Saturday, December 28, 2019
Symbolism in John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums Essay
Symbolism in John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums In The Chrysanthemums John Steinbeck develops a theme of limitations. The story is essentially a man in the mirror story where the rigid Elisa sees herself for the first time as trapped. Although Elisa has recognized her life as limited and confining, she sadly accepts her life as is and does nothing to rectify her situation. In John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums symbolism of the fence, the garden, and the chrysanthemums help illustrate the story by striking an emotional chord with the audience. Primarily the idea of limitation or confinement is presented as the story begins: the high gray-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest†¦show more content†¦The Chrysanthemums introduces us to Elisa Allen, a woman who knows she has a gift for growing things, but it seems to be limited to her garden. Diligently working in her garden, Elisa watches as men come and go, living their lives unconfined, wondering what it must feel like to have that freedom. That emotion is revealed as Elisa gases at her husband and acquaintances talking, she looked down toward the men by the tractor shed now and then. As she tills the soil for her chrysanthemums Elisa tills the thoughts in her head. The garden she so desperately maintained represents her world. A world that will only flourish if nourished. Emotional nourishment and stimulation is what Elisa lacked and longed for. The garden is limited in space to grow and so is her marriage. The garde n is safe, non-threatening and so is her world. The garden contains many different elements that make it what it is, although unseen, and if the proper nourishment is not given it will die, as with Elisa. Elisa is especially proud of her chrysanthemums and how big they are this year. Steinbeck exhibited this pride Elisa portrayed as she straightened her back and pulled on the gardening gloves again. Yes theyll be strong this coming year. Elisa worked hard at her garden and it was important to her. In fact it was the only thing she had to be proud of. For Elisa the chrysanthemums symbolized the work she feels she is capable of as aShow MoreRelated Use of Symbols and Symbolism in John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums944 Words  | 4 PagesUse of Symbols and Symbolism in John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums          John Steinbecks short story The Chrysanthemums is about a proud, strong woman named Elisa Allen who feels frustrated with her present life. Her frustration stems from not having a child and from her husbands failure to admire her romantically as a woman. The only outlet for her frustration is her flower garden where she cultivates beautiful chrysanthemums. 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His works have been studied and analyzed often because of his unique ability to create symbolism from small amounts of text. â€Å"The Chrysanthemums†is a short story written by John Steinbeck, and was first published in 1939. It tells the story of a woman who feels she is capable of completing any task a man can, but is set back byRead MoreEssay about Symbolism in The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck700 Words  | 3 PagesSymbolism in The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck At first glance John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums seems to be a story of a woman whose niche is in the garden. Upon deeper inspection, the story reveals strong symbolisms of children, vulnerability, and connection--being the most important, of the main character. 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They cannot develop without nourishment, and most of all they cannot flourish if not carefully tended to. Just as the Chrysanthemums fight to stay strong and meaningful in the short story, â€Å"The Chrysanthemums†by John Steinbeck, the main character, Emily, tries to do the same. BothRead MoreThe Chrysanthemums By John Steinbeck982 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Chrysanthemums†is a short story written by John Steinbeck. The story was originally published in 1937 before later being released as a part of his The Long Valley collection. This is an important story as it expresses women in a way that is more realistic, showing their true boredom, ambition, and capabilities. Some scholars interpreted this story differently, but C. Kenneth Pellow interprets it as â€Å"radically feministic.†The Great Depression was finally ending and women’s rights were r ising
Friday, December 20, 2019
Power Electronics Case Study Solution - 1709 Words
Power Electronics is an electronics manufacturer based in Vermont which specializes in assembling different components into the final product. Components for Power’s electronics are bought from local manufacturers. The customer base of Power’s consists of wholesale, retail, and consumers. Currently at Power Electronics, components are purchased from local manufacturers which have resulted in Power Electronics needing to raise its pricing. If trends keep going how they are currently, Power will soon be priced out of the market. Power Electronics must find a means to cut costs in order to stay viable in today s electronics market. This paper will analyze a few methods to help cut costs. There are a few ways Power Electronics can source†¦show more content†¦This would result in Power Electronics being able to cut the price of the finished product by 20% resulting in Power Electronic’s products become more competitive in today’s market. When dealing with employees and vendors in a foreign market, Power Electronic’s management must take cultural differences into account. A foreign culture often guides holiday times, acceptable time off requirements, behaviors, and other habits in society. In some markets due to national holidays, management may need to procure products in advance because of temporary facility closures. Management can no longer just plan for holidays celebrated in the United States, but they must become globally minded when planning business transactions. Not all nations are as developed as the United States. The lack of development may cause problems for Power Electronic’s management. Management must research the country of interest. For example, some countries have a different communication infrastructure that s not up to par. There are some countries that lack 4g cellular service. Poor cell phone service can result in vendors being less available when away from their places of business. