Friday, December 20, 2019
Power Electronics Case Study Solution - 1709 Words
Power Electronics is an electronics manufacturer based in Vermont which specializes in assembling different components into the final product. Components for Power’s electronics are bought from local manufacturers. The customer base of Power’s consists of wholesale, retail, and consumers. Currently at Power Electronics, components are purchased from local manufacturers which have resulted in Power Electronics needing to raise its pricing. If trends keep going how they are currently, Power will soon be priced out of the market. Power Electronics must find a means to cut costs in order to stay viable in today s electronics market. This paper will analyze a few methods to help cut costs. There are a few ways Power Electronics can source†¦show more content†¦This would result in Power Electronics being able to cut the price of the finished product by 20% resulting in Power Electronic’s products become more competitive in today’s market. When dealing with employees and vendors in a foreign market, Power Electronic’s management must take cultural differences into account. A foreign culture often guides holiday times, acceptable time off requirements, behaviors, and other habits in society. In some markets due to national holidays, management may need to procure products in advance because of temporary facility closures. Management can no longer just plan for holidays celebrated in the United States, but they must become globally minded when planning business transactions. Not all nations are as developed as the United States. The lack of development may cause problems for Power Electronic’s management. Management must research the country of interest. For example, some countries have a different communication infrastructure that s not up to par. There are some countries that lack 4g cellular service. Poor cell phone service can result in vendors being less available when away from their places of business. If communication is not as readily available, management must plan ahead and order components earlier. Another issue that can arise from outsourcing mentioned by is time zones. In-house management must clearly specify time zones for product delivery or product manufacture completion dates and times.Show MoreRelated The Paradoxical Twins Essay1608 Words  | 7 PagesThe Paradoxical Twins The Paradoxical Twins case study give an opportunity to evaluate from different angles the organization and structure of a business. Exposure of a complex behavior to different environments, circumstances, personal social relationships, the two companies Acme Omega electronics considered on this case study used to have the same organizational structure, under different management. 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