home and is reaching out for help. The best thing one should do is to speak to your superior and then to Setha, the abuse centre in Malta, to seek advise as how to go about handling the given situation.All the above mentioned are vital elements to relay duties and responsibilities of our own work role. Once these vital elements are put into practice, we should create a happy, safe environment for the children concerned.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Self-recommendation Essay
I am convinced to say that my secondary school life is not in vain because I have acquired both academic knowledge from lessons and practical experience from various extracurricular activities.Being a leader in the Scout, I realized that organization, time management and communication are of paramount importance in leadership. Being a senior patrol leader, I engaged in planning meetings for the usher members. In addition to briefing and communicating with the whole troop of scouts, I had to cooperate well with teachers in order to convey the messages clearly from teachers to all the scout members as well as consolidating the spirit of scouts. To bugger off a more capable leader in a team, I would like to make come up in my leadership skill, especially the organization and management skills, and to capitalize on different aspects. Therefore, I go under to have further study on management, contributing myself to help people to organize and manage their business.aside from leadersh ip, I feel satisfied as long as helping someone who is in need. through with(predicate) studying in science subjects, I found that nowadays advanced technology is established by the forerunners who devoted themselves to this industry, such as Steve Jobs. Definitely, the development in science and technology has brought convenience to our life. Although I am not going to become an inventor, I am willing to have further study on science technology in order to light up peoples life. Thus, I am enthusiastic in studying subject related to science and technology to equip myself to help people. entirely in all, I have recognized myself in the past few years. To show the gratitude to my teachers and friends, I would enterprisingness to show my best positive light on different fields. I look forward to my virgin journey in the future.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
FeedHenry - Innovating in the cloud Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
FeedHenry - Innovating in the cloud - drive Study ExampleThe strategy is to satisfy the clients needs across the world in order to revel maximum earnings (Cunningham and Gately 670). This implies that the cloud engineering science shall enhance value to clients, which establishes a competitive advantage by dint of the exploitation of the market. The FeedHenrys current business direct comprises of enterprises adopting mobile applications for their marketing mix programs with an extensive stand across the world. This is through the introduction of a latest cloud connectivity technology that uses centralized servers. Alternatively, the platform technology innovation enabled firms to establish their own mobile applications through the operating systems of various gadgets. The current business level focuses on conquering the market by developing distinctive advantages through their innovations (Cunningham and Gately 671). The platform technology parturiency attracted many firms bec ause this was an emerging aspect in the promotion of commodities. Another way of ensuring the success of the business level was through supervision of their innovations to ensure that the clients received value from the cloud technology.The corporate level strategy choose by FeedHenry was the transformation of their operations from the web technology for media to the cloud innovation. This aspect affected their financial power because it requires a high investment outlay that could accommodate the new technology and modalities. It also concerned the parceling of resources to various stations for easy development of mobile apps by all the firms (Cunningham and Gately 673). Considering this change in operations, the social club embraced the value-creating tactic that emphasized on gaining more market share and counting competition. The innovation of the mobile app was to make the new opportunities evident in the telecommunication industry. The technology focus requires customers to register with them in order to declare
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Psychological Journal Article Summary and Analysis Research Paper
Psychological Journal Article Summary and Analysis - Research root word ExampleAnother explicit purpose of the study was to compare mere exposure (exposure without a reward) to a no-treatment control characterise. The role that this control condition played in the experiment was to provide a baseline for the analysis of shaver responses when external rewards were presented. The authors were also interested several factors that contribute to the discrepancy amongst the lean for rewards to increase acceptance in field studies on one hand, but the tendency of rewards to decrease proneness in laboratory studies. Implicit in the determination of their study, the researchers attempted to study the type of reward used, the sign liking, and the intended outcome of the study and whether those factors play a role. To accomplish these tasks, the researchers used a cluster-randomized experimental design that arranged over 400 children into four conditions an exposure plus tangible non-fo od reward, an exposure plus social reward, an exposure alone, and a no-treatment control group. Over 12 days, the children were presented daily with the exposure to a vegetable that children consider objectionable in gustation. Then, the children