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Role Of Financial Accounting In World Vision Company †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Financial Accounting Of World Vision Company. Answer: Introduction Financial accounting is basically a specialized branch of accounting which works for keeping a track over financial transaction of a company. With the use of standardized guidelines, recording and summarizing of financial transaction is done, and then presentation of financial reports such as income statement and balance sheet is done (Deegan, 2013). Moreover, financial accounting plays an essential role in keeping a track over all the financial transaction occurs in an organization. This helps the organization in identifying the revenues and expenses and how much profit or loss company is experiencing. Further, this report mainly focuses upon the role of financial accounting in World Vision Company. Furthermore, this report describes the trends and issues in financial accounting and also it describes the solutions for standard accounting problems which arise in the modern accounting environment. Moreover, the report analyses these trends and issues in a critical way (Choi and Meek, 2011). Critical analysis of trends and issues in financial accounting As it is known that financial accounting in a firm is used for recording, summarizing and maintaining financial transaction carried out in a company throughout the year (Weil, Schipper and Francis, 2013). By using this technique a firm can find out the expenses it has done and how much income it has gained. By presenting an income statement and balance sheet an organization could come to know about its financial position. However, with change in time, new trends in this accounting got added and the way of handling this accounting has changed completely. Thus, latest trends have been added to this accounting according to the modern accounting environment, whereas, this change has also brought issues along with it. Thus, this section defines the analysis of trends and issues in financial accounting: Trends There are multiple trends came into accounting which has changed its face completely and has changed the way of doing business. In the very beginning, accounting was done manually. Then accounting was done half on computers and half manually. Later, the trend came of doing accounting work entirely using computers and then internet got introduced which gave new way to accounting as well. In a similar manner, latest trend have been introduced in the market which must be adopted by the companies in order to carry out the financial work in a more effective manner (Horngren and, 2012). However, it must be analyzed that whether the latest trend is effective for the company or not. For that aspect, critical analyses of the latest trends have been done as follows: Cloud Accounting: As it is known that cloud computing has become the basic necessity of the company for carrying out any operations ranging from data storage to connectivity and even for reducing business costs. Similarly, accounting is also a part of companys operation and thus, it is also lined up for getting into cloud. Therefore, a new trend has been added in accounting is cloud accounting (Beatty and Liao, 2014). This is increasingly used for working and enabling easy access to world-class infrastructure without spending huge amount on it. However, heavy cost is involved in providing training to the executives. As it required high end professionals who can carry out this accounting work in an efficient manner. Moreover, this is the biggest trend which is going around and every company has to follow this trend in order to stay ahead in the market. Moreover, this is user-friendly software which can be cited as reason for its surging popularity. Automation: Automation in accounting is a trend which can save a great amount of time to businesses when it comes to accounting. This trend is slowly eliminating the need of manual data entry and helps in saving a large amount of time in production. The major role of automation is to reduce the burden of manual bookkeeping and utilize that time in dealing with real time accosting issues (Weygandt and, 2010). However, such kind of trends cut offs the job which is not appropriate. Moreover, automation would require a person who would be observing it all the time and this would add extra cost to the company. Social Media Strategy: These days social media is widely used for creating a presence of the business online. It is also used to reach a large number of people around the world. Similarly, social media strategy is also used for accounting and is gaining popularity this year and business owners are becoming active on social media. This trend in accounting is very beneficial for accounting firms and also for clients who can gather information themselves using social media (Schroeder, Clark and Cathey, 2011). There are certain benefits of using social media strategy are that no costing is imposed, one can communicate with millions of people, business exposure, etc. Whereas, this type of trend can lead to the increase in website traffic. Along with that, there are high chances of leaking confidential information due to open interactions. Moreover, fraud can also happen if the accounting firm registered on social media could be fake. Outsourcing: Latest trend have been introduced in accounting filed and that is outsourcing offinance and accounting services. This helps the company in focusing on its primary business rather than opening afinance department. This help the firm in cutting down the cost and it also reduces the risk of fraud (Deegan, 2012). However, by adopting this feature, company has to provide all the information to outsourced firm which would be bit difficult as there are high chances of skipping any transaction which may lead to faulty results. Moreover, there are high chances that confidential information may get revealed in front of a competitor which is a major threat to the firm. Issues In every operations of a firm, some or the other issue get arise and these issue continue to come while introducing change. Similarly, while bringing change in accounting operations and coping up with latest trends, issues also come along. Therefore, company has to keep a track over these issues every time in order to avoid them (4 Key Accounting Issues, 2017). However, there are certain issues which are avoidable and some issues are unavoidable which create hindrance while carrying out this activity in an efficient manner. Some of the latest and emerging issues have been described as follows: Continuous demand for skilled professionals: As the accounting is collaborating with computers and internet, the demand for skilled professional has increased on a high pace. The reason is that only skilled professionals can easily understand the functioning of carrying out accounting using computers and cloud. Furthermore, regulatory compliance also require skilled professionals therefore, its demand is increasing. However, the supply of such professional is less because of continuous demand in the market (Williams, 2014). This creates a big issue for the firm. Moreover, these professionals demand high salary and if not given they will move to another company because of high in demand which is again an emerging issue in the market. A survey has found that 78 percent of the company has already taken steps for the compensation of the loss of these employees which includes enhancement of recruitment and retention programs. International Accounting Differences between Countries: This is a biggest issue which is faced by the companies working globally. As it is known that this is an era of globalization and every company is targeting for becoming globalized. However, due to this issue, company faces major problems (May, 2013). The reason is that, accounting is done differently in different countries and due to which company has to face difficulty in managing accounting of all countries together. Accounting practice is influenced with national culture, legal system, taxation system, providers of capital and many other influences. Due to this reason, it is becoming difficult for the firm to carry out its accounting activities in an appropriate manner. Harmonization of Accounting Standards: Harmonization of national and international accounting standard has begun to implement. This news brings joy to the companies and at the same time it is becoming an issue for the firms as well. The reason is that company has to bring a huge change in its accounting procedure which becomes highly difficult for the firm. Moreover, there is a pressure for harmonization of divergent accounting practices from the users of financial statements and also from regulators (Hoskin, Fizzell and Cherry, 2014). Moreover, financial analysts have enough potentiality for destroying the international flow of capital. Further, he investors are also pressurizing for harmonization because they desire that financial information must not only be intelligible but comparable also. Thus, this is again a big issue which is faced by the company in the present year. Dependency on Internet: Presently, accounting is entirely dependent upon the internet. Without it, accounting functions are not carried out. This is a major issue faced by the company in present. It is true that internet has made the life of an accountant easier but too much dependency is also creating problem for them. Due to certain technical reasons, many a times, internet does not work and due to which accounting functions cannot be carried out (Sharma and Panigrahi, 2013). Because of this, company has to face many difficulties in their day-to-day lives. Moreover, sometimes, a huge loss could be faced by the firm as daily task does not get fulfilled due to server loss which may get delayed and results in loss to the company. Thus, cloud accounting could be regarded as the biggest issue in todays era. Risk of fraud: When accounting is done using internet and cloud computing, there are high chances of involvement of risk. The reason is that fraud could happen at any time. There are large numbers of hackers available in the world and they can easily hack the data available on the cloud. This may lead to the leakage of confidential information like income statement and balance sheet of the company (Deegan, 2013). However, leakage of such information may result in a biggest problem for the company. Along with that, competitors might come to know about the financial status of the firm which is threating for the company. Furthermore, fraud happens often if accounting is done using internet because internet is not at all secured. Change in Policy and Regulations: Accounting policies and regulation gets updated every time which create problems for the company to implement them. As it requires proper change management which add extra cost to the company and it is also a time consuming process (Horngren and, 2012). Furthermore, the employees resist for change and in shorter span of time policies and regulations get