from the respective conditions were both given an additional reward or, for those in the control condition, left field alone. The results measured from these tests of taste were collected at a one-month and a three-month point after the 12 exposures in order to examine the effects of the exposures on acquisition and tutelage of the taste. This research design was intended to either accept or reject the hypothesis that external rewards have a significant effect on changing childrens tastes for vegetables. The children in the study fell in between the range of 4 and 6 years old and were randomly assigned to their conditions. To test each of the children individu eithery, the researchers used a vegetable that the child rated in the middl e of five other vegetables so that there was the potential of learning to enjoy the taste of that middle vegetable. During the intervention period, children were given praise as a reward (in the social reward condition), a sticker (in the tangible non-food condition), or minimal social interaction (in the no exposure condition). Through all of this testing, the researchers discovered that liking for the vegetable increased in the three intervention conditions as compared to the control condition, in which children were not exposed to the vegetable. Within these results, there was no significant difference in liking between each of the exposure conditions (that is, social rewards did not increase liking more than non-food tangible rewards). In call of timing after the initial study, each of the interventions maintained their difference at a significant train for one month, during the acquisition phase. However, children who were rewarded with external rewards maintained their likin g for three months or more during the maintenance phase. Likewise, during this maintenance phase, there was no significant difference between the social reward and the non-food tangible reward condition in terms of who continued to like the vegetables more. Meanwhile, the effect of the no reward exposure because insignificant by that three month point. In other words, external rewards do not produce negative effects and may actually be useful to
Monday, May 13, 2019
US Foreign Policy in the Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
US immaterial Policy in the Middle East - Essay ExampleDifferent opposed policies get suitable for different components with regard to the goals sought.The realist perspective in international relations alludes that countries will act in their narcissistic interests going against whatever moral consideration there may be. The basis of this is study of the nature of worldly concern and the need to be out of harms way. Realism views look at the international pool as an disused system with no checks placed on sovereign states (Mingst 12).Foreign policy ought to be firmly be through realism. The type of foreign policy fronted by the government should be beneficial to that country and achievable. The last taken by the authorities should be supported by the nations population. This creates a consciousness of belonging and contribution in as far as effective governance gets concerned. Over the years, some(prenominal) foreign policy statements have become challenged because they do not depict the feelings of the population. It is in this light that opinions should be sought from the public through consultation and involvement in decision making (Jackson 66).The US foreign policy in the Middle East should involve a wide consideration of dynamics. It should look into the sociological, economical and political perspectives and possible impacts of policies made. The US foreign policy in the Middle East should view the region as a new hub for economic gain. The Middle East boasts of the worlds largest oil reservoirs. oil color wells in the United States are drying up at alarming rates. The US policy in the Middle East should encourage mutually beneficial trade amidst the two trading blocks (Sorensten 116).With the period state of affairs where the US is massively indebted especially to China, new trading partner should be found. Trade treaties that allow for continued investments in the Middle East should be encouraged. Movement of goods and services between t he two blocks should be monitored to ensure that
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Egovernment Issues, Technology And Applications Essay
Egovernment Issues, Technology And Applications - Essay ExampleThe carry is significant to the school Heads, teachers and parents who may use the data gathered so as to strategize on how to gain and motivate the callow students in learning to improve their faculty member performance and stiffly face the challenges that comes their way. The move shall restrict itself to the factors and effects surrounding the poor academic performance among adolescent students in the US. It will confront into factors and effects that arise from the home purlieu and the learning motivation of the learners. The report shall restrict itself to the specific schools in the US with a possibility of generalising the findings to other schools of the US. The study shall target on the effects of home environment and learning motivation on academic performance of adolescents because it is an area which has not been well researched, and therefore all study focused specifically to that category would yield into timely results.This paper makes a conclusion that adolescent students are faced with a lot of challenges during their academic lives. So many effects on their academic performance are paramount and for them to improve, these effects must be found out and addressed accordingly. This is achievable only if the government and the public realize the significance of good academic performance among the adolescents, their continued cover in school without dropping out of school and their positive contribution to the nation and the society at large. The government and the public should therefore empower and support researchers in all ways. This is only possible if the challenges stated above shall be resolved and a long-term solution found
Saturday, May 11, 2019
What made Franklin D. Roosevelt such a powerful leader and one of the Essay
What made Franklin D. Roosevelt such a powerful leader and one of the most highly regarded presidents in American history - Essay grammatical caseBecause of his strong advocacy, the love of freedom is still alive in America today (InfoUSA 1). As a great leader, Franklin Roosevelt devoted his effort to the service of his country. In as much as critics may cozy up instances of failure during his presidency, Roosevelt has a legacy as a strong leader in the countrys history. wad generally accept that F. D. Roosevelt remains one of the greatest leaders in the world. He served as the 32nd President of the country. Roosevelt was born in New York. His leadership guided the unify States and helped it during hard moments. He has been considered a central political figure throughout the world, as well.Roosevelt laid a solid creative activity of leadership as a president during his early age. He was bright during his young age and calibrated from Harvard University. Roosevelt became very ac tive with the school new-fashionedspaper. When he undertook studies at Harvard, he spent most of his time in publishing the school newspaper. After he graduated from Harvard, Franklin D. Roosevelt joined Columbia Law School. Various experiences and know conductge helped him win the Senate seat later (Rosenberg 1).As a great leader, Roosevelt made a number of improvements in society. One of the most significant and remarkable things he did, and probably the most successful one, was that he led the United States recovery from the Great Depression (Rosen 130). The Great Depression was an economic decline in the United States. Banks in all 48 states had either closed or had placed restrictions on how much bills depositors could withdraw. Most banks were bankrupted during the Great Depression thus, people could not take their money. Additionally, unemployment rose and people lost their jobs overnight. People suffered during this period. As economic distress increased in the United Sta tes, Franklin Roosevelt was elected to be a new president instead of President Hoover in order to save
Friday, May 10, 2019
Summary and Response to the Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Summary and Response to the Article - Essay ExampleThe journey towards energy certificate has proven hectic, but it is not late yet. Change is possible.Oil dependence has its sh atomic number 18 of challenges. First, oil prices are never stable. This situation leads to economic imbalance in the dependent state, making citizens suffer from high revenue enhancement, curiously when oil prices increase in the world market. gagely, United States as a major economy has to face up stiff competition from other importing countries such as India and China whose economies are growing rapidly. finish up of all, U.S. becomes vulnerable to political whims of oil producing countries especially the Middle East that have for a long quantify threatened U.S. security. OPEC, for instance, is notorious for signing contracts with certain consumers coupled with political affiliations that distort the market.According to this report, U.S. can redeem itself from the hazards of oil dependence if it can reframe its foreign policies. The last decades have seen U.S. stressing on the importance of foreign markets, something that cannot influence the energy problem experienced now. If active mankind policies are introduced, the market will deliver swimmingly on its own. U.S. cannot achieve energy security through foreign policy, but it can frame home(prenominal) policies that are in tandem with short- and long-term goals of international strategy on oil.The Task Force facial expression into the issue made three recommendations for the adoption of incentives, which would gradually minimize consumption of petroleum products. First is the taxation of petrol, with the tax revenues directed to other purposes such as funding research and development of energy technology. Second is tightening Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAF) standards. Third is the use of tradable gasoline permits to cap the levels of gasoline consumed in the country.The above measures will facilitate energy efficient lifestyles of the citizenry, including the use of higher-efficiency vehicles, increased use of public
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of one or two particular Essay
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of one or two particular research methods (e.g. ethnography narrative enquiry surveys q - Essay ExampleSocial science survey research is signifi merchant shipt as it seeks to measure previous and current behavior, as vigorous as future behavior (M belli, 2004). As privy be seen from political survey polls, these polls evaluate public opinion likely determining how raft would vote in upcoming elections. The surveys also in public wellness would assess health behavior including eating trends, exercise trends, smoking behavior, wearing of seatbelts, frequency of routine exams, and early(a) related relevant health behavior (Marelli, 2004). These studies seek predictions and trends in human behavior and how such behavior can be changed. In effect, individuals without health insurance can be surveyed using questions on how willing they are to pay health insurance. The surveys can also be applied in determining if individuals would buy more fr esh vegetables if these were cheaper (Hatch, 2009). reexamine