change which create problem in carrying out the accounting activities in a smoother way. These are some of the issues in accounting which is emerging this year and are faced by the accountant while carrying out functions of accounting. Solving standard accounting problems arising in the modern accounting environment There are several accounting issues arising in the modern standard accounting and they are creating problem for the accountant in carrying out the accounting function in an appropriate manner (Beatty and Liao, 2014). These issues have been listed above and to get rid of those issues, some of the solutions have been described below. By following them, company or accountant can avoid such issues which hinder them in carrying out the functioning of accounting. Some of the solutions have been described as follows: For the first issue which is continuous demand for skilled professionals in accounting field a solution can be suggested. For that, a firm can provide training to other employees who are working infinance department regarding the latest trends of accounting. This will help the company is creating a backup in case a professional leaves the organization due to thigh demand in market (Schroeder, Clark and Cathey, 2011). Hiring other professional for the same post will take some time and during that time, a gap can be filled by temporarily hiring other person on that post. By this, company will not face any issue in carrying out its accounting activities and it will not stop my any means. Second issue arising in modern market is the difference in international accounting standard across countries. This can be avoided by the company by understanding all the international rules and policies of accounting. By this, firm would have complete knowledge of accounting standards of other countries as well and they can provide training to the accountant as well (Sharma and Panigrahi, 2013). This will help the firm in keeping a track over accounts of its branch in other countries as well. This will aid the firm in understanding about the revenue and expenses in a better manner. Third issue is the harmonization of accounting standard and this is getting implemented in every firm at high pace. Therefore, it is necessary for the company to understand this procedure and bring changes in their accounting work in order to stay align with the world (Weygandt and, 2010). Moreover, this will help the company in maintaining the same accounting standard around the globe and due to this difference in accounting standard can also be avoided. Further, to avoid the pressure of investors and other financial analysts, it is better to adopt the harmonization soon because it is beneficial for World Vision in a long run. The fourth issue talks about high dependency on internet. To avoid this issue, company should also maintain manual accounting side by side and for that they can hire intern to carry out manual accounting firm (Weil, Schipper and Francis, 2013). This will not incur high cost as well. By maintaining manual accounting will help the accountant in carry out accounting functions even when internet server is down. This is the most concerned issue because fraud is likely to happen if the company is carrying out its working online. To avoid such risk, company can install firewall on their cloud so that no one can excess unwantedly (May, 2013). Along with that, password should be made using eye retina or face reading so that no one can open except the authorized person. Along with that, company should avoid uploading income statement and balance sheet on cloud instead they should keep a record in books. A firm should remain updated regarding the changing policy and bring into the notice of accountant so that they does not resist regarding the change. Conclusion From the above report, it has been concluded that accounting is the major function which is to be carried out in every organization for keeping a track over its revenue and expenses and to calculate its profit/loss. Therefore, it is important for the firm to stay updated regarding the latest trends and issues emerging in the modern environment. Further, it is also concluded that numerous trends have been emerged and which impacts the most to the organization. Moreover, there are certain issues emerging in accounting world which have been solved by giving appropriate suggestions to the World Vision Company. References Deegan, C., 2013.Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Choi, F.D. and Meek, G.K., 2011.International accounting. Pearson Higher Ed. Weil, R.L., Schipper, K. and Francis, J., 2013.Financial accounting: an introduction to concepts, methods and uses. Cengage Learning. Horngren, C., Harrison, W., Oliver, S., Best, P., Fraser, D. and Tan, R., 2012.Financial accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU. Beatty, A. and Liao, S., 2014. Financial accounting in the banking industry: A review of the empirical literature.Journal of Accounting and Economics,58(2), pp.339-383. Weygandt, J.J., Kimmel, P.D., KIESO, D. and Elias, R.Z., 2010. Accounting principles.Issues in Accounting Education,25(1), pp.179-180. Schroeder, R.G., Clark, M.W. and Cathey, J.M., 2011.Financial accounting theory and analysis: text and cases. John Wiley and Sons. Deegan, C., 2012.Australian financial accounting. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Williams, J., 2014.Financial accounting. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. May, G.O., 2013.Financial accounting. Read Books Ltd. Hoskin, R.E., Fizzell, M.R. and Cherry, D.C., 2014.Financial Accounting: a user perspective. Wiley Global Education. Sharma, A. and Panigrahi, P.K., 2013. A review of financial accounting fraud detection based on data mining techniques.arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.3944. Online 4 Key Accounting Issues. 2017. [Online]. Available Through [Accessed on 15th September, 2017].