ideas likely cover for survey research include those who can be accurately evaluated through subject response (Hoppe, 1998). Physical measures can sometimes be accurately assessed if the subjects have standard resources. In other words, height, weight, blood sugar, nutrition, and blood pressure can easily be measured where the subjects apply standard measures. medicinal drug use can also be evaluated based on an individuals prescription information. clinical results, however, are sometimes not being measured during the survey research especially as they privation health care professionals to carry out the process (Mathiyazhagan and Nandan, 2010). Health care application would fit well for surveys since the responses can be taken from the subjects, insurance records, or the written records. Disease incidence and prevalence are often more complicated to measure as they call for accurate means of diagnosing (Hatch, 2009) . moral health diseases are considered exempted because they are often diagnosed using survey scored within or outside the amiable health system. Validity The validity of survey research is evaluated by measures similar to clinical research studies (Hatch, 2009). The covered population mustiness still be specifically defined and a sample population extracted. The more or less relevant source of bias in survey research is on sampling. As soon as the target population is established, random or representative samples have to be chosen and those chosen must then be asked to participate in the study (Glasow, 2005). For some populations, the samples are easy to define and extract. Samples in clinical settings can be randomly chosen from the medical records. Inclusion and exclusion criteria, including condition, age, gender, treatment can then be compiled before the sampling process is initiated (Hatch, 2009). Patients with existing relations with the researcher would likely esteem ca lls or invitations to participate. The larger population however would be more difficult to locate and include in the sample population. Granting that the target is a population of adults in a city in the eastern semivowel of the United States, the first task would be to identify all the adults in the area. The sources would also have to be laid out. Telephone listings are considered one of the sources of names, however not all adults have listed numbers, and others use carrel phones, and the rest, do not even have phones (Hatch, 2009). In some instances, other
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Strategic Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Strategic Human alternative Management - Essay ExampleThis may mean that SHRM has the ability to change the way things are make in an organisation, effectively changing an organisations culture (Schein, 2004 Robbins, 2003). However, individual HRM strategies in themselves may not be strategic HRM, where SHRM is the over all(prenominal) framework which determines the shape and delivery of the individual strategies (CIPD, 2009).Strategy exists in all organisations as it is concerned with defining the organisations behaviour and its existence in a given milieu, where the role of SHRM is to explain how the human resources get influences organisational performance (Boxall and Purcell, 2003). Dyer and Holder (1998) give us the main features of SHRM, where SHRM at the organisational level is planned at the top, where decisions are made regarding goals, policies and allocation of resources the focus of SHRM is then aimed at organisational force or better performance, where people are v iewed as resources that need to be managed towards the achievement of strategic duty goals HR strategies are then seen as frameworks which are broad, integrative, unifying and contingency based, as they incorporate a whole lot of HR goals and activities which are designed to be in strategic fit with the environment (also see Mankin, 2009).This particular study will focus on the role of SHRM in multinational organisations (MNCs), where the HRM function becomes international (IHRM). IHRM is a relatively recent addition to the field of human resources, developed mainly because of the fast pace at which credit linees are getting internationalised as a result of globalisation (Scullion, 2001). Even though IHRMs operations are based on the same parameters of domestic HRM, it is much more obscure as it deals with sensitive cross-cultural issues and calls for proper education of the local behaviour in terms of culture, values, business practices, and employment laws of the host country of a
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Challenges of ERP adoptions and critical success factors Essay
Challenges of ERP adoptions and critical achiever factors - Essay Exampleber of factors such as enhancing the ability so as to compete on the worldwide platform, excessive pressure from increased competition so as to become the low cost maker and increasing expectations in terms of revenue growth. In todays scenario of implementation as sanitary as management of enterprise resource planning the most important aspect is that of critical victor factors or CSF. There lies a strong correlation between the challenges or issues that are witnessed with the adoption of ERP engine room with these critical conquest factors.The critical success factors can be stated as exemplars that enable the outgrowth improvement boundaries to be extended and even can be considered to be valuable if it is taken into thoughtfulness in each of the stages of the overall implementation process. The adoption of ERP into the system is dependent upon various critical success factors that are grouped into t wo major parts that are strategic and tactical factor. The give from the exit management is very essential when the issue about the implementation