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Albert Einstein Essay About Birth Control Example For Students
Albert Einstein Essay About Birth Control What I find most admirable about AlbertEinstein is the way he thought up his theoriesand had the ability to conduct experiments onthem. By doing this, he answered manyquestions of the scientific realm of the world. Some of the traits I admire are:1. A trait I admire is his curiosity because healways wanted to find out how things worked. When he was five years old his father gavehim a compass. It was a mystery to him. Hewanted to know why the arrow alwayspointed north. His father explained magnetismto him, but that explanation didnt make theinvisible power less mysterious. When he wasolder, he learned more about magnets. Heknew that the earths magnetic field made theneedle point north. Since I am also verycurious about how things work, this trait isone that I definitely share with him. Another trait that I admire is that he was afriendly teacher with a sense of humor, andthat is what his students liked about him. In1909 Albert was offered a position as anassociate professor at the University ofZurich. His friendliness and sense of humormade him popular with his students eventhough they thought he was a little strange. How did they think he was strange? Well, onhis first day of class he came dressed inpants that were too short and he had hisnotes on a single scrap of paper. But aftertalking for a few minutes, his students knewthat they had a very special teacher. Hecared about physics and about his students. He enjoyed talking to his students and wouldinterrupt his own work just to help them. Hewas always welcoming questions and ofteninvited his students to a local cafe or hishome to continue classroom discussions Ifound that teachers I had in the past whowere friendly made learning more interesting. Another trait was that he was good at math. Albert didnt care for school. The only subjecthe did like was math because figuring outproblems was easy and fun for him. His uncleintroduced him to algebra when he waseleven years old because he knew Albertenjoyed working with numbers. Albert was sogood at algebra that he was soon ready foran advanced type of math. At twelve years old, Alberts friend, MaxTalmud gave him a book on geometry. Thebook captured his imagination and opened upa whole new world of logic. He consideredgeometry as a kind of miracle, like thecompass. He had no trouble going throughthe book and solving all the problems. Hesoon taught himself the more advanced formof math called calculus. Max then started bringing Albert sciencebooks. Albert had never seen books likethese. They introduced him to topics such aselectricity, gravity, atoms, and stars. Afterlearning about these topics he wanted toknow more. He thought the world was amystery and he wanted to find some answers. I too like math a lot and I also like solvingproblems. 2. I know that Einsteins contributions were ofscientific importance because all of hiscontributions are now used as very importantparts of the scientific realm. He proved thatmolecules existed even though somescientists didnt believe they existed. He wrotea paper on the universe indicating that it hasboundaries, which lead to the beginning ofthe modern science of cosmology, the studyof the beginning and the end of the universe. His special theory of relativity was veryimportant in the nature of space, time, andmatter and how the speed of sound, light, orother such things occur. According to thistheory, the mass and the size of objectschanges when in motion. These changesbecome noticeable as the speed of the objectapproaches the speed of light (186,000 milesper second). E = emailprotected comes from thespecial theory of relativity. .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 , .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 .postImageUrl , .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 , .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136:hover , .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136:visited , .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136:active { border:0!important; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136:active , .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136 .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u09b421e41c55991197967c18a49b8136:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: To Build A Fire (Exposition 10 Paragraphs) EssayOne thing that I think benefited mankind butalso endangered us at the same time is theatomic bomb. E = emailprotected did not lead directly tothe building of the atomic bomb, but theformula did lead scientists to think aboutsplitting the atom. The formula suggested thatsplitting an atom would release a great dealof energy. Einstein was worried that Germanywould harness atomic energy and dropatomic bombs. Because of his fear, Einsteinwrote to president Roosevelt and urged himto buy Uranium from the Belgian Congo. Healso suggested a project to see if a chainreaction was possible. This became knownas the Manhattan Project, and t he first atomicbomb was born. Einstein then became knownas the father of the atomic bomb. The bombbenefited America in World War II againstJapan, because
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