of ERP system is taken into account. In whatsoever organization the rules and regulation are set forth by the top management of the system and the software system adoption as well as execution is majorly dependent on the extended support that is provided by the top management. The critical success factors that are strategic by nature is related to the mission of the project, support given by the top management and in case of project scheduling it can be associated with outlining various action steps for individual in order to implement the project (Ziemba & Obk, 2013, pp. 4-9). The tactical issues are needed to be considered when the next phase of project implementation takes place that is related to communication with different users, adopting the necessary technology so as to support the system and hiring of business and technical professionals who would concord forward the implementation process.The critical success factors of ERP
Monday, May 6, 2019
Purchasing Power Parity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15000 words
Purchasing Power Parity - ravel ExampleA new Eviews workfile is generated from the main menu of the Eviews by selecting File/New/Workfile, which opens up the piddle workfile dialogue box. Dated-regular frequency is chosen as the workfile structure type, frequency is chosen as monthly with the find date as 1990-1 and end date as 2011-03 as shown in fig1. The data from the excel is accordingly imported by selecting the Proc/Import/Read Text-Lotus-Excel options of the main menu and choosing the dataset Data_Canada_PPP.xls. The bout of series is entered as 3 in the Excel spreadsheet import dialogue box as shown in fig2. The data is imported successfully and is verified with the original data in the excel sheet by opening the generated data as shown in fig 3.Fig 1 Generate New WorkfileFig 2 Enter the number of series of DataFig 3 Verifying the imported data2)Generating Real Exchange send qtReal Exchange Rate qt is obtained by the formulaqt = st pt + pt* -------- 1where st = log(Ex change_rate) -------- 2pt = log(CPI_Can) -------- 3pt* = log(CPI_US)-------- 4The formulae 2 to 4 are first generated using the Genr option in the workfile. The value of qt is then generated using the formula 1. The generated qt is shown in fig 3.e Fig 3 nourish of qt3)Plotting the graph (qt)Fig 4 shows the graphical view of series of values of qt.... This can be tried using Interpretation from Graphical representation A non-stationary series produces lines with definite upward and downward expressive style with the passage of time, whereas a stationary series does not produce any such lines. Observing the Correlogram or Autocorrelation function (ACF) For a stationary process, the ACF will decline to zero in a quicker air whereas for a non-stationary process, the ACF declines in a linear fashion. From the graphical representation of real exchange rates among Canada and US shown in fig 4, it can be noted that the real exchange rate is belike to have some sort of hit-or-miss w alk-up and walk-down pattern over the period of time. The presence of random walks indicates that the series qt seems to show non-stationarity in behaviour. However, the random walk does not show any increasing or decreasing trend. 4) Unit Test Root Non-stationarity of a process is characterized by the presence of unit root. In order to test whether the process is stationary or not, it would suffice if we can check for the presence of unit root. This check can be performed by employing Augmented Dickey-Fullers test. The overall objective of this test is to test the null opening that ? = 1 in yt = ? yt-1 + ? + ut against the one-sided alternative ? 1. So we define the hypothesis as H0 yt = yt-1 + ? + ut (qt is non-stationary, ? =1) H1 yt = ? yt-1 + ? + ut (qt is stationary. ? 1) Subtracting the above equation with yt-1, we get the simplified equation as ? yt = ? yt-1 + ? + ut Where ? = ?-1. Now the hypothesis for the presense unit roots can be written as H0 ? =0 (qt contains a unit root and is
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Database Design Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Database Design Project - turn up ExampleThis paper presents a detailed analysis of basic atomic number 18as of the new technology.Data and information are the most valuable resources for any contrast or corporation. Therefore, the development and implementation of databases to store this valuable air for corporate working(a) has turned out to be a major part of almost each corporation or business sector. In addition, this development and implementation of the databases has offered great advantages to the organizations for an effective management of their business activities. This paper throws light on the development and analysis of a database system for Mayo Clinic medical exam content that is health wield business with a variety of off-site campuses interacting within its health system. This business is direct through different working and business line of works. The main objective behind this research is to outline the problem areas and then suggesting most suitable so lution for these problems.Mayo Clinic Medical Center is a health care business that is working through a chain of off-site campuses. The working of this business is traditional in nature and relying upon the manual ways of data and information handling. In this business, there is an utmost need of a constant link among the distant working teams and main campuses. To serve this purpose, they need well qualified stave and suitable office structure. Now the management of the Mayo Clinic Medical Center has decided to establish a new database technology framework for the corporate. The main intention of the Mayo Clinic Medical Center management is to potentially improve the overall corporate performance and working capabilities.As discussed above the business of Mayo Clinic Medical Center is currently running through manual ways. In such scenario, the overall workload and working style is more rigid. All these problems lead to less effective working performance. At present, the data
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Address Academic Integrity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Address Academic Integrity - Assignment manakinBased on their observations, Teuscher, Valrhona, Lindt, Godiva, and Hershey (2012) have proposed the notion of hot chocolate-induced euphoria, a state of offbeat and enhanced mood that travel alongs dead after the ingestion of various cocoa-based products. These authors have even argued that society at large would benefit if much citizens experienced chocolate-induced euphoria on a regular basis.Though the student has used in- text citation, at that place are no direct quotes. The real quote should be in direct quotes and properly referenced indicating the author and the rascal from which the information was obtained.Student C (female)While popular authors have touted the benefits of alimentation chocolate for decades, some scientists have recently embraced this sentiment. In fact, Teuscher, Valrhona, Lindt, Godiva, and Hershey (2012) introduced the notion of chocolate-induced euphoria, which they defined as a state of well-bei ng and enhanced mood that follows shortly after the ingestion of various cocoa-based products (p. 313). Teuscher et al. further asserted that societal benefits would follow if more individuals generated this emotional experience more regularly (p. 313).Student C has appropriately used the original quote. Direct statements from the authors are in quotation marks. The statements are also properly referenced showing the page and the authors. However, placing the names of the authors outside the parenthesis is inappropriate.Student D (male)Some have discussed the emotional effect of eating chocolate, including euphoria (Teuscher, Valrhona, Lindt, Godiva, & Hershey, 2012, p. 313), a sense of calm (Cadbury, 2009, p. 105), reduction in depressive symptoms (Nestle & Quick, 2010, p. 5), and less stress (Ritter Sport, 2011, p. 400).Student E (female)Because of the high sugar content in milk chocolate and some dark chocolates, nutritionists are opposed to recommend that people increase their intake of chocolate. Some have advocated the
Friday, May 3, 2019
The Influence of Aldo Leopold on Modern Resource Management and Essay
The Influence of Aldo Leopold on Modern Resource Management and saving - Essay ExampleThey include the materials and energy that serves the needs of man in the society (McKinney, Schoch, & Yonavjak, 153). The naturally occurring materials corresponding trees, soil, and water are all picks that are valued by man. there are those resources that can be replaced within a short duration and those that cannot be replaced within the short duration. These are referred to as renewable and non-renewable resources respectively (McKinney, Schoch, & Yonavjak, 153). Some of the non-renewable resources like coal may take thousands or millions of years to be replaced. An significant point to note for the resources is that the rate at which they are consumed often exceeds the rate of renewal and posing a challenge on their scarcity. On the other hand, there are some resources that are in volumed supply but the problem is how to harness and use it appropriately e.g. the solar energy (McKinney, S choch, & Yonavjak, 153).The increasing coat of human population is becoming a threat to the natural resources with a possibility of overexploitation of the resources. There is, therefore, a need to provide an alternative to this excess exploitation of natural resources (McKinney, Schoch, & Yonavjak, 153). This brings in the concept of resource way.Resource management entails a controlled exploitation of the natural resources. It arises due to the fact the exploitation of natural resources has both(prenominal) costs and benefits. The big deal is to perform a cost-benefit analysis and develop a mechanism for good use of the resources.Aldo Leopold was a philosopher, timberlander, and conservationist who played a key role in the establishment of wildlife management system in the United States. He was born towards the end of the nineteenth century and was brought up in Burlington (Austin College, para.9) He had an early interest in the natural resources and this would influence his future careers and profession. He pursued forest related careers at various institutions
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4
Business legal philosophy - Essay ExampleThis method of justice strives to create an alternative forum away from the Courts which is to a greater extent relaxed in nature, which allows for a more chilled out atmosphere and where the procedural importance given to the cases is reduced in pitch to allow the human touch a greater importance. Following is the definition of Alternate Dispute occlusion Procedures for settling disputes by means separate than judicial proceeding e.g., by arbitrament, mediation, or minitrials. Such procedures, which are commonly less costly and more expeditious than litigation, are increasingly being used in commercial and labor disputes, Divorce actions, in resolving motor vehicle and Medical Malpractice tort claims, and in other disputes that would likely otherwise involve coquet litigation.1 Reading and understanding from the above definition, it can be interpreted that ADR is an alternate mechanism for justice which is less costly and more expediti ous. Alternate Dispute resultant consists of Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation. Arbitration is a process by which the parties to the dispute appoint an independent Arbitrator who resolve the case for the respective parties. This independent arbitrator is appointed on the behest of both the parties. Once the arbitrator is decided, the venue for the arbitration depends upon the parties to the matter. ... These systems envisage a concept where the parties mediate and conciliate with the other parties on their own without the entre of an arbitrator. The process of Mediation and Conciliation is considered to be more in the zone of a personal talk rather than a legal case going on.2 The idea of ADR has al shipway been to allow a more open and calm approach towards justice delivery system. And it has ben quite successful in the Europe and UK with a streamlined method of arbitration, medication and conciliation process in practice. The ADR Group is a world-renowned commercial arb itration organization, which indulges in systematic approach towards the problem solving of arbitration. ADR, thus, improves the judicial system in the following ways 1. Less Burden on the courts 2. Less expensive than litigation 3. Less time consuming than litigation 4. Less stressful than litigation 5. More freedom to the parties to represent their case 6. Greater opportunity for the company to be heard 7. More chances of better justice delivery since every argument is taken into suitable consideration Tribunals The UK Tribunal system is extremely diligent in nature. The UK Tribunal system is part of the administrative justice system, which is the place for justice delivery. It is known as Non-Departmental Public Bodies. The Tribunals take the parallel role of dealing with issues ranging to different areas of law, such as Competition Law, Environmental Law, Taxation Law etc. The Tribunals are similar judicial bodies which are responsible for granting justice as a means away fro m the basic court justice delivery system. The tribunals are managed by the Tribunals Service, which is an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice. Recently, the tribunals have been re-organized, so that
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
The Great War What were the war aims OR military strategies of the Essay
The Great War What were the struggle aims OR military strategies of the various belligerents in World War I How was the Great War the first truly global conflict - try out ExampleReflecting on what happened during the Russo-Japanese War, Block felt that this new, technological sort of war would destroy Europe. 1A new belief circulated amongst European General Staffs that contingency plans needed to be made allowing them to win either future war they might come upon. The main problem that followed from this, however, was the fact that they did non understand the design of modern war, and thus the plans they put together actually resulted in a catastrophic war of attrition. iv reasons actually caused this catastrophe. The first issue was the fact that industrialization resulted in weapons and equipment being made on a bighearted scale. Next, there was a huge population growth which allowed for the manpower necessary to create the large armies necessary to fight the war. Third, r eserves became a popular concept, and this allowed the armies to grow quickly. Last, the creation of large railroad networks allowed for armies to be supplied in the trenches. The combination of these four concepts would alter the face of war forever, and this resulted in a near expiration struggle by the end of 1914 that neither country wanted nor expected. Further more, n angiotensin converting enzyme of the European rulers could discover a way to end the terrible war or justify the large amount of men helpless to it during the first months of war. Most of them, instead, focused on the next campaign, believing that it would finally win the war-and of course, it never did.2 for each one side involved in the war had several issues it needed to face. These issues included figuring out how to recollect the necessary items in order to actually but together a successful industrial war without completely destroying society as a whole. History indicated that a short, decisive war woul d be silk hat (the only(prenominal) recent war standing out that stood out in contrast to this at the snip was the American Civil War, which at this time was largely ignored as a usual war). The roughly recent wars, which has included the Russo-Japanese War and the Italian Unification Wars made many believe that modern wars could be quick, fast business forcibly decided by a few short battles. So, there was an general feeling present in Europe that the European military establishments could win quickly. 3 However, they would be wrong, and they could non have necessarily guessed or understood that they would be. Obviously, they were searching for an answer and looking at things from optimistic perspectives, although they did not necessarily realize this at the time. They are not to blame, because even today, modern historians have problems understanding this war. If one, for example, decides to force a close look at memoirs and study each campaign, the picture simply becomes m ore and more complex. The only way one can truly understand this war is by taking a close look at military demography, economic systems, labor controls, and transportation theory. One can only understand the Great War by taking a close look via a physical assessment in order to lift away obscurity. Therefore, one needs to conclude that three genuine factors led to the outcome of the war, and these two items include economic mobilization, human and resource mobilization. With this concept in mind, one can understand how each coalition developed its strategies to win the Great War. The outcomes of the Great War were right indeed the excessive force